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Odd weight loss question. Does anyone's ribs hurt?

I've got an odd question.  I've gone from 281 to 226 lbs.  I'm going to lose another 40+ lbs.  In the past when I got into the 220's, I've noticed that my ribs are sensitive.  Applying pressure to them hurts at times. 


For example a few weeks ago I could not lie on my side without my ribs hurting, and I'd have to roll over on my side.  That has since gone away most of the time, although it still happens sometimes.


About 10 lbs ago, you could see my ribs under my skin.  They have since disappeared.  I'm guessing my rib cage got smaller as I lost weight.


It's not like the hurt all the time, just when pressure is applied to them.  I've noticed that I've lost the fat that used to be under my skin above my ribs.  So I've got nothing but skin there now.  I can clearly feel each rib now.


I'm just curious if anyone else lost a lot of weight and had sensitive ribs?  I'm sure it's my body getting used to have a heck of a lot less fat...  And getting more and more compact...

John | Texas,USA | Surge | Aria | Blaze | Windows | iPhone | Always consult with a doctor regarding all medical issues. Keep active!!!
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Back in 2013 I dropped from something north of 250, how far north I'll never know, down to 190(ish).  As I lost weight I didn't have the sensitive rib issue you're talking about, but my Xiphoid Process became very painful to touch, so painful a heavy shirt would irritate it.  Initially it would stick straight out of the middle of my chest, however, as the months went by at my new smaller size, the protrusion gradually subsided back to its normal location inside my chest and the pain went completely away.

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Yes! Anytime I lose weight quickly I experience rib pain. I usually notice it whilst driving. For me it is a sure sign I am losing inches around my middle. Hopefully your pain subsides, but the results stay 🙂

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This is a very interesting question and personally I've had rib pain for 2 reasons:


  1. Arm/shoulder weight exercises; could it be that your routine is too hard or you're lifting a lot of weight?
  2. Gallbladder stones. I remember binging on fast food after a particularly dumb idea (4 week juice detox) and my ribs started hurting pretty bad; so much that I vomited or passed out. I couldn't be touched, moved and I had difficulty breathing. Turns out my gallbladder had a bit of a shock from the fast food after eating (pretty much) nothing for weeks so a stone and a bit of billiar sand came out and I had to have it removed. Not fun at all. 

In short, check your diet and see if the pain you're getting is after a particularly heavy/salty/spicy/fatty meal; if it is... contact your physician. 

Fitbit Community ModeratorHelena A. | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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I doubt it's from exercise.  I walk every other day, and a bike ride every other day.  So I do exercise, weather permitting, every day.  But it's hardly what I would think cause soreness.


It's more of a ache when pressure is applied to my ribs.  IE if my dog or my wife are on my ribs, they hurt from the pressure.  Or if I push on my ribs in my back they don't hurt, but the ones under my chest, pressure applied there aches.  Ache might not be the right word, maybe just uncomfortable from pressure would be a better description. 


I'm sure it's the loss of padding, ie fat.  I noticed this happened the last couple of times I've lost weight over the last 10 years or so.


Seems like it's an issue once I get under 230...  I've done a little research, and most think it's the pain of your ribs changing position as I lose weight.  Basically I was so fat that my ribs were stretched out, and now that I'm losing weight, the ribs are contracting as my chest is getting smaller.  It should go away on it's own, I was just curious if anyone else had the same thing happen... 

John | Texas,USA | Surge | Aria | Blaze | Windows | iPhone | Always consult with a doctor regarding all medical issues. Keep active!!!
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Hello, I was just wondering if this got any better for you with time or if any exercises helped it?

I've recently lost 66lbs and have noticed that my ribs have been similar to how you described and as I can feel them more prominently without the layer of fat over them they are sensitive especially laying on my side like you said. They seem to be getting less sensitive as time goes on but they are still quite uncomfortable sometimes

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Hi @LM93 - it looks like @JohnRi last visited this Community back at the end of 2016 (you can click on his profile for this information), so it's unlikely he will see and respond to this question.


I'm not sure if he'll see it if he does not log into the Community, but you could try sending him a personal message.


Good luck!

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Hey, I figured it was a long shot because of how old the post is, I'll try that thank you 🙂 

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Yes. I've lost quite a bit of weight in a pretty short amount of time. I have very sensitive ribs. Especially if I bounce I get a burning sensation. Almost like I have a tear somewhere. I find that if I keep pressure on it it feels better. I'm not going to the doctor at this point. Hang in there


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i understand exactly what you are talking about. for me it is the last rib on both sides, just at the end or each rib. they hurt when under pressure whether if i sleep on my side or if being pressed by a finger. just the end of each last rib on both sides. i do not know the issue. if i find out i will share

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This is exactly how mine feels! mainly the last rib on both sides, i noticed it when i drive (most likely posture) but mainly when i tried to sleep on it or somebody laid their arm over it. I went from 240 to 185 & i genuinely just think i’m not used to being able to feel them, not sure though. good luck to you! 

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Hi I am facing the same symptoms as shipo. 


I drop from 95kg to 65kg in abt 2 months. Which I super regret it. Now I feel pain on my side and front ribs. I got issue sleeping too. Becos if I turn on the side, I will put pressure on my ribs and causing pain. 


Understand this is becos we now last of fats. Any ideas whats the fastest way to gain back the fats ? 


Please advice. Tq all

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Apologies, I mean understand now we lost the fats becos of losing weight. Thus how to gain back the fats parts ? Any advice ? Tq 

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After three pregnancies or anytime I begin losing weight my lower right rib usually hurts.  I don’t know what causes it but do know when it starts to radiate with brief radiating sharp pain I’m in th early stages of weight loss. It subsides fairly quickly when I get further into getting fit and dropping weight but it’s a strange quirk.  I wondered if it’s the reduction of fat that had padded nerves or something.  I’m an apple shape.  I’d love to know why.  

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Yes!! Mine hurt so bad sometimes. 

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hi all,

are you sure its your ribs that hurt and not the skin?

ive lost 7 stone (98lbs) over the last 20 months and there have been times were I've gotten a pain in my sides about halfway up my ribcage!

basically, it turns out that because of fat loss my skin is looser and my chest can bounce around (almost like a woman's) and it pulls at the skin of my side's just below the armpit area and i end up with a burning sensation in the skin there!

has anyone else experienced this?

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Pretty sure mine is the ribs themselves.
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I've never heard of this before John, but it makes perfect sense. Your entire body is changing shape and the framework has to shift in order to continue to effectively do its job of supporting you. That is BOUND to cause pain and soreness, and nothing hurts worse than when you make your rib muscles hurt in my experience. I haven't done it from weight changes, but rather from a sudden torsion event like what happens when you are riding your horse straight at something at a good pace and they suddenly go sideways on you. 😱

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Hey @RVtheGrendel , I've lost about 100 lbs. in about 14 months and my ribs hurt, too. Really odd but I found out it's normal after losing a lot of weight. I also have a bump on the bottom of my sternum which wasn't noticeable before. It's called xiphoid process, that scared me. I thought I has a tumor or something. That's normal too. Good job on losing the weight, the pain goes away and life is much better without all the extra baggage.

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hi, @SunsetRunner sounds like we are on similar journeys, we have lost about the same amount of weight but you lost yours a little faster than me.

I was 22 stone (308 pounds) in September 2021, and I'm now down to 14 stone 5 pounds (201 pounds) most of the weight loss has been in the last 11 months tho. last July when I joined the Gym I was 19 stone 7 (273pounds) now 11 months later I'm 5 stones lighter, tho I've actually lost 6 and a half stones in that time because I overdid it and made myself ill 3 times and had to take time off and each time I regained half a stone (7pounds)


anyway, as i hinted at in my first post because of all the fat ive lost i have been having issues with loose skin from time to time.

as i already said i was having an issue where my man boobs would bounce around and pull on the skin just under my armpits and cause some very nasty pain, fortunatly i seem to be past that now, i don't have a flat chest yet but my boobs aren't that big anymore either.

i just had a period where I dropped 14 pounds in less than a month and its caused some loose skin around my waist but it should shrink down on its own over the next couple of months. 

i haven't had any issues around the front of my ribs or xiphoid process but there is an odd shape on my stomach. basically, there is a bit that sticks out a little, just to the right side of my belly button?

i dont think its a hernia as theres no pain, i am wondering if it is a result of waist training!

i wear a trouser belt and i wear it very tight and it has actually left a permanent band around my middle where it goes in like an hourglass!

in extreme cases, waist training will move the organs.

back when corsets were the thing in the 1700s women would waist train to the point where their organs were pushed up underneath diafram, I know I'm not that bad but i can't help but wonder if i have moved them and if this uneven belly is a symptom.

Hopefully, as i lose visceral fat, it will sort itself out and move back to the correct shape!

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