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PCOS ladies

Hey Ladies! I have PCOS and I'm looking to connect with other PCOS ladies!

I currently weight 245lbs and I'm 5'3"

I was 135lbs October 2011 (2 years and a 110lbs weight Gain.) 

I'm working to get back to my starting weight of 135lbs.

I have Ovarian cysts, Breast Cysts, Rapid Weight Gain, Little bit of hair growth (tiny bits on my chest and on my chin. Not noticible but it is to me.), Mood Swings, Constipation, and extreme hormone fluxuations. 

I'd love to hear your story!


Add me!



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Another PCOS lady here. I've known something was wrong since I was 16 years old, and I just turned 27. It took a really long time for the medical community to catch up on PCOS, and I remember feeling so alone. For a while, I was successful in masking the symptoms with BCP- I was on Yaz, and it had androgen blockers which made a lot of the problems go away (temporarily). Then I met a wonderful man who I wanted to start a family with, and so far it's been two years since I stopped taking BCP, and all my PCOS symptoms have gotten worse. I've even gotten depressed because of it, and that has only made things worse. But I just had a birthday, and I think it's really time to kick some PCOS' a$$. lol Add me, and let's keep eachother motivated.

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Fellow PCOS here! 😞

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Hello my daughter is almost 22, she has PCOS she has very irrigular periods, small hair growth on face, and is on metformin. She has to watch her carbs and sugars, for they store the sugars that are very hard to rid your bodies of with PCOS. She works out, and the only visible weight is carried around her waist. She is 5"3 and weighs 165, any suggestions of foods that you ladies eat or diets that work? She is 22 and it's very hard to not eat carbs and sugars sometimes, and any carbs or sugars in foods  or  alcohol tend to store and is very hard to lose. Any words of wisdom??


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I also have PCOS-I'm thrilled to see all the women on here supporting one another! I was diagnosed officially in 2009 and suffer from irregular periods, oily skin/acne, irregular weight gain and since trying differnet fertility treatments I've added mood swings and hot flashes to the list. I had rapid weight gain in 2010 going from 150lbs to 185lbs in about a year. I've been unable to take the weight off successfully but  since we are no longer pursuing trying to concieve I decided to take control of my body and get healthy again.  I would love to connect with any other PCOS ladies so feel free to add me! 😄

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Hi Ladies.  I was diagnosed with PCOS last year and currently weigh nearly 200lb and am 5'3" I have recently been told that due to my weight my knees are collapsing and if i dont lose it i could be in a wheelchair in 10 years timeSmiley Sad

I would appreiate some help in saying no to that wheelchair cause i intend on growing old very disgracefully indeedSmiley Wink

Your help and motivation would really be appreciated. 


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I'm another PCOS-er! I was diagnosed wait...omigosh time flies - 4 years ago. Found out while my husband and I were trying to conceive. Still trying, but it's ok, trying to stay positive! 🙂


Please feel free to add me 🙂

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I got diagnosed with PCOS last year, I am 21 years old so it came as a big shock to me. I gained almost 70 pds in 2 years. It wasn't until I got to the size I am at now that I realized how detrimental PCOS is to my health. My goal is to get back to my pre-PCOS weight and find a way to get back to that healthy lifestyle. Right now I have had my fitbit for about 2 weeks. I've been using the fitbit along with two other apps (My Fitness Pal and Ovia) to track my food, water, and fertility. So far I've been able to reduce my diet to a limited number of carbs and calories.

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I Added you! I have pcos as well! 

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Hey Breesasha, hang in there, a lot of us are fighting the same fight, so we're here for eachother.


@SunsetRunner wrote:

I got diagnosed with PCOS last year, I am 21 years old so it came as a big shock to me. I gained almost 70 pds in 2 years. It wasn't until I got to the size I am at now that I realized how detrimental PCOS is to my health. My goal is to get back to my pre-PCOS weight and find a way to get back to that healthy lifestyle. Right now I have had my fitbit for about 2 weeks. I've been using the fitbit along with two other apps (My Fitness Pal and Ovia) to track my food, water, and fertility. So far I've been able to reduce my diet to a limited number of carbs and calories.

I noticed you mentioned a site to track your fertility, I hope it's not intrusive asking you this, but do you know if you're ovulating every month? I know  I don't because with the PCOS, I haven't gotten a natural period for over a year and a half now, I say "natural" because I induced one with Proegesterone sometime half a year ago.... I know PCOS affects women differently, but I'm wondering how that site works, and if it can help women who have irregular periods track their fertility. Thanks!

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I too am a PCOS sufferer, I have used a paleo lifestyle to almost heal my ovaries.. so now I get to keep them in my scheduled hystorectomy.. looking forward to getting it over with. I love to CrossFit and weight lift - hate the hair stuff (mine is on my chin and neck) and struggle to lose weight, but still managed to shrink from a size 18 to a size 6 with CrossFit and paleo.

Good luck and stay healthy babe!

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Hello ladies! I too have PCOS. I was diagnosed 6 years ago after my second miscarriage. I just bought my fitbit today after my dr told me I have a small chance of losing weight naturally. He wants me to have a consultation for lap band. I know I can do this without surgery I just need support to keep me going. Ladies please feel free to add me. Thanks!!

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Fellow PCOS'er here. I recently lost my fitbit so I'm waiting on my new one to come in the mail. Feel free to add me.

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Hi everyone! I have PCOS too. I'm 5'7" and 247. My periods used to be really irregular...once I went a year and half between periods...but for the last few years they've been pretty regular ranging from 25-45 days apart. I don't think I'm ovulating though, as my husband and I don't use any method of birth control and I've never gotten pregnant without fertility treatments, and that was five years ago. I have most of the symptoms of PCOS...the hair growth, the belly weight, really sucks and I have no friends who have PCOS so it's been a lonely journey. I hope you guys with "friend" me on here...I would love to get to know you all!

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I have suffered from PCOS forever. Had cysts burst all the time, infertility, hair growth, and pain. We can do this! I have found that higher protein and lower carbs does help!

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You really should try full on life Pcos is managed
and I've healed my's been a long amazing road to full recovery
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I am so glad I stumbled on this discussion!  I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and looking back- it all makes sense now!  The mood swings, weight gain, oily skin and teenage-like acne, new dandruff, and increased irregular periods. No wonder things haven't been successful since we've been TTC. I was starting to get so frustrated with trying to lose weight that I joined WW several times in the last few years, only to get frustrated at my lack of progress. I recently got my Fitbit Flex and used the last 2 weeks as a baseline for my normal activity between work and returning to school.  Now that I know PCOS  is contributing to my weight loss struggles and I can measure my activity- I definelty feel more optimistic and have renewed energy to lose the 70lbs that seemed to creep up on me over the last 2 years ever since I was off BC- which probably masked my PCOS symptoms.


Please "add" me, as I love the motivation and sharing success tools and tips!  Smiley Very Happy 




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hi ladies!! found this and think it's a great discussion/support group!  just got my fitbit today, can't wait to see what it can do 🙂  i also have PCOS, apparently my OB told me when i first started seeing her 10 years ago, however, didn't think it was that improtant to stress to me.  so of course, ive experienced all the symptoms you all have mentioned (weight gain, irregular periods, difficulties getting pregnant) which brings me to the reason i'm here.  my husband and i are trying for a baby and ive been advised that this is by far one of the biggest way to increase our chances, so here i am!  i'm 27, currently 215lbs looking to drop 50 in the long here we go!

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Hi all. I'm glad I found this thread. I'm 32 and my partner and I have been trying for a baby for about 6-7 months. Unfortunately it seems my PCOS is not helping with the conceiving and I have been referred to a fertility specialist. I have decided I would like to lose 5kgs before my appointment as if I get there and they say I need to lose weight before they attempt any solutions of conception for me I will have the biggest tanty in the office. I swear I will get on the floor and scream. Lol I wouldn't class myself as obese but I am around 10-15kg over the healthy weight range for my height. I don't seem to have any of the visible symptoms of PCOS just the hormonal.
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Hello, glad to see all of you.  I did notice that there are a couple PCOS groups on there, but they are not very active.

I am 48 and was just diagnosed this year, BUT I have had these issues  since my early 20's if not earlier.  I have continually been misdiagnosed over the years.  I have two kids, and have had several miscarriages. I have a TON of weight to lose.  And I have been getting very educated about pcos in the last couple months.


In doing so I have gone from 'dieting' to following a Low Amylose plan.  Amylose is one of the chains that form a starch.  It is the one that causes our body to produce even more insulin, that we don't need.  Then that extra insulin is stored as fat. A diet of low amylose foods is very satisfying for me, much like paleo or primal diets.


This is a lifestyle change, I will never go back to eating the breads and the pasta etc.  I eat ALL veggies except potatoes, yams, carrots and beets.  I eat all fruits except bananas....but just 1-2 servings a day.  I eat all real meats, fish, poultry. All nuts except peanuts.  I eat Cottage Cheese and greek yogurt as long as nothing is added and it is no fat free.  I do not eat rice, potatoes, wheat, barley, or oats.


Like I said I have been dieting and working out since I was diagnoses, 3 months ago.  With a 3 pound loss in 3 months.  In the last 2 weeks I have lost 7 pounds doing this, and going to the gym a few times a week like I already was.  And I have energy! 


ANYWAY, that is my story...well there is lots more, but that is part of it  lol

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Just found out recently that I have PCOS. I am so confused and upset by the diagnosis. I was experiancing horrible pain in my abdomen and after countless doctor visits and finally a visit to the ER I was told I have two very large cysts, one on each ovary. I have to see my OB/GYN to see what my options are. Good luck to everyone and if you have any advice or words of wisdom I would love to hear from you!.

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