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November 1st to December 31st 2018


Welcome to the newest challenge and the final one of 2018! We are celebrating our scaled and non-scaled victories and progress. Following are some acronyms typically used by those who post. Some of us also track body fat or measurements, please add those as you wish.


USW - Ultimate start weight

SW - starting weight for the challenge

CW - current weight 

PW - previous week's weight

LW - last weight/weigh-in

GW - goal weight for the challenge

MGW - mini goal weight

UGW- ultimate goal weight


To join the challenge, please just hit 'reply' and post!

Good wishes and the best of luck to all. Work hard, keep your mind focused on your goals, and we will all succeed together!

Best Answer

USW- 215.0 (2/4/14)

1stCSW- 211.4 (2/14/17) First Challenge Starting Weight

2ndCSW - 210.8 (4/18/17) Second Challenge Starting Weight

3rdCSW - 212.0 (5/31/17) Third Challenge Starting Weight

4thCSW - 209.8 (7/4/17) Fourth Challenge Starting Weight

5thCSW - 209.0 (9/04/17) Fifth Challenge Starting Weight

6thCSW - 206.4 (10/31/17) Sixth Challenge Starting Weight

7thCSW - 212.4 (1/1/18) Seventh Challenge Starting Weight

8thCSW - 210.2 (2/14/18) Eighth Challenge Starting Weight

9thCSW - 212.2 (4/1/18) 9th Challenge Starting Weight

10thCSW - 207.6 (7/4/18) 10th Challenge Starting Weight

Last CSW - 205.6 (9/3/18) 205.6


Current starting weight - 203.2 (11/1/18)

LW - 

CW - 203.2

GW - 195.0 (12/31/18)

Stretch goal weight - 190.0

UGW - 150.0

Best Answer

I'm in!!!  Here are my numbers and goals:


USW - Ultimate start weight - 230 lbs (September 19, 2018)

SW - Starting weight for the challenge - 212.5 lbs morning of October 31

CW - Current weight - 212.3 lbs morning of November 1

GW - Goal weight for the challenge - 205 lbs

UGW- Ultimate goal weight - 170 lbs


In a short while this will be pumpkin pie!

Health Goals: Age gracefully, Walk more, Eat well, Lose weight, Be happy
Best Answer

Thanks for starting again Cele21. I'm loving this. Keeping me on track!


USW 3/1/2018 92kg (202.8lb)

SW 02/11/18 - 87.7kg (193.4lb)


GW 31/12/18 - 85kg (187.4lb)

UGW 31/08/19 - 70kg (155lb)

Best Answer

USW: 350 lbs (7/10/18)

SW: 290.4 lbs (11/01/18)

CW: 289.8 lbs (11/02/18)

PW: 294.4 lbs (10/25/18)

GW: 265 lbs (12/31/18)

UGW: 180 lbs

Best Answer

Results as at November 2...


USW - Ultimate start weight - 230 lbs (September 19, 2018)

SW - Starting weight for the challenge - 212.5 lbs October 31

PW - Prior weigh-in - 212.3 lbs November 1

CW - Current weight - 211.6 lbs  November 2   -0.9 lbs

GW - Goal weight for the challenge December 31 - 205 lbs

UGW- Ultimate goal weight - 170 lbs

Health Goals: Age gracefully, Walk more, Eat well, Lose weight, Be happy
Best Answer

Results as at November 4...


USW - Ultimate start weight - 230 lbs (September 19, 2018)

SW - Starting weight for the challenge - 212.5 lbs October 31

PW - Prior weigh-in - 211.6 lbs November 2

CW - Current weight - 211.0 lbs  November 4   -1.5 lbs

GW - Goal weight for the challenge December 31 - 205 lbs

UGW- Ultimate goal weight - 170 lbs

Health Goals: Age gracefully, Walk more, Eat well, Lose weight, Be happy
Best Answer

USW - 380

SW - I'm too scared to check

CW - ditto

PW - Lowest during the losing cycle was 280 

LW - 318

GW - to stop the gaining that is occurring

MGW - get active

UGW- anything under 200 (even 199.98 will do)


Ok, I'm in AGAIN. I didn't weigh in. I will do that tomorrow. I'm heading over to the YMCA in the morning to join. Water aerobics and recumbent bike, here I come. 


My activity has been so low after taking some online freelance work to pay the bills. It requires me to be on my butt more, but it's money I need. Also, any hobbies I have are I have to change that right away. The weather is changing and before you know it, I'll be hibernating in my house without any exercise if I let it get that far. I just can't. 

Gotta smack myself around the head a few times and remind myself how GREAT I felt when the weight was coming off and how crappy I feel now. There's NOTHING like that feeling. 


Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
Best Answer

Hi @_Lilac_ You can do this.  Great you are getting a Y membership.  I have been going regularly since mid September, and what a difference.  I try and get my exercise in early.  And often, because I feel so good afterwards, it motivates me to go for a walk later on as well.  Be kind to yourself.

Health Goals: Age gracefully, Walk more, Eat well, Lose weight, Be happy
Best Answer

Hi everyone. 



USW - Ultimate start weight - 327.0 05/2015

SW - Starting weight for the challenge - 272.2 October 31

CW - Current weight - 271.9  November 4   -0.3 lbs

GW - Goal weight for the challenge December 31 - 259.9

UGW- Ultimate goal weight - 225 lbs

SW 327 May 17, 2015
CW 272.2
Best Answer

Results as at November 5...


USW - Ultimate start weight:  230 lbs (September 19, 2018)

SW - Starting weight for the challenge:  212.5 lbs October 31

PW - Prior weigh-in:  211.0 lbs November 4

CW - Current weight:  210.5 lbs  November 5   -2.0 lbs

GW - Goal weight for the challenge December 31:  205 lbs

UGW- Ultimate goal weight:  170 lbs

Health Goals: Age gracefully, Walk more, Eat well, Lose weight, Be happy
Best Answer

Ok, I did my weigh in. Ick. Back to it! I've had lots of water today and plain tea. I did eat salty stuff but not overdoing it on calories. 

I planned to go over to the YMCA but then something came up. So, it's tomorrow! 

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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I’m in!                                                       Usw 157.6       Gw 150.0.  7/30/18 PW 147.0

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Happy to see so many people participating!

Welcome aboard or welcome back!

You got this!!!

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The monster inside is hungry, and he's making me mad!! My cravings started. That monster wants cereal and bread and pasta (which I rarely ever eat), so I recognize what it's doing. It's begging for carby stuff to satiate the switch to veggies and water I've made. 

I am drinking plain hot tea and plenty of water. I'm scared he's going to scream at me later. I need to stay strong. 

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
Best Answer

@_Lilac_, there are no monsters inside, just beautiful you.  Not sure I understood correctly, are you only eating vegetables and water?  I think my body would be screaming for more food as well, if that is all I gave it.  Maybe you could use a balanced food plan for the week, that will help satisfy your appetite, and still allow you to lose weight.  I know it is working really well for me. 

Here is the link to the one I started with back in September:

and here is another, which includes fish and some meat:

Let me know what you think.

Health Goals: Age gracefully, Walk more, Eat well, Lose weight, Be happy
Best Answer

@LisefromCanada  No, I guess I made you misunderstand. I was eating more veggies than I had been and trying to get the correct balance. Don't worry, I'm not starving myself or doing drastic diets or other nonsense. I like to anthropomorphize this imaginary foe of mine as a monster that tries to sabotage my efforts. (Although, I guess it would be demonizing and not anthropomorphizing...shrug). It helps me battle him and succeed if I can picture him and understand his motives. 

Successful day except for the movement part. Still didn't get to the YMCA due to rain and working from 8-5pm. I'll do a Leslie Sansone video to rev up my monster-battling metabolism!

Atlantic coast of Canada, 52 F, Fitbit Inspire HR.
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Weight is rising again. YIKES!!! I lost 55 lbs 3 years ago, and I have gained 10 back.  I refuse to gain any more!!! My goal is to lose the 10 and stay there!!! I love to snack and mindless eating, especially at night.  I have lost and gained the same 10 lbs 3 times!!!! I am thankful that I stop the gaining at 10, but I need to find a way to stay there.

Best Answer

Good for you @debb21 for getting back on track after gaining 10 pounds.  I let myself gain much much more before getting back to my fitbit and tacking my food, activity and weight.  But I'm back now and doing very well.

@debb21 if you find the secret to maintaining your goal weight, please let me know, because I have not figured that one out yet either.


Results as at November 7...


USW - Ultimate start weight:  230 lbs (September 19, 2018)

SW - Starting weight for the challenge:  212.5 lbs October 31

PW - Prior weigh-in:  210.5 lbs November 5

CW - Current weight:  210.1 lbs  November 7   -2.4 lbs   to date for this challenge

GW - Goal weight for the challenge December 31:  205 lbs

UGW- Ultimate goal weight:  170 lbs

Health Goals: Age gracefully, Walk more, Eat well, Lose weight, Be happy
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Can't wait to follow. Thanks for this.

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