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New Year 2018 to Valentine's Day Challenge

Welcome to the newest challenge! We are celebrating our scaled and non-scaled victories and progress. Following are some acronyms typically used by those who post. Some of us also track body fat or measurements, please add those as you wish.


USW - Ultimate start weight

SW - starting weight for the challenge

CW - current weight 

PW - previous week's weight

GW - goal weight for the challenge

UGW- ultimate goal weight


I hope everyone had successful and fun winter holidays. Many of us are continuing on or beginning again or newly starting our healthy journeys. Big reminders...have FUN, enjoy life, laugh every day, stay positive, drink your water, move your butt, come share with us.


To join, please simply post and you are in! Have a great time, let's get this going!

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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Hey all!

Yes, yes, I'm back again! No weight loss last week, but I did have one less soda a day and one more glass of water, so non-scale victory for me.

I'm getting back to it, now. For serious. Yes, my wife still has terminal cancer, but sadly, the sun still rises, the moon still sets, and I'm still fat 🙂 ! And that only means this weight loss and fitness goal of mine is that much more important, right?


USW - 195 (Jan 2017)

SW - 191 (up from a low of 164 in August 😞 )

CW (1/1) - 191 

GW (2/14) - 185 (1 pound a week)

UGW- 140


Cheers everyone! GOOD LUCK!

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@_Lilac_ - Thanks for starting the new challenge!

Re-run of last challenge goals since I ended in the absolute wrong direction.

Aiming high this time:


USW- 215.0 (2/4/14)

1stCSW- 211.4 (2/14/17) First Challenge Starting Weight

2ndCSW - 210.8 (4/18/17) Second Challenge Starting Weight

3rdCSW - 212.0 (5/31/17) Third Challenge Starting Weight

4thCSW - 209.8 (7/4/17) Fourth Challenge Starting Weight

5thCSW - 209.0 (9/04/17) Fifth Challenge Starting Weight

LCSW - 206.4 (10/31/17) Last Challenge Starting Weight

CSW - 212.4

LW- 209.0

CW- 212.4

GW- 200.0 (February14th)

UGW- 150

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Happy New Year Everyone!


I'm in. Didn't lose any weight on last challenge.  Was diagnosed with pre-diabetes so that is what is hindering my weight loss.  Not only do I have to count calories in and out now, but watch how many grams of carbs I'm getting to along with watching what I eat more so than before.  Turns out I was probably pre-diabetic since 2014 but the lab tech made a mistake when they took blood.  Nice to know now.  Will post my weight hopefully tomorrow.  Time to get extra series about things. 


USW - 172 (since I started last year)

SW - starting weight for the challenge

CW - current weight 

PW - previous week's weight

GW - 164

UGW- 140


Everyone have a good week.

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I am definitely in!!!  I was off track during the holiday's, from November til New years day!!!  but I got on the scale this morning and only am up 3 lbs of the original 25 I've lost since last June.  So, now I am back on track and more excited than ever.  This sounds perfect!!  Thanks

USW - 220 (JUNE 2017)




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I'm new here, in the community and with the fitbit. so, my numbers are:


USW   72 Kg

SW      67 Kg

GW      65 Kg (2 kg in one month will be too much? )

UGW   60 Kg


See you next week 🙂

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Hi all, 

Count me in too. 


(Im new to the forum) 😊 


USW April 2017- 200lb


SW - 180lbs 28/12/2017


CW- 175lbs


goal to lose 1.5lbs per week and get fitter ,healthier and happier in the New Year. 


Good luck

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I'm in


USW - 240

SW - 240

CW - 240

PW - previous week's weight

GW - 230

UGW- 199

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I was actively involved in this group two years ago. About nine months ago, I fell off the wagon. I'm motivated and want to rejoin. My success before was due largely to participation in this group. I'm looking forward to getting reacquainted.

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Hi everyone!  I am new to the Challenges but think it could be a great motivator for me.  


SW: 174

GW: 165

UGW: 160 


Thanks for setting up this Challenge!

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Hello, I had a baby last year and have not dropped any of my baby weight so my goal is to lose 50 lbs by the summer (50 lbs in 6 months I *hope* is doable!) I've lost a good amount of weight before by counting my calories and working out at 30 minutes a day, so I'm hoping to do the same thing but with a focus on toning. Now that my baby is turning one and already walking, I want to make sure I can keep up!


USW/SW/CW - 164 lbs

GW - 155 lbs

UGW - 115 lbs



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I'm in! First time ever trying something like this so here it goes.  Lets get rid moving and get rid of this extra weight!!!

USW - 295

SW - 247

CW - 246

PW - 245.6

GW - 225

UGW - 180

Happy new years everyone!

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USW - 172 (since I started last year)

SW - 169

CW - 169 (1/4) 

PW - previous week's weight

GW - 164

UGW- 140


Posting my current weight.  Better than what I thought. Not a good morning so far. Woke with migraine on one side which has all the muscles from neck down along side of rib cage all knotted up.  Thankfully my boss has a homemedic massage pad in his chair in the office.  Which he lets me use when I come in with a migraine or I get one here. Other times when its hectic he will vacate it and tell me to go take a 10 minute massage. He got me one for xmas last year for my home.  I have a great boss!  Hopefully this thing will be gone within the next hour or so. 


Hope everyone else is doing well. Almost Friday.  Everyone have a great day and a great weekend.


  "I'm not where I need to be, but thank God I'm not where I used to be. Joyce Meyer".

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Welcome DruminJD.  This is a great group to join.  We support and encourage each other, cheer each other on, support you when you've had a bad day and celebrate with you when you have a good day.  These people are wonderful.  Been with the group for little over a year and miss them when they aren't chatting it up.  They are like a second family.  I think you will enjoy the group.                      

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Ok, my first chance to post since I started the challenge a few days ago!


I am STILL stuck in my plateau (after months). Oh well. I know it's there, I know it's just gonna have to break when it darned well wants to. Nothing I can do about it but wait it out. I'm patient. I thought eating hospital food for two weeks might do it, but...nope. I'm the same. We've had super low temps here so I neglected my walking but I've been out Tuesday and today for laps of the mall. We are now getting a snowstorm til tomorrow, so I'll have to drag out the treadmill or put on some Leslie Sansone videos. 

I was thinking about pre-cooking some things in preparation in case we lose power during the storm. Might throw a chicken in the oven. I also bought pre-made salad. Gotta be prepared when you are trying to eat healthy...sandwiches just won't do. 


USW 380

SW 288

GW 275

UGW anything under 200. 


Oh, I'm having to cancel my membership at the YMCA due to money issues. I'll have to be inventive and get my exercise and workouts without the modern convenience of indoor pools and gyms. 

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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Hi Lilac - and everyone!  You may already know this but there are some great exercise videos on YouTube which of course you can access from your computer.  You can find cardio, weights, yoga, etc. - various time durations and difficulty levels.  I have found YouTube videos a great way to mix up my routines - and a way to easily try something new.  

Stay warm!  

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I was a very active member of this group a couple of years ago and made great progress. Unfortunately, I "fell off the wagon." I am really into genealogy and DNA. I've been a long-time tester for 23andme. They sent out a message that beginning January 8th and continuing for 12 weeks, they are going to do a weight loss study. You had to agree to be randomly assigned to one of three groups. One of them involved exercise. I signed up and was randomly assigned to the exercise group, which I really wanted to be. Just the motivation I need. For the past year, I've been paying almost $73 a month to a gym and have rarely attended. 


With your support, I think I may be able to get back on track.

My current weight is 197.4


I'd like to lose a pound a week, which for me will be quite challenging. If I could make 190 by Valentine's Day, I would be motivated to keep on. I'm looking forward to supporting everyone else facing the challenge.


Kathy Reed



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Hi all, and happy new year.  I’d like to join in, I’ve never done a challenge like this before, and like the accountability.


SW 171

CW 171

GW 163

UGW 155




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This is my first challenge and one of my first posts here at all. I've decided it's time to stop boring the people in my life with this stuff and talk to people who are as in it to win it as I am. 


USW - 217.8

SW - 217.8

CW - 215.2

PW - 217.8

GW - 204

UGW- 192. Or maybe 180. 192 is as far as I've thought in concrete terms, but I should really lose more. 

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Welcome aboard. If you make use of this group, I promise you'll find much encouragement to help you along the way.


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