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I am finally back on track and I am starting a challenge. Begins today Feb 3 2016 and ends April 27 2016, a 12 week challenge.

I am currently at 218 lbs, I am challenging myself to reach  195 by the end of the 12 weeks.

I will post my weight loss every Tuesday.

Anyone is welcome to join and challenge yourself.

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I'm up for the challenge.  I've lost 18 lbs in the last 12 weeks.  I'm 250.2 lbs as of this morning.  If I can can get it down to 227 by then... that will be a challenge!  I'm down 31 lbs in the last 18 weeks...  So bring it on!  Let's do this!!!

John | Texas,USA | Surge | Aria | Blaze | Windows | iPhone | Always consult with a doctor regarding all medical issues. Keep active!!!
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I would love to join! My starting weight is 195.6 and I would love to be down to 170 by the end of the 12 weeks. That is definitely a push but I am hoping to be in shape by the start of the summer! Good luck to all!!

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I am in. I just got back from vacation and am ready!


169 lbs today. Aiming for 153 lbs by the end. Ultimate goal is to be in the 140's somewhere.



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I'm in!   I really need some motivation to lose these 40 lbs for my health and I seem to do better when there is an end date in sight.  




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Thank you for organizing--I'm in!   I do pretty well with my daily steps, but need to bump up the cardio for sure.  Also, since this is my first time on the community board, do I follow you guys here---or is it more of a check-in thing? 


2/3:  194

4/27:  180

@Annie-NH wrote:

I am finally back on track and I am starting a challenge. Begins today Feb 3 2016 and ends April 27 2016, a 12 week challenge.

I am currently at 218 lbs, I am challenging myself to reach  195 by the end of the 12 weeks.

I will post my weight loss every Tuesday.

Anyone is welcome to join and challenge yourself.


@Annie-NH wrote:

I am finally back on track and I am starting a challenge. Begins today Feb 3 2016 and ends April 27 2016, a 12 week challenge.

I am currently at 218 lbs, I am challenging myself to reach  195 by the end of the 12 weeks.

I will post my weight loss every Tuesday.

Anyone is welcome to join and challenge yourself.


Best Answer

I'm in for the 12 week challenge.

I am currently at 209 lbs, I am challenging myself to reach  195 by the end of the 12 weeks.

I will post my weight loss every Tuesday.


Thanks for the invitation and motivation!!!

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I would like to join too.  I'm currently 177, and I'd like to get to 170.  I'm shooting for just a half pound a week, so that should be pretty close. 

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I have never started anything like this before, I plan to come in here each Tuesday and post my starting weight, current weight and loss.   

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Yes I'm in!

I am currently 83.2 kg (183lb) and would like to be 73 kg (160lb) in 12 weeks.  That's 10.2kg (22lb).

Will check in every Monday NZ time when I update my tumblr 🙂 lets do this! Good luck everyone!!

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Count me in..


I am currently at 170 and I would like to be down to 150 by the end of the 12 weeks.


Good luck everyone.

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I will get on board as well! I grew up as the underweight girl that struggled to gain and maintain. Stick girl for sure. 90lbs at graduation and even 105 after having my daughter at 27. I developed eczema around 30 and the steroid regimen began and thus the weight slowly crept up on me over the years. I needed most of that weight, for sure, but now I do not feel healthy. I come from some obese genes and must keep my weight in the most healthy zone possible. I started working out hard last year, but due to a knee issue, I had to stop. I am just now beginning to do some light exercise. I am watching what I eat, cutting out alcohol and cutting back on carbs and sodium while trying to get this all this daily water in my body. I am currently at 157, hoping to ultimately be at 135 while toning up the "mommy marks" area. I SO need support and, having been on both sides of the fence, I know the struggle is real. Good luck to you all and let's do this!!! ( Also trying to get my sig other to join me in this struggle too!)



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I'm IN!!!!

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I've never done a challenge but think it will be fun to have a thread to check in weekly and cheer others (well,with votes)working on a goal at the same time. I've had my fibit since Christmas and have done very well,but I want to make sure I Keep my routines into Spring when I have a lot more things I need to do(I don't know how many calories those other things will burn yet!   Smiley Very Happy ). This challenge is perfect timing for me so thank you @Annie-NH.

Feb 3--- 162.8

April 27 goal---  150


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I am in 🙂 I am glad to do a challange so it will motivate me to do better. I am currently 153, hope to get down to 130 possibliy by the end of the 12 weeks since that will be able to the time I graduate! 

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Was this set up as a group? I can't find it.

Sent from my iPhone
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I am in the same boat - getting back on track starting Febuary 1st.  Over the winter, I've gained from 255 to 264 after originally starting my tracking at 296 lbs.  My goal for 4/27/16 is 249.

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I am up for this challenge as well. Starting at 240 and hoping to be a 220 by 4/27/16
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Okay, I'm finally actually motivated to lose took my brain some time to get on board. I started 3 weeks ago at 192 and without really trying, I'm currently at 187 and have a goal of 150, but in 12 weeks my goal is 169.
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Count me in I'm 11st 12lb and so down and out about my weight! Really need to get motivated, and get moving. Healthy eating is an up hill battle for me 0 will power.. But I'm working on it. Ideal weight would be 9st 7lb however in these 12 weeks I'd love to loose 10-12 lb to get me kick started. If anyone wants to add me please do.
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