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Looking for Weight Loss Buddies/Support!


I'm new to Fitbit and very seriously trying to lose some weight, I have at least 100 pounds to lose.

My boyfriend has been very supportive to me and is dieting/exercising as well but I definitely need an outside weight loss buddy.


Let's do this together, guys! 😄

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I would like to be a motivational buddy as well; how do we connect?

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@mom2girla wrote:

HI! First I want to say congratulations on taking steps to be healthier for you! A friend once told me (when I was lamenting about my weight) that I wasn't going to see real change until I decided to do it for myself. She was right! Like many others, I have been on the up and down roller coaster of weight gain, loss and regain, tried many types of diets, and have struggled with motivation to exercise. I am doing much better now, because of a new mantra -"Healthy me!" It must be healthy for me or I won't eat it/do it.  A big motivator for me came from watching my younger sister ignore her health problems and wind up with a stroke, heart problems and being forced to cut work to part time. She told me that all the things that she did for everyone else instead of herself for years really didn't matter in the long run, since she is now dealing with the result of not taking care of herself. "Bam" it hit me in the head that getting healthier can't start too soon for any of us! I got my Fitbit on March 29 and find it motivates me a lot, but I need more friends to keep me challenged and motivated. I would love to be a buddy to you if you want!

   I also want to tell you about a plan I started that is healthy and gives results - the Fast Metabolism Diet. I found it by researching the healthiest diets out there, because I don't want to just lose weight to gain it back (been there done that too many times!) I want to get healthier while losing it. This plan is not a fad diet, it is based on real science, real food and lots of it!  Our metabolism gets broken when we diet too much, so you have to eat enough food and support your organs to heal the metabolism. This means you eat a lot of healthy foods and avoid everything that is toxic to your body, which takes a lot of label reading and commitment. But if you are serious about getting healthier and losing weight at the same time, you might want to check it our. There is a website and lots of reviews on it, author is Halie Pomroy. 

  If you want to buddy up on Fitbit, that would be great, if you wnat know more about the FMD, let me know and I will be glad to help on that as well. My diet suggestion is working for me, it may not for you. Whatever you do in your journey, I wish you luck!

@Calliefornia13 wrote:

I'm new to Fitbit and very seriously trying to lose some weight, I have at least 100 pounds to lose.

My boyfriend has been very supportive to me and is dieting/exercising as well but I definitely need an outside weight loss buddy.


Let's do this together, guys! 😄

@Calliefornia13 wrote:

I'm new to Fitbit and very seriously trying to lose some weight, I have at least 100 pounds to lose.

My boyfriend has been very supportive to me and is dieting/exercising as well but I definitely need an outside weight loss buddy.


Let's do this together, guys! 😄

I sent you a friend request. Lets encourage each other!

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@iloveworkingout wrote:

I know when I started I thought it would be way too hard.  But if we bite this off a little at a time we can be successful.


The way I use to eat and take care of myself was awful.  Today I really know in my heart of hearts that anyone can accomplish this goal.  It just doesn't happen overnight.


Wise words! I couldn't agree more! I have to keep reminding myself that it is okay to do things to take care of my health. For years I have put everyone and everything before my health, and I want to reverse that pattern before I have any serious consequences!! Keep up the good work and motivational posts!

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Thanks! I certainly need all the inspiration I can get. I have become frustrated, lost 2.5 lbs last week, weighed this morning and back up 2lbs.  Don't know what to do...
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Feel free to add me! I'm in the same boat: My wife is very supportive but I am a broken record. I never follow through. Any reason to feel embarressed not to do the hard work is appreciated! 🙂


Anyone else too, feel free to add me!



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I've just added a few of you -- I haven't been great at keeping up on here on the community but will try better.  And I just had to go to Fitbit Support because is seems my Charge is only tracking anywhere between 58 to 75%, so waiting for a new device to be sent to exchange. 


Even so, still walking away and exercising.  Spent a long weekend in New Orleans a couple of weeks ago and walked 13 miles the first day alone 🙂  Luckily my friend also has a working Fitbit, so I knew about how much we did each day. Thirty miles that weekend -- which I really had to do in order to work off all the beignets and etoufee I ate!


Now I've got to buckle down and get back on track.  I lost seven pounds in NOLA, even with all the eating, but gained two back upon return because of the bad habits I'd dipped into.  Hope everyone is doing a great job.

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Nardiac -- there's always swings from day to day -- don't get discourged and don't weigh yourself daily (coming from someone who doesn't listen to her own advice...)  It's better to compare week to week than day to day.


And if you're exercising and building muscle, that can cause a little gain, too. Muscle is heavier than fat!


Good luck 🙂

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I will add you
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can i be added?

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I’ll have to look into the book you mentioned. Made a real good attempt last year and started making some headway, slowly. (which is better then nothing) My daughter got real sick last summer, we went on vacation, I came home sick then it was holidays, hurt my knee…blah, blah blah…as series of unfortunate events all at once. Went for my physical and with all the genetic testing they did I’m prone to heart disease and diabetes!!!! YIKES!!!! I now have no choice but to get this *&^% weight off for good. I’ve pushed myself a bit too hard this past week, but lost almost 2 lbs!! But I need to eat more because I was not feeling well at the end of the week.
I have an appt now…more later…

Moderator edit: Removed personal information

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how did you do it? I cant seems to lose weight.. Im a small woman and  I need to drop atleast 30lbs..I have a high blood already..

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Well, you know what they say?  That muscle weighs more than fat... so perhaps you've gotten more muscles? 🙂 

I don't seem to be losing the weight either, even though I've been fairly careful about what I've eaten.  Then again, my view on portion size is skewed a bit.  (Working on it now)  How do your clothes fit?  Are they looser?  I think that's a good way to gauge your progress -- not the numbers on the scale.

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Wow kaelarenee7 your weight loss is awesome! Any pointers to someone who has 35lbs to lose and can't seem to control which foods I eat?

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I have around 80 - 100lb to lose. My weight fluctuates. In the last two years I have lost 42lb but put on 16. My inspiration is my daughter who has lost a total of 84lb and looks stunning. She has encouraged me to join the gym, so I have been going for a month, doing some cardio and a range of leg and arm stretches. Find the cardio hard for no other reason than I weigh too much! And I have over the last five years, I've developed arthritis in my knees so some exercise is painful, however much less when I weigh lighter. So onwards and upwards, here goes.....

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Thanks! Logging my food on Fitbit has really helped me pay attention to portion sizes and limiting the junk food. I allow myself up to two days a week to go over my calorie budget so I can eat whatever I want those days and/or not exercise. After having my Fitbit for the last few months, even on days when I allow myself to go overbudget I usually am still at a deficit for the day. It's really helped me have good habits and be more mindful of what and how much I'm eating.


I also try to make sure that I get a lot of activity in so that I can indulge in a sweet treat most days. I have a major sweet tooth! Whenever I do get sweets now, I portion it out according to serving size so I can just grab one serving and not have to worry about eating too much sweets in a day.

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I've added everyone who has commented and hasn't already added me! 

I screwed up! On my week off from work I totally gave up. I ate what I wanted, went walking with a little running on a trail one day, did an elliptical for 30 minutes one night... I didn't even put my fitbit on. I was LAZY! I need to get back on the horse, I feel like crap. I put all the weight I just lost recently back on. Ughhhh...

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good luck! keep pushing it will be worth it
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If I ate 2000 calories I burned almost double of what I ate. Trust me it was hard I dont think I can do that every week, but maybe every other week.

I measure and weighed everything. No cheating

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I'd love to drop 10 pounds can I have some weight loss buddies too 😩
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