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Just started 6 weeks ago!!

HI everyone !! 
I just started doing cardio workouts about 6 weeks ago (with one week in the middle break). It seems that as I have started to work out I have gained all the weight back that I had lost. My friend said it was muscle gain but my doctor thinks it water weight. I'm not on medications other than a women's vitamin, iron, and an allergy tablet. I's drinking 50.7 to 64 fl oz a day with some days as more. I just started to watch my food intake by adding it to my calorie counter but I have been watching what I eat without that anyhow. I've all but given up sweets; I have every so often but not much as I used to. I also rarely drink soda despite being in a family that is obsessed with coke and cherry vanilla coke. I just got my hubby to switch to Snapple.

I am also using a sweat belt to boost my sweating to burn more fat off. I'm doing a 30 minute cardio video and a 10 minute barre inspired abs work out. 

So anyway Hi all !!! 

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I agree with your friend... you're doing all the right things to lose weight, but if you are putting weight on rather than losing it, then it definitely could be muscles (which are, apparently, heavier than fat) - my hubby is well known for saying that many rugby players are considered obese by their BMI but it's all muscle weight or something. 


Have another word with your doc about how to fix the water retention, just in case it is that?  What's your diet like?  I've got no idea how many ml you are drinking, but maybe try and aim for the equivalent of 2 litres a day in case your body is dehydrated and holding on to every drop of liquid you give it? 


Also, try eating a banana literally just before (as in when you are on your way to get your weights or putting your yoga mat on the floor or whatever) you start each workout to give you more energy while you're doing it?


Log literally everything that passes your lips so that you get a better idea of what you need to increase/decrease each day too?  It's frustrating to start with but sooo worth it if you lose 10kg in 8 months like me  😉

Amanda - a Fitbit Inspire user since 29th September 2019
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I'm drinking about 1.89 liters a day according to my converter calculator! I can easily add another 16 ounce to make it over 2 liters. 

As far as food I'm eating various foods. I love fruits and veggies - when we have them in the house. Right now my 8 and 2 year old are eating up the good stuff pretty quickly but I'm grabbing them while I can. I'm growing lettuce in the garden and waiting on my tomato plants to get some fresh off the vine but we do can tomatoes. We make various different home made foods so I've been working on portion sizes. That's a big deal for me. I know I'm not eating the proper portions of foods so I have been putting everything in the calorie counter to trick my brain that it is enough. So far the break down is equaled out for the 3 main groups; fats, protein, and carbs. I have 0 desire to remove carbs fully from my diet but have been watching my fat, sodium, and sugars like a hawk. We've switched from white bread to Italian bread as I've read labels and it is way more healthier to eat but I do sneak in my 27 grain bread everyday. I am also trying to boost by drinking 1 slimfast shake a day with 1% or 2% milk. I used to drink skim but the doctor recommended the 2% not the skim for my dietary needs. I've been eating more tuna and trying to fit in lower fat cheeses. Another weakness but I have slowed down my cheese with tiny bites and such. I also started adding in whole grain rice and pasta for me while my family isn't paying attention. I have a picky food person and wheat pasta is not something my husband likes so I am lowering my portions so I can offset the pasta issue. I do love pasta but it holds some struggles. My calorie intake is usually 400 to 800 calories less than what I am burning and I am working my best to get down to an 1800 calorie diet from my 2000 calories. I know not much of a change but it should  help. Saturday was pretty rough so I declared that my cheat day and got back on track Sunday to make up for Saturday. I'm trying to make it a goal that if I have a sweet item it's only once a week. 


I'm also taking 2 green tea tablets every morning to help boost my fat burn as well now that I'm thinking of it. I will also try the banana trick if the kiddo hasn't ate them all. 

TIA! ❤️


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Thank you so much for converting your liquid intake for me!  Which Fitbit are you using and how are you recording everything please?  I'm using the Inspire and the Windows 10 app so can only suggest things on those unfortunately.


I know 16 ounces may not sound like a lot, but it could be really worth it to get at least 2 litres of water into your body every day... I know from experience how much better I feel since I've made that a regular habit for myself.


It's great that your little ones are loving their fruits and veggies... definitely try and add more to your next grocery shop so that you don't have to fight over them  😉  It seems to me that fruits and veggies aren't that calorie rich though, and I've heard that if you don't get enough calories then your body converts energy into fat so that it can keep you warm or something?  Eating loads of the fresh stuff is great, but you need rice and pasta and grains and good fats and stuff every day too, and don't forget those sweet treats as well - one take away or pud or whatever a week, that turns your graph red is totally OK as long as it's only once a week and you're on or below target the rest of the week.


What is your steps count like?  I struggled to hit my minimum target every day, but I'm totally smashing it 98% of the time now, thanks to my Fitbit prompting me to walk around the back yard for 15 minutes an hour and slowly increasing the distance I walk our dog every day.  We're both cream crackered now after our weekly "marathon Monday" walks today and the preparation we did yesterday 'cos I've been socially isolating for the last 2 weeks... is there anything like that you can do?  Start really really slowly and ever so gradually build up what you do.

Amanda - a Fitbit Inspire user since 29th September 2019
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I'm using the inspire HR... my dad recommended it  to me as he has one as well even tho the man logs 60k a freaking day (jealous a bit not going to lie!) and an android/my lap top app to track things. 

I do eat a lot of everything else other than fruits and veggies !! I love meat like you have no idea meat is a best friend. I try for skinless boneless as often as I can and try to make sure fats are low. We actually buy half cows from a local butcher so we can make sure of the leanness and such. I recently tried chicken sausages. Which by the way are delicious... Recommend the Adagio and Spinich ones highly !! 

My step count goal is 7500 a day - I had to lower that because I found that 10k was unrealistic for me at the moment since I have planterfasciatus or however you spell it in both of my feet. I just means that the arches aren't nice to me and cause me pain. My doctor said to keep working at this level and then gradually increase the steps as I drop the weight. My goal is to be at 171 just on the obese and overweight level and that's 133 pounds at the moment. He said once a drop 20 or so I should start to feel my feet not to hurt so much. I am getting 6k+ daily other than Sundays which I am not as active on my rest days. I have also gotten a few 8k, 10k and even on 15k steps in here and there. On a good day where I am busy I am 98% of my goal as well. I also have my fit bit set to have the 200 steps an hour thing too and somedays I just don't make them. I'm averaging a week 5.5 to 6 out of 12 hours a day so that needs work. I also am going to try those solo challenges to see if I can beat any of my goals. I also try to do a walk around the block but it's been so hot out! I also have been trying to "jog" to get my steps in every time my husband goes out for a ciggy break. I'll have him push me more to make sure I do go out and do that. 

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Its not Muscle. It takes a lot for women to add Muscle


Are you tracking your food on some journal here or else where?


Are you weighing your food?


Most people do not know what a serving size is so both of the above are very important.

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Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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@TheCemeteryMom2 Most studies show that when people start a new exercise program they usually eat more and DON'T lose weight.  Also if you google I doubt you will find anything that says being hot sweaty and uncomfortable will help you at all in losing weight.  Getting cold does help though.  It would be a lot easier for you to lose weight if you threw out all that bread and pasta.  All flour and sugar.    Babies need milk most adults don't.  You can make pasta like dishes with vegetables.  Eat spaghetti squash ?

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I was obese when I came out of hospital and it's taken me just over 17 years to very slowly get down into the ideal weight range for my height but the majority has come off since September when I got my Fitbit... I've lost 10kg since then alone so don't give up, just take things very very slowly. 


I started out struggling to get to the 2500 minimum steps but I'm usually 10 times more than that most days now at at least 25k.  I've missed that once in the last 7 days but that was because I was at the doctors and too cream crackered to keep walking after that. 


Don't give up, just keep on pushing yourself.  I was the same with the hourly steps originally, but now my aim is to go into the back yard every hour and walk for 15 minutes which usually gets my steps to over 1000 an hour, but I've only been doing that for a couple of weeks... maybe you could try that?  A trip round the block every hour or laps of your yard or even laps of your house to start with?  Aim to increase it by one blob a week until you're at the full 12 hours?  It's a great feeling when the semi-circle turns green and the blobs turn pinky-purple each hour!  Maybe aim to hit 6 blobs a day for the rest of this week?


Sorry, just done this hours lengths... I started at 6 minutes past so I did lengths until 25 minutes past so managed to get an extra 4 minutes worth of lengths in because I didn't start a minute earlier so started doing the lenghts but didn't start timing until my watch hit 10 minutes past lol


Where was I?


How many rest days do you have a week?  I don't have any full rest days, but I allow myself a few hourly blobs off if I'm particularly exhausted (like I was when I went to the doctor).  Build up slowly, but aim to hit your steps goal every day eventually.


You can do it, just take things very slowly and gradually, just keep pushing yourself each time and you'll get there eventually!

Amanda - a Fitbit Inspire user since 29th September 2019
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Yes, I weigh my food. I measure out cups half cups etc. 

Milk is a must for me, my family has a history of brittle bones and the doctor recommended calcium. I am working very close with my doctor to prevent a lot of the family history we have. 

I did work on the 250+ step goal today and so far hit every one of the hours (it's 630 here). Thanks for the tips I will keep chugging away. I know I can do this I was on a weight loss group when I was a teen and know all the food portion and such from the group. The program worked very well for me and I ended up losing 16 pounds to get where I needed to then had to quit because I was just too busy to make it to the meetings. My mom worked really hard and lost 80 pounds and hasn't looked back so I know it can be done. We also ate pasta so we know that we can keep the pasta in the diet. 

Not a big fan of spaghetti squash one bit. We have tried the lentil spaghetti and it takes ok but is very sticky which we dislike. We've been trying different foods in our house to get healthier.

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WTG on getting all those blobs yesterday, @TheCemeteryMom2 - keep going and push yourself especially on the inevitable hard days!

Amanda - a Fitbit Inspire user since 29th September 2019
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@TheCemeteryMom2   Have you had your blood tested for vitamin D level?  Calcium or bone building drugs will not help if your Vitamin D level is too low.  Mine tested low even though I was taking D supplement every day and a bone building drug.  I stopped taking the bone drug.   Now I take 2000 units a day Vit D and my bones are good again.  But some of my favorite treats are fat free diary which has more calcium than full fat versions. ( There isn't any calcium in the fat part.)   Fat free plain Greek Yogurt  3/4 cup is 187 mg of calcium and with 3/4 cup of frozen blueberries is one of my favorite things for a total of 142 calories.  Just as good as ice cream I swear.   I substitute the yogurt for sour cream and put it on omelets too.  You don't have to feel guilty for having a slice of cheese on your sandwich either since your doctor wants you to eat diary.  Good for you.  

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Welcome to the Community forums @TheCemeteryMom2


I think the key is to be patient and consistent, you've done a lot of great changes already and I would say your body is starting to adjust to your new diet and life style, but it's great that you're checking this a doctor as well. 


Sometimes we read things online that can certainly help us to reach our goals a lot faster, but it's important to be patient and see how out bodies react to it. I tried so many diets before I found the right one that eventually helped me to loose all the extra weight (I have a very slow metabolism). 


Always keep a positive attitude! And make sure to let us know about your progress here in the forums 😎

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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Thanks everyone !! 

Still chugging away. 

@Glendamy doctor has been running panels on me for the last 6 months. He has been treating me for sleep problems and has tested everything under the sun. I recently was tested and they found that my iron levels were really low so I now take iron tablets. Since I started that my energy and sleep patterns are amazing. To answer your question tho no issues with my vitamin d levels. September is my 6 month check in so we shall see.


I've started to weigh myself every few days and found today that I am back to my weight from 6 weeks ago! So that is promising. I also noticed a fat pouch on my left leg has gone down a little. I was just in a wedding last month and a size 22 dress, my other friend is getting married and we try on our dresses for hers here the 25th so we shall see if I've gone down since our last measure at the beginning oft he year. I'm really thinking of working on measuring myself to keep the focus off of my weight. Might boost the feels. 

I will be keeping folks up to date here and on my blog so stay tuned. 

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No problem @TheCemeteryMom2! We'll stay tuned. 😎 

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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You may want to watch you salt intake. When I started tracking my food (with no cheating) I notice my sodium intake was to high. I am now using the app to log everything I eat, drink and every move. I am now down 33 pounds with around 50 to go. Make sure you are only weighing yourself once a week at the same time. Then you get a real measurement of your weight. I found if I weighed more often it would effect my eating habits. If I was down, i could have a cheat day, if I was up oh well I already blew this week, I should have a cheat day. It is those crazy things we do to our self. Someone told me remember food is just fuel. They were skinny of course, but it has changed my thinking about food. 


I hope this helps and you can do it 1/4 pound at a time. 


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@GrandmaTerri  Your explanation of a good reason for weighing only once a week is excellent.   For you & maybe lots of others that may be the best plan.   But lots of studies show that people who weigh the most often usually weigh less.   I weigh several times each morning until I start eating.  I have to insist that my daughter weigh every few months.  

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@GrandmaTerri  I do watch my salt intake or at least try to as close as possible. 

I have been measuring myself to see where I am shaping up to off set weighing myself everyday and I've lost an inch on my arms, 1 3/4 in on my hips, and 1 1/2 in on my waist. I'm at 280 lbs finally and am working to get down to 278 for July seems fair to try for 2 lbs a month as a minimal goal. I also started to track my Body fat through a which is the navy calculator for BMI from those measurements. From 7/3 to 7/7 (I was curious my measure days are Sunday officially) I've dropped down 6.5% Body fat according to the calculator. This is assuming I can trust the calculator and my measurements. I am going to have hubby measure me on the Sunday's I am doing to make it more fair. 


I had to adjust the hours in a day that I am busy from 12 to 10 hours. I found that my feet start to hurt after 7pm of constant movement so until I am a but more fit with that I am lowering it. I also am adding arm focus and core focus for 20 mins on my "Rest" days (T/Th) and Saturday and Sundays are true rest days. M,W, F are HIIT and cardio days.

Small steps. 

Happy Tuesday!


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@TheCemeteryMom2   I'm sorry you have plantar fasciitis.  I think that would drive me nuts.  It seems so contradictory.  You can't stand too long, or sit too long.  It may bother you more after exercise than while exercising.    And just after you wake up.  Google does have some stretches that might be a help....or not.   We can always be grateful we don't have worse problems though of course.  Best wishes.

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Great @TheCemeteryMom2! Congratulations for progress you've made so far, small steps and consistency are very important. 😀 



Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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Water intake can lead to the building of lean muscle which will help your resting metabolism. For mom bodies especially, It is here that it is the best suited to mothers and their bodies.    that different strategies would work for them. For myself also, I was on pill plus drinking litres of water to balance myself as I felt my appetite decreases after chugging water.  

I do go by facts. Surya Namaskar also helped me to shed some pounds. I can now fit in my old dresses and it feels a relief. Brewed coffee over green tea helped me too.

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