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PCOS ladies

Hey Ladies! I have PCOS and I'm looking to connect with other PCOS ladies!

I currently weight 245lbs and I'm 5'3"

I was 135lbs October 2011 (2 years and a 110lbs weight Gain.) 

I'm working to get back to my starting weight of 135lbs.

I have Ovarian cysts, Breast Cysts, Rapid Weight Gain, Little bit of hair growth (tiny bits on my chest and on my chin. Not noticible but it is to me.), Mood Swings, Constipation, and extreme hormone fluxuations. 

I'd love to hear your story!


Add me!



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I am also a sufferer of PCOS. I was diagonsed when I was 22 and went for a fertility check before my then partner and I tried for children. I was told it would never happen and we tried for years unsuccessfully. I met my new partner is 2010 by dec 2011 I gave birth to my first son, and just in july this year i gave birth to my second son. The medical science is still playing catch up with PCOS.


I followed a low GI diet and lost 35kg and maintained that loss for 3 years, i did get a regular period every 34 days which was a massive improvement as since i was 11 i hadn't had a regular period. I've struggled with weight since I hit puberty even though i was an active teen. After my last son i have put on a lot of weight and now I have to face the long journey of melting it all off again and maintaining it.


It can be done its just a bit of a harder journey then for women without PCOS, just wanted to share my story and hope anyone else out there who was told the children not happening line can know it can happen!

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I'm brand new to fitbit and also looking for PCOS support. Please feel free to add me 🙂


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Hi ladies. 


I'm new to the whole PCOS thing (I was just officially diagnosed yesterday) and I'm really looking to connect with other ladies who are in the same boat for some community.

I'm currently 6'0" talla nd 378 lbs. I am also starting Metformin today to help with the insulin resistance and hopefully increase fertility by getting everything under control. Has anyone else had experience with this medication? Positive/negative feedback?


I look forward to connecting with you all.

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Hi ladies! I am also a PCOS sufferer. I just purchased the fitbit Charge today and will be using it in conjunction to the Weight Watchers program. Please add me! I would like to have a group of motivational women that I could reach out to and also encourage!

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Just got my fitbit today, diagnosed with PCOS at age 16. Now i am looking to lose 50pounds and need all the help I can get Smiley Happy

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Hello! I got my Fitbit in February and lost a bit of weight in the next few months. It was all really great then I was diagnosed with PCOS then a very close friends of mine died. The depression set in and i was finding comfort in food. I also went from hitting my step goal every day to averaging only about 3k steps per day. Then another very close person to me died. More food. More excuses. No progress.

I've gained about 20 lbs in the last few months and finally saw an endocrinologist and nutritionist last week to talk about where I stand with my PCOS, insulin resistance and what my options are.

I am insulin resistant so the nutritionist gave me some very specific daily goals to help with eights loss and keep from having problems in the future (i.e. type 2 diabetes). I've got 40 lbs to lose by changing my lifestyle- eating a diabetic diet and exercising regularly. I have a follow-upwith her in April and from there she will assess whether I should get on metformin.

I know it will be tough and I'm having a really hard time getting motivated but the fitbit was very successful when I used it the right way. I'd love to hear some of the ways you all are dealing with the symptoms of PCOS and managing weight loss.

Feel free to add me!

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Hi everyone! I was diagnosed with PCOS 5 years ago. I've been trying to conceive off and on for the past 4 years. I was blessed to have a child unexpectedly 11 years ago, boy I never would have imagined it would be so hard to have another! And it's very frustrating to see your body fail you month after month and not work properly. I'm currently taking clomid to help me ovulate and focusing on my health and weight loss. I'm hoping to lose 15 pounds, currently 5'2 and 158 pounds. Please feel free to add me, I need some workout buddies!
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Hello ladies! I'm afraid I have PCOS as well, had my ovary removed last september since a 2 1/2 inch cyst ruptured and tore my ovary too. Let's do this!

Fitbit Community ModeratorHelena A. | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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Hey! Me too 🙂 I just started with fit bit but so far I love it! It's so motivating to see myself hit my goals daily! 

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Hi All!


I have had a FitBit since the summer and it was working really well for a while and then I had to go back to work (I'm a teacher) and I stopped doing any extra exercises. I have PCOS and am looking for extra motivations to cut back on carbs and increase my exercise. 

I am dreading the rest of the holiday season and really need to head off the weight gain and make positive changes.


I'm curious and would like to get to know everyone so here's a couple questions to talk about:


What are your favorite workouts? Do you have bad cravings with your PCOS?

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Jogging on the treadmill really helped me get the weight off.. Then i hit a plateau and i fell off track and gained some of the wieght back.. I tried everything to keep it off.. Nothing seemed to work.. Im not on any medicine for my PCOS. But yes i myself do have very bad craving for everything that is bad for me!!! I try my best to make better choices... I am trying to myself back on track with everything.. But with the holidays now its really gonna be hard!!
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Foxykim I totally agree! Running is the only form of cardio that works for me. And I have to do it almost daily in order to lose weight. It's so frustrating, the amount of time I spend in order to lose just a few pounds. My cravings are always sweets.
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I too have pcos. I was diagnosed at 16. I have gained a lot of weight through my life. I'm currently 30. I have lost 14lbs from my heaviest weight. It is good to know that I am not alone. Please feel free to add me. I just got my fitbit so always looking for support.



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Add me to the PCOS list - 38 y.o. and seriously considereing elective hysterectomy. DH and I have been together for 15 years and no kids... not likely that there ever will be. I've accepted that.  He and I began a Medifast "5 &1" diet plan in October and results are much slower than expected. I joined up with him after his Doc gave him a diabetes diagnosis - there's no way I'm gonna flaunt something sweet in front of him if he can't have it - so I signed up. My internist is not thrilled... that's another story for another time.


I'm on my 6th OBGYN in 12 years - there is much more than just PCOS going on to push me toward hysterectomy. I never really gave it much thought - PCOS seemed to be a common label from past OBGYNs for any woman with elevated cholesterol and a few extra pounds (hello antidepressant side effects!) Now that I look back on the last decade, I know I put on a lot of pounds from med side effects even though I was pretty active. After my dad passed in 2010, I went on autopilot and I haven't really disengaged it much. Still grieving and seeing a therapist often.


I digress. I'm noticing that losing this weight is seemingly impossible. It's frustrating. My internist is criticizing the Medifast diet - calling it "processed food" and repeating "the first 3 letters in the word diet should scare you (die)"  The criticism isn't very motivating. Right now, my only support is my husband, my therapist and a small number of friends.


I'm in the DFW (Texas) area and I'd love to buddy up with anyone local - or just anyone at all! I've had the FitBit Flex for about 1 month and I'm still learning my way around. Just found these discussion boards tonight. Looking forward to meeting new friends.


~Amanda aka Madigan

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Hey Madigan,

I know it's tough, and from the sounds of it, a lot is going on in your
life. Don't worry, the fact that you're here is a move in the right
direction. Going through PCOS on it's own is overwhelming, even more so,
when you add the stress of being unable to conceive, and not to mention all
the other stressors in your life.

I personally think that we're all entitled to try out whatever works for us
to be healthy. Sometimes, those around us may have their own opinions as to
what will work for you, and that can be frustrating too. Nevertheless, I
thought I might offer my own thoughts, but please keep in mind that I am
not an expert, and you may have done your own studying and come to the
conclusion that Medifast is the best for you. My only concern is that,
based on my own research, I have found that processed anything is really
bad for PCO women because our bodies *tend* to be insulin resistant, and so
these kinds of foods have the effect of spiking your blood sugar, and
storing even more fat. I'm not really sure exactly HOW processed Medifast
is, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to look into the ingredients, and maybe
researching some possible effects of the ones you are not that familiar

Also, I may be wrong, but I read that Medifast diet plan allows for only
800 to 1000 calories a day, which sounds to be very extreme, and possibly
counterproductive if you're not doing it with the help and supervision of a
dietician or a doctor.

In either case, I feel like maybe your internist is trying to be helpful,
but is acting a bit more patronizing rather than empowering. I suggest you
try what you feel works best for your needs and lifestyle, but remember
that the best plan is one that can be long-term, and consistent, even if
that means the progress might be slow, it will be more permanent, and less
shocking to your system.

Good luck with everything and please feel free to add as a friend 🙂 Let's
keep each other motivated to keep that pedometer count up.


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Hey fellow Cysters! I've had PCOS and endometriosis for about 9 years (they diagnosed me at the age of 15), and the struggle is real! I finally found a doctor who was willing to take me seriously and not put me straight onto BC, and it's been amazing! I lost 75 lbs in about 18 months. I have about 40 to go, but it's SO doable! Exercise is the best thing in the world (albeit the first month royally sucks), but your diet controls your world (hormones, hair in funny places, mood spikes, Aunt Flo, you name it!).


For those of you who are just now finding out about your diagnosis, read up! And if your doctor won't take you seriously (I once had a doctor refer me to a psychiatrist because he said the pain was mental), keep searching! Someone out there will listen to you, and help you get where you need to be. However, the doctor only sees you a few times a year, but you can get moving and take charge of your own health! We are women, hear us roar! Good luck, ladies! 

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I am also a Cyster (its so nice to have a word for us- makes it seem less daunting, no?) I am 25 and currently 5ft. 3in and weigh 165lbs. I have been steadily gaining weight for about 5 years (starting around when i was diagnosed) and haven't quite been able to master the weight loss. About two years ago, I was able to to go from 155 to 145, but I am always fluxuating. My goal weight is 135lbs and I am hoping that if I work out 4 times a week for at least an hour and stick to my calorie intake, this will be the time I master it!


I recently got married and I think that may be one of the toughest obstacles. Regardless of how much I love my husband, he eats like crap- and can! I have to watch out for too many carbs, too much dairy, too much sugar.... I hope I can whip him into shape with me, but for now I am starting with making him eat my healthy meals with me. haha


How do you all stay motivated when the scale doesn't show rapid changes? Do you focus on other areas to be happy with? Do you try to focus on rewarding yourself for going to the gym for your desired amount of time, etc? I am just trying to see what works for others, beacuse sometimes when I hop on the scale and see no change, I just feel like giving up.


Glad to see there is a forum to discuss these issues in 🙂


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@Ellie89 wrote:


How do you all stay motivated when the scale doesn't show rapid changes? Do you focus on other areas to be happy with? Do you try to focus on rewarding yourself for going to the gym for your desired amount of time, etc? I am just trying to see what works for others, beacuse sometimes when I hop on the scale and see no change, I just feel like giving up.


Good for you, girl! You really aren't that far from your goal! I struggle with not seeing changes, too. Sometimes you gain a pound or two and that's when it's tempting to break out the chocolate... But avail! I just got married as well, and my husband can also eat fries and burgers all day and not notice a difference! To see more change, I only weigh in about twice a month, and I use a scale that monitors body fat and body water, so if you gain a little bit, a lot of times it's water or even muscle 😄 One thing my employer does through their wellness program is a step-reward challenge. I borrowed the idea so my husband and I compete with the steps. Winning feels great! But we also have a "fitness graph" taped to the bathroom door, with our goals listed on it. There are sticky notes for each met goal, and when you remove the sticky note there is a non-food reward underneath (such as a new piece of workout clothing or a movie outing). The visual gain helps a lot! Make a large poster board so you can actually SEE every pound or 0.5% body fat lost! When you hit the next 100,000 steps, reward yourself with something small! Make it visual and in your face! If you have an "in your face" reminder of your awesome work (as well as the not-so-awesome sundae), it motivates you to avoid something or to get up and run!


But one of the most important things to remember (I'm talking to myself just as much as you!) is that no lost weight is SO much better than gaining. Not gaining weight is a HUGE accomplishment when you have PCOS. It is a LOT harder to lose weight with PCOS, and it's hard to remember that not many people realize that. My caloric intake is incredibly low by comparison (the doctor helped me plan this! Don't just eat 250 calories a day and think that's okay!); if I eat as much as most healthy, normal people, I'll gain weight like I live on fried carnival food. You've got this! You might have a harder go, but you can totally do this!

"You can't out-run your fork!"
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I have PCOS and am glad to see there is a support group here. I am from Canada and didn't know there was meds I could take to help with the insulin resistance.


About 3 years ago, I worked out 3 times a week with a personal trainer (who is a female professional builder), then another 3 times a week on my own. I ate exactly as I was told. I did this for 3 months and only lost 3lbs. 


I just bought a Fitbit surge and have a goal to do at least 9,000 steps a day. In the next few months, I will move to 10,000.


I look forward to chatting with you ladies.

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I'm just now starting out with this undiagnosed PCOS, but ovarian cysts aren't fun. My doctor is working with me on this struggle but I haven't told them yet that I want to lose 105lbs yet. That will be discussed at my next appointment.


Please add me as I work towards my goal of 135.

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