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Just wondering if there are any older women trying the Fitbit, I am 70 and just started.

Looking to see if anyone else my age is trying the fitbit to lose weight, I am 70 but I do workout with a personal trainer and take Yoga.
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In Sept of 2020 Snowis suggested we all take "before" pictures.  You can really see the difference then of any weight loss progress.   I think I'll take a picture because it will be motivating for me.   It is supposed to be much more effective than just looking in a mirror. 

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I would like to feel empty, instead of stuffed,  But my next thought was about what I could eat next.  I'm really going to stop munching all day,  Making a decision changes your life they say.  I'm making a decision.  I'm gong to feel empty before I eat anything.  I'm going to lose 10 pounds,  

          If you reduce the number of calories you eat you don't need as much water to process food so you emanate some water.  The first 5 pounds is easy.  

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In my opinion you are not going about this the correct way.
Dont count/reduce calories. Do some time restricted eating. ie eat 12 hours
a day and fast 12 hours a day ( to begin. You'll try to get to 16 hours in
the future)
When you eat , eat whole foods as opposed to processed food.
Eat till you feel full at your meal and then do not eat anything for at
least 3 hours. Till your next meal.
drink water
Hope this is helpful to you.



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I'm drinking wine at 9:10 PM  I probably never eat anything in the mornings  until late.    I agree meals are better than snacks.

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I used to never eat breakfast but in recent years I've eaten breakfast every morning and found that I don't have the munchies all day long. I guess my mother was correct when she said breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

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I always eat breakfast. I am always hungry in the morning. I always have 1 poached egg and 1 slice of whole grain toast and of course my energy drink, that I have been drinking for 12 years. Its made by Genuine Health and its Extra Energy Greens. I love it.
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New to this and looking for friends, I'm 53! How to go about that?

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I am 70 and losing weight with ease. The key is to fix your diet. The
exercise is to keep you healthy. In fact I have a broken foot and have not
been able to do much except hobbe around and ride a stationary bike now and
then for about the last 8 weeks but have lost 7 lbs in that time.
I am also now near my goal weight and my BMI is at 23 looking to be 21.. Of
course everyone responds well to different ways of eating. My huge win is
putting all sugar below the line and doing TRE ( time restricted eating)
usually 16/8 sometimes 18/6 I've done Keto for years but recently heard
it's not so healthy as far as longevity goes so I have switched , with
great trepidation to leafy greens , fruits! grains- OMG! Ihad not had any
of those in years as well as some seeds and nuts, etc and I'm loving it
,and the weight is coming off . I also feel great so I am not complaining 🙂
If I can assist in any way just ask!



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Hello Helena,

I wrote a long response and then saw I could not answer from there so here I go again.

I am 70 have had my Fitbit for years and I find it motivating. However to loose weight you need to fix your diet ( whatever it is- ketosis, vegan etc etc) Exercise will keep you healthy and Yoga is great and along with your steps you are on the right track to health.

I lost 25 lbs 3 years ago and have kept it off however my BMI is 23 and I would like it to be closer to . In the last month I have lost 7 lbs with a broken foot i.e. I could not really work out or walk (only hobbling around) When I lost the 25 lb I essentially did a keto diet but over the last few months I have heard that all that meat is not healthy if I want to also have longevity so in the last 4-5 weeks I have switched over to more or less a vegan way of eating with a drop of herring or similar 1-2 a Month. You can't imagine how scary it was for me to add whole grains had not had those for years and fruit!! Its mainly leafy greens and legumes- beans, some seeds and nuts, olive oil and avocados etc for me. Im not concerned about protein from meat as there are plenty in legumes and vegetables and fruits. I feel great and am not craving anything. 

My secret weapons are no sugar at all and Time restricted eating 16/8 usually





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I am 78, and trying to get back down to about 130 - 135 lbs.  I started this at 162, and I'm now down to 149, but there have been a lot of stops and starts on the way.  Now, I am getting serious.  I had a very severe case of Covid in February of 2021 (in hospital for 5 weeks, rehab for 1 week, and in the beginning, intubated for 5 days), and still have not fully recovered.  Mostly my breathing, the physical strength has come back fairly well.  I slipped on some ice in December 2021, and really messed up my back, and breathing again.  I started PT and that has helped tremendously.  Those sessions ended at the end of August, so I now have joined a Gym and I try to work out there 3 times a week, and on the off days, I do some exercising here at home.  I do have a personal training session once a week.  He's going very slow with me because of the Covid, and my age.  Sunday is my one day that is free of exercises.  I figure I deserved one day a week off.  Has anyone else reached any goals?  My next goal is to be down to 149.0 by Sunday 10/2.  Is there some way we could all be accountable to each other here?  This group has already started, and I think we could just continue on with it.



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Hi Fitbit community, I'm 72 and new to Fitbit a/o January 2022. 
When my Fitbit arrived I weighed 156 and by July I reached my goal of 135. Compared to previous weight loss adventures/struggles/challenges, this was so much easier. I've been blessed with great health and am fairly active so I didn't need to eliminate anything - rather I added movement, by way of walking 250+ steps/hr.
I can't blame the pandemic for my add'l weight, as I'd been weighing a consistent 155+ for years. Covid simply gave me an ironclad excuse and more company in an over-crowded boat ((^_^)).  My motivation was clothes were uncomfortable and I'm too proud & stingy to go out and buy bigger.

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PS I've been able to maintain my weight loss by continuing to count calories, 1485 calories to maintain weight on my 5'5" frame. That's it. I have a remote job that requires being attached to a computer for long stretches as a time. My Fitbit reminds me hourly to get up and move. I think this is the single best thing I enjoy about my Fitbit. For the 1st time since I was 9, I am pretty much worry-free and can enjoy getting out and not having to worry about what to wear! Good luck & God bless everyone on your journeys.

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Hi Kayne. Your post is inspirational! You have put so much effort into recovering and I applaud you. I don't visit here often and am enjoying catching up on the posts. I'm reading a lot of encouragement and support at a time when there's so much challenge and uncertainty...makes weight loss seem less threating because it's one area of our lives most of us have control over. Did you meet your 10/2 goal of being down to 149?

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Thank you for your kind words.  They give the strength to stay with the program.  No, I didn't reach the goal of less than 149 lbs, but October was a disaster for me in all aspects.  I'm still trying to catch up with everything that I let slide.  Nothing major to other people, but for me, it was a miserable month, just a lot of personal problems.  Getting your message gave the kick in the *&^87  that I needed to snap out of it, and start again!  Thank you again.

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I have joined another group on this site called "NOtable NOvember Step Challenge and Scavenger Hunt" under "get moving".  The name changes each month, rather obviously, but it is always the same idea and it has a lot of participation.  It's very flexible and can be adapted to everyone's needs.  It is also interesting, since the participants are encouraged to take photos of odd things during the month.  I'm not as faithful as I should be, but I keep trying.  I just started posting for November but will probably not be able to enter any photos, since I live in the boonies, and do not have any unusual signs about what not to do.  But it can be interesting, and I would encourage anyone to check it out!


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I turned 70 in October and I am trying to lose the same 20 pounds that I've lost and gained at least 5 times in my lifetime.   I'm a little frustrated right now because after a quick 5 pound loss I have platued.  Also my doctor put me on prednisone for a chronic cough and I think the prednisone is making me retain water.  I have been walking 5 miles a day and logging everything I eat.  The weight isn't coming off like it used to but I'm not giving up.  This community should help keep me motivated.

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Hi I’m just turning 71 next wk yuk lol.I’m trying to lose 15 lbs. not to
sucesful.I’ve started doing a 35 minute utube improved health for seniors.
I uve it. I’m a big eater and a snack at night eater lol
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Hi and good luck! I relate to much of what you shared. I'm 72 and got my Fitbit (Inspire 2) last January 2022. I started slowly (156lbs) by walking 250 steps every hour and cutting calories back to 1200/day. By July I reached 135 and concentrated on maintaining the 20 lb difference. I've slacked off and eaten pretty much whatever I want to w/o counting calories, tho' I DO track my daily weight, just to see what my body wants to do, while still maintaining the hrly 250 steps as my primary exercise. I have a 28 hr/wk job which keeps me sitting down in front of a computer from M-Th but remain fairly active, volunteering otherwise. Please stay strong and keep us posted! Happy 2023!!


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Hi Cuddlestwo,

Happy New Year and good luck with your shedding 15 lbs. That's a very do-able amount. I'm happy to hear you've found a youtube helper that you love, that's a huge motivator in losing the weight. I too am a snack at night eater, 8 oz red wine and popcorn is my go-to temptress. My secret - COUNT AND TRACK CALORIES, ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. That's my simple success story.  Keep us posted and let us know how you're doing ((^_^)).

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Thank u so much.

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