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Lets talk WEEKENDS

Hi all!! 


I've been doing really well recently, consistenly.. which is shocking for me. I'm starting to see results and praying that I don't lose this motivation (wherever it came from) and give up on myself. 


Anyways, posting on here seems to be helping so here is one of my many concerns. I have a huge binging problem on the weekends. I'll allow myself to have whatever I want simply because "its saturday" I know I need to stop doing this, but there is so much eating out/drinking on the weekends that it becomes really difficult. I'm 23, so my friends are still really into the bar scene, I try to avoid it as much as possible but when it happens.. its bad! 


Any tips?? please help 🙂 

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Yo! That is a big problem and sometimes its difficult to lay off the calories at the weekend. Keep yourself busy, whether its walking, jogging or other activity its important to keep moving and avoid the snack stops. Keep an eye on the scales and you can get encouragement from the slowly lowering figure. I know its slow but one day just try very very little for your meals and it will all be worthwhile.

Keep moving


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Congrats kate-bee. Keep up the good work.


Going out on weekends is a challenge especially with friends. I've always told my friends when I am on a health kick and asked them to watch out for me when I go out and not let me get carried away. They've been supportive that way....maybe a little too much sometimes. Smiley Wink


When heading to the bar - some tips to drop the calorie count:

  • Ask for soda water instead of juice or regular soda in mixed drinks
  • Ask for the drink in a tall or large glass. It will take you longer to drink it so you might drink less drinks.
  • Wine is typically your best bet for calories to volume ratio
  • Liqueurs are typically the worst for calories

I switched from being a beer drinker to a wine or martini drinker and I think that has helped me over the longer term.


I'm fairly new to fitbit but I am being diligent about entering in the calories consumed as soon as I eat them helps. I can see right away how many calories are coming in and I can slow down right away or go for a walk to give me some more "free" calories.

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I have learned a few different suggestions-I don't find it very easy either.


Suggest every once in awhile to do a girl's night or a house gathering-you can get lighter drink options and healthier snacks.


Volunteer to be the DD-that way you won't be drinking.


Prepare for the night-eat a light breakfast and a light lunch if you know you are going to over indulge in the night.

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I have made some new friends.  How do I message them or talk to them?  I have no idea how to communicate with my new friends.  😞

Barbara Rooney
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Perhaps log the food that you plan to eat in advance and make sure that it fits with your daily goal. Plan is the operative word here, since it sounds like perhaps you've been going out on the weekends without one. Decide in advance of the outing that you will have 2 drinks and then switch to water and that you will order such-and-such dish for 600 calories and ask for a to-go container when you order and divide it in half upon arrival. Take the other half home for lunch/dinner the next day. This way, if you have a plan that you have set in stone in advance, it might be easier to stick to your guns in the moment.

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Instead of the bar scene, a lot of things Gym Friends can do if the fitness center opens up their schedules to your liking. Cycling, Dance Classes, Let's Get Together and Run A Park. It's less costly. Alcohol and bad foods take a toll on your body.

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For every beer I drink, I have a glass of water in between. At the very least it slows down my drinking 🙂

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There's also party hardy or addicted people that need to avoid it. I was there 2 years ago and 80 pounds higher. Cold turkey the day I quit.

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You're right alcohol can become an addiction.  It definitely can add the pounds too!  There is nothing really of health value the doctors prescribe, "drink a 12 pack and get back to me." lol.  Everything in moderation but for some people it is better not to touch the stuff or like trigger foods.  If you eat a reeses pieces, you eat the whole bag?  Stay away from triggers!  I am so proud of your ability to quit cold turkey.  I did that with smoking 30 years ago this month!  You did what you needed to do!

Barbara Rooney
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Kate Bee~


I was your age once and I know how hard it is not to drink or eat like everyone else!  I have a few tips you can try if you want so you can still go out and not lose out on the fun.  First of all learn that water is your best friend!  Not only when you go out partying but when you're at home or when you're hanging out with your friends and or family.  Just tell people that that you're so thirsty and you cannot get enough water!  If you're at the bar just say eh I'm just so thirsty for water and I am just as fun without drinking.  Just act as goofy as they are.  Trust me after a few times of saying that they won't care.  They'll love you if you offer to be the designated driver!


As far as the binge eater and on the weekends or anytime, try eating 6 small meals a day or 3 meals and two or three snacks a day.  It is the best way to break bing eating and plus not get so hungry.  Try and eat healthier foods if possible.  Log your foods if you really want to get serious about this.  There is nothing more than seeing how much you each than seeing it on your computer on your Fitbit log!  If you insist on eating your junk food, take your weight and height and figure and your stature (big boned/small boned/tall/short/petite etc) and figure out the ideal/healthy weight for your height and stature and use that as a goal.  Eat your yummy foods but the calories will go fast so your day will go quickly.  You could eat healthy and add one or two of your foods.  I would suggest in trying to stay away from your "trigger" foods that lead to your binging.  You can mess around with that.  It takes some work and changing habits but I know you can do it.


You say you like interacting with the community.  That is great!  Get involved with topics/threads that interest you.  Ask questions, offer tips if you have them.  Keep your Fitbit logging consistent, use your Fitbit device/keep it on except for showering, and sync it as often as you want.  Don't look at the scale every minute of the day.  Water weight will flucuate throughout the day.  At the most, weigh once in the morning when you get up.


Try not to focus on the food, except having a food plan, plan your day as far as how you're going to get your Fitbit goals met, and be excited on seeing those numbers soar!  It is 7:15 p.m. here in Nebraska and I have my goals met but I want to push myself so I am going to go do some more stairs.


Don't let some goofy knuckleheads give you bad or unrealistic advice.  Take the advice that makes sense to you and that encourages and motivates you.


You can break habits and create new ones.  It takes action, positive thinking, and follow through.  YOU WILL SUCCEED!


Good luck,


Barbara 🙂

Barbara Rooney
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