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Quitting Smoking and Not Losing Any Weight

If you recently quit smoking and cannot lose a single pound, read on!


A few months ago, I wasn't sure that I would be prepared or willing to changing at all. Ever. I really liked smoking and eating. Or eating and smoking - either way.

I guess it started on my last birthday, when I said I would quit and told everyone. Then I kept smoking and didn't even attempt it, but kept promising that I would at least try. Christmas came and went. Then New Years (what a good time for a resolution, but who wants to fall victim to resolutions. Aren't they so dumb?!), and then finally, my daughter's birthday in February. Faced with the request to quit smoking from my 5 year old sucked. She asked me so sweetly.


I bought an e-cig (which you should get if you are still smoking) and kicked it around for a while. I half assed my resolve to quit and clung to my cigarettes. But then one morning, I didn't have any left and I have never had another one. I kept it up with the e-cig for about a month until I realized that I wasn't even really smoking the thing anymore. So, I stopped - that was over 3 months ago now. Yay me!

During that time and against my better judgment, I weighed myself. You may not be surprised to know that I didn’t like the number, and I certainly didn’t want it to go up. I started a healthy eating regimen. Mother’s day came and my wonderful husband bought me a fitbit! The best present I have ever received – it has totally changed my life.


My excuse has always been that I am a busy, working mother – I have no time to work out! The fitbit suddenly made me aware of all the extra time I was wasting by sitting on the couch or not walking the dog.


So, after all of these actions: quitting smoking, changing my eating habits, reducing calories by a minimum of -1000/day, walking 10,000+ steps a day, I cannot lose a single pound.

I want everyone out there who is struggling as I am to know they are not alone. It is the worst feeling. After researching many, many hours, it is very hard to find information about this problem. Many websites discuss weight gain after smoking, but don’t explain why it happens. Or they estimate that your metabolism slows by an average of 200 calories a day. If that were true, I would still be losing weight. Many forums that I have found with a history of similar questions/comments being made about quitting and not losing are followed by a huge number of people saying it’s not true. It’s what you’re eating. It’s because you are not exercising enough. They just quit smoking and have been losing weight no problem.


Well, I’m not imagining things and you aren’t either if you are still reading along. I’ve found out that it can take anywhere from 6 months to a year for your metabolism to recover. I’m sure this varies from person to person. I’m hoping I’m around the 6 month mark!


Let’s use this discussion to post new information or strategies on how to increase our metabolism again and to make it through without having to pick up another cigarette!



I see that people are still responding to this post, so I thought I would update it. It's been over 3 years since writing it, and a lot has changed for me. First of all, my body has healed and I can now lose weight normally again! For a while there, I sort of gave up. I knew it wasn't going to happen and I decided to give my body a rest. I would say that it took 2 years from the time I quit to where my body started functioning normally again. I highly recommend taking probiotics (24-48 billion) per day, as I believe this would have helped me with my gut bacteria even faster. I still take probiotics everyday now. I made some half hearted attempts at weight loss during then and now, which were mildly successful and only failed because I stopped. Now I'm down 27lbs after 4 months of keto and feel great.

For all of those just starting the non-smoking life, be patient. I know it's hard, but you will recover. You will flourish and you'll be healthier than you've ever been before! Give yourself time to heal. The body is amazing, just think of how long you've been smoking and how short a time it will take to heal from that. Amazing!

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187 REPLIES 187

@NReppy1985  I realize your post is a year old-but everything you said is exactly me. 5 months free right now. Mid thirties. I run, go to the gym and eat healthy and mindful. Gained almost 15 pounds. Becoming severely depressed. 

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Don’t give up! WW has worked for me!

Sent from Laura's iPhone
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This October will be 3 years non smoker for me but alas I have put on 25 lbs. Have tried my fitness pal app and know all about weight watchers but cannot loose excess pounds. I know the importance of journalizing but am so tired of dieting. Please offer any pointers am all ears. 

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ive Been dealing with the inability to lose weight for over a year after quitting. No matter what I did, I kept gaining. I just found a video last week I hat really makes sense. Please look on YouTube for Dr. Eric Berg on dangers of quitting smoking. He’s not saying to not quit, he explains what could happen to some people when they quit too fast. Has to do with neurotransmitters, adrenal stuff. He explains it better.  He suggests 3 supplements that are fairly cheap on amazon that really have helped me. One is L-Diopa but I can’t remember the others.I have been desperately searching and most of the time in tears because everything suggests that I’m just not eating/ exercising right. I don’t want anyone to feel the depression as I have with this sorta rare issue when quitting. I really hope this helps. ❤️ 

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Dr Eric Berg - dangers of quitting smoking on YouTube. 

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Isn’t he the Keto diet guy? 

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Have you lost weight?

Sent from Laura's iPhone
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No, I have not!  I slowly gained almost 20 pounds after quitting, and it's still on me.  I have to admit that I don't do much physical activity, so that doesn't really help, and I don't really eat all the right foods (not a fruit or veggie fan).  I've pretty much learned to live with it at this point.  I am currently 58 yrs. old, 5'4" and weigh 142 pounds.  I feel like I'm still much healthier, even with the extra 20 pounds than a "thin" smoker, right?  LOL.  Thanks for checking in and asking!.

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No! And it’s super frustrating! No matter what I do nothing works! Any answers? Tips? 

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@MichelleKM wrote:

I have to admit that I don't do much physical activity, so that doesn't really help, and I don't really eat all the right foods (not a fruit or veggie fan).

On a positive note, it means you have room for improvement on two separate fronts (activity, diet)... Never been a smoker myself, but I was in the same situation with regards to activity and eating, and I’ve been able to shed 10-15 kg by becoming more active and improving my diet.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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I’ve been doing WW for the past year and have managed to take off 25 lbs but it’s a constant battle and the weight comes right back if I relax too much and each time it comes back it’s different. Lumpy legs, discouraging.

Sent from Laura's iPhone
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Yes it is. I’ve watched him for all the keto stuff but recently found this
older video.
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@Lrodriguez82-82 wrote:

Dr Eric Berg - dangers of quitting smoking on YouTube. 

FWIW: "Dr" Eric Berg is not a medical doctor, he’s a chiropractor. More about him here.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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Just ran across your post. I have put on ten pounds since feb. I started counting my calories and exercising. Just like I do every time in put on 5 or 10 pounds. I have always lost a few pounds the first couple of weeks, however this time I’m putting in a lot of work and no weight loss. I have been at it for 5 weeks now 7 days a week. 7 to 8 hours of exercise a week, 700 to 1000 more calories out then in. I’m doing everything right but one thing has changed I quit smoking last Augest, started vaping. I quit vaping 5 weeks ago. I was about to give up until I read your post. I have lost some inches so I’m going to keep going. 

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Congratulations!! For a most people their body chemistry and hormones with
balance themselves out and youll begin to lose weight again.
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Keep going! I’m 4 years quit now. I finally joined WW. I am also doing intermittent fasting (16:8) and exercising at least 4 days a week. It has taken awhile, but I’ve lost 32 of the 40 lbs I gained and am only 8 lbs from my goal weight.

Sent from Laura's iPhone
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Thank you. Yes hormones for sure. Besides the quitting smoking I’m in menopause too, and low resting heart rate. I’m working overtime to fight all of these things. 

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That is awesome 

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Do t give up! That’s great! Birth control can Also make your hormones all kinds of wacky. I’ve done some research and even the IUD can cause weight gain even though Drs day no. 

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@Tiff582 @Lrodriguez82-82 @MissMully  It is sort of a miracle to quit smoking.  Definitely stick with it.  Never give up.  I quit in 2004 and was diagnosed with cancer about a month later and remember I did weigh 127 but didn't pay much attention to it.  Now I weigh 117 and am wishing and trying for 110 for a school reunion in September.  You body eventually adjusts to the lack of nicotine  which DOES speed up your metabolism.   I just read "the Obesity Myth" which stated the actual statistics on weight and mortality risk and concluded "Obese people are just as healthy as thin people and don't die sooner.  Being fat doesn't cause diabetes or heart disease.  The critical factors in risk of early mortality  are, NOT SMOKING, staying physically active, and eating decent nutritious food (not a diet of twinkies and steak).  So don't smoke.   Also I am 78 but perfectly healthy by MISTAKE.  I exercised every day of my life for decades (reading on my treadmill and bike) thinking it helped with weight control.  Exercise only makes you HEALTHY.  Sorry!   Most people who just start an exercise program eat more, and DON'T lose weight.  The best way to lose weight is to WORK at finding new lower calorie  favorite foods you truly enjoy.   If you just try to follow something like WW.  and don't find new foods you really like you probably will regain the weight.   Forgive me if I sound like a know-it-all.  I'm just old and very experienced and read a lot.

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