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Just wondering if there are any older women trying the Fitbit, I am 70 and just started.

Looking to see if anyone else my age is trying the fitbit to lose weight, I am 70 but I do workout with a personal trainer and take Yoga.
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 It is something I will look into, thanks. What is green sheets?

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I reach my goal most days but if I don't I try to do it the next day.
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I've been gaining weight lately at an alarming rate.  I think it is because I have fallen into a habit of eating constantly all day.  It may not seem much of a goal but today I'm going to try to just eat 3 meals and vitamins,   And lately I've been eating anything I wanted, except I always have eaten the lowest calorie version of everything.  I need to go back to avoiding sugar and flour; (all the food that has flour in it) and candy, for heavens sakes!   Don't we all expect instant results?    Mothers day lunch doesn't count though.  I'm going to have only 6 ounces of wine a day.  That could be counted as a sugar probably?   Anyone have a suggestion that will improve my chance of success or want to join me? .................. Lots less high calorie almonds...

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I will add you as a Friend.

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I am 79 trying to get back in shape after medical set backs.

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Sure, I have been a member of fitfit for about 4 years. I am 70 and it does
help me. However, fitbit does not really record at all if you bicycle or
walk while pushing a baby stroller . On the other hand it's the exercise
that counts right?


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Marilyn, Put your fitbit on your shoe.

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There are many of us here.  Just take it one step at a time.
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I’m also an older women trying to get fit. I’ve recently started walking after several years of being very limited in my ability to walk.

Sent from my iPhone Cyndi
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I'm 80 this month and a joint specialist doctor gave me 3 pages of exercises to do.  I finally included the laying down bunch by doing them on my bed.  Doing only 5 reps is much better than the old instructions that seemed to always say 10. And he said to ride my bike 10 minutes which is also doable.   I've learned that a BIT of exercise and just restraint of eating food you know is bad, can be quite effective.  My hip joints went from being painful if I walked to my mail box and back to being ok again.  I still like the standing and sitting exercises better.   You don't really have to follow someone else's diet or do a LOT of exercise to become stronger and more mobile.  I put an almost whole coffee cake into the garbage disposal.  (It wasn't that good anyway).  It is best to diet while you are in the grocery store.  Don't buy junk.  Right?  I walked on my treadmill 17 minutes yesterday and I'm going to try for a bit more today.  When I was on crutches and sitting on the couch all day I only used 900 calories a day.  You can't afford many M & M peanuts at that level without gaining weight ...which I did.  (I'm short)

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Well done! Keep up the good work 💐--


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You're on the right track. I'm also trying to increase activity and reducing my caloric intake. I ope this will assist in losing weight and becoming more mobile. I've also had a hip replacement and a knee replacement which put me on the sidelines for quite awhile. Getting more mobile has helped.

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I have back problems but being on vacation didn't help despite getting in a lot of steps.  The food was too good.  Back to square one today.  Exercise does help.

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Way to go !!!

Get Outlook for Android<>
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It's cool that you play sports. My mom at 50 also started doing sports and I am very happy for her. It all started with the fact that she wanted to lose weight in her legs. I had the same problem and we started working together on the recommendations of . She has a clear result and I do too. Now we spend a lot of time doing sports together and it's so cool

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thanks 🙂


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Hi Glenda-

I just wanted to let you know that, at 80, you are an inspiration to me.  I'm going to be 70 and feeling it!  


You are so right, doing SOMETHING is better than doing nothing.  I have PT for my knees and rotator cuff that I need to be doing.  I will start again today! 


Keep up the good work!



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Hi Wannaretire,  I started to exercise this morning but gave up to get organized.  I now have a sheet of drawings of 5 standing exercises and 7 laying down exercises I'm going to start doing in addition to my 10 minutes of bike.  I traced the little pictures from a sheet the doctor gave me that wasn't very good.  You can probably google and see them,  the standing are high steps, lifting foot out to side, & out to back,  wall sliding, and a stretch by standing a foot from wall, crossing the outside foot toward wall and leaning hip to touch wall.    The laying down ones are bridges lifting buttocks and lifting whole trunk off floor, bridge with a knee to chest. on side with knees bent lift a knee  and lift a let up.  On back one knee bent lift other leg up knee straight,  This would not take more than 10 minutes except you are supposed to hold those positions at least 5 seconds.  Now that I'm organized about what I'm doing I could probably time it.  when you know how little time something takes it is easier to decide to do it    I have a clock in my bathroom.  I thought a bath took me 11 minutes but my last bath only took 6. minutes.   But I didn't fill the tub as much.  I have a wound on my leg 5 inches iff the floor I didn't want in the water

        My diet has been so poor I'm going to try to remember to drink a protein drink when I'm just having a pastry or other bad carb.  I really need to do better and lose 10 pounds!!!!  Ugh    

      I saw my X-rays at the doctor's yesterday.  You can google what a hip joint is supposed to look like and it is neat and tidy with no extra scribbles around it like I had,  Maybe the exercises he gave me are suppose to help that???   I might do some later if I get inspired but at the moment I'm already tired at 8 AM.  LOL  My yard crew is already here half finished cutting my grass.  It has been so hot here, now is probably the only reasonable time to cut grass.  The sun isn't even out  But have you noticed it stays daylight I think past 8:30 PM !!  And it could be hotter in August???

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I know the feeling but exercise does help. I keep trying and maybe someday I'll get better at it. We do what we have to o. You can exercise in intervals. Try doing that to see if it helps with the tiredness.Hope this is helpful.

Cynthia Myers
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I did all the standing exercises this morning,  I'm going to do the laying down ones tonight,  I had to do laundry and ironing and wine buying today.  I'm going to go read my book for 10 min on my  bike next.  

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