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Spring break weight loss challenge

HHi all 

I work for a school district and we get a week off work for spring break. I am actually going on a Caribbean cruise for an entire week!

Super excited except for the fact that my body is NOT ready for a Swim suit of any kind!! With all the Christmas and New Years parties my bod is bloated. I feel large and in charge lol . I wanted to start a spring break challenge with any of you who maybe have an upcoming spring break vacation coming up or just want to get in shape with me! Let's make this a place we can post progress pics, weekly weigh ins and help keep each other stay motivated! 


My my goal is to lose 10 pounds by March 10th. My other goal is to tone up and loose belly fat.

Date: 1/4

CW: 128.4

GW: 118.0

Plan: Count calories with my fitness pal, workout 4-5 days a week consistently.


When you really want something, you will do whatever it takes to get it. I have officially reached that point and I am ready to do whatever I need to do to achieve my goal! I know I have to stay away from alchohol and fried foods to get to where I want to be. I'm all in!! Let's do this!

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Well I weighed in this morning.  I am down 3.8lbs since Sunday. I really wish I had taken measurements. I know I am down inches, especially in my waist.  I finally fit into the outfit my Mom bought me for Christmas (YAAAAY!).


I was considering cleansing for another day, but my kids are sleeping over at my parents house tonight so my husband and I will go out for a nice dinner and have a drink or two!!  

How did everyone's week go? 

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@aeco233 insanity is no joke!! I tried once and died lol Sounds like your keeping up with your exersizing!Your going to get results quickly! Keep it up!! Don't stRess the small things!

Walking around campus also helped me stay you stay active so much in college. I miss that lol keep it up girl!


Congrats on the weight you loss this week @MrsBrown!! That is seriously amazing!!!!!!!  You inspire me!


I weighed in today too! Stats below!

SW (1/6/17): 128.6

CW (1/13/17): 126.4

GW: 118

Total Loss this Week: 2.2 pounds


I have a feeling that some of the weight I lost is water weight because when I first start a diet/lifestyle change, the weight comes off easy the first couple of weeks! But once I get closer to my goal I loose like .5 pounds a week lol but hey some is better than nothing!!


Ladies, even if you gain weight one week do not be discouraged!! Body weight fluctuates with hormones and salt intake. Keep pushing for what you want!! 


Have a lovely weekend! I am going to try to not over indulge  on Saturday 😘

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I didn't mean to just say ladies! I think we have some guys in here too!! Just wanted to clarify lol 

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I'm very excited to have found this group.  I as well have planned a family trip over Spring Break and I would like to be healtlier for myself and my family.  I would like to lose 20 lbs by spring break (April 17th).   I love to jog but have gotten away from this.  I took a bad fall in July and was out of commission for 3 months and I let life consume me and never have gotten back into jogging.  I'm also a stress eater and need to learn to control this.  I'm open to any sugesstions.  


SW 180

GW by Spring Break 160

GW By June 145

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Hi @Teach305, welcome to the group!! I am excited that you are in and I am sure you will get to you GW in time!  I can definitely relate about stress eating, life gets hard and my mind convinces my body that it is soooo hungry and needs carbs or sugar or greasy foods. Eating more protein helps me, chugging water (I try to drink a gallon each day), and then also giving myself a cheat MEAL once a week so I am not completely depriving myself from those things I crave. While this helps, I am still struggling with it myself! My diet is the hardest thing for me to commit to.  

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Hi everyone!!


Hope all of your weeks went well.  I am going to weigh in with you guys on Fridays, but my weeks usually run Tuesday-Monday (which is weird, but my weekends are Sunday-Monday, with Sunday being my cheat day).


So I did insanity a few years ago and was absolutely obsessed!!! Its THE BEST! i also own T-25 and P90X.  Enjoy it! It really gave me a love for working out unlike anything else!


My workouts this week:

Tuesday- Trainer, Tabata workout

Wednesday- 45min Cardio

Thursday- total body resistance workout 

Friday- 45 min Cardio

Saturday- Tabata workout

Sunday-Monday- Off/light cardio


Eating- I use My Fitness Pal and I've adjusted my own macros.  Currently I eat 40% protein, 30% carb, 30% Fat.  I generally meet all of these goals within 1-2% points.  My problem is caloric intake.  Generally I burn a lot most days and eating enough where i'm not in a huge defecit is typically a problem- and has been my suspicion for a very long time, which is actually what prompted me to get a FitBit Blaze since I'm constantly on my feet working and working out.  So, this week I tried something new because I had noticed that I wasn't losing any more and some days I would gain, despite working out and eating well.  This week I have tried so hard to get into the range for my caloric needs/weight loss on FitBit - and while some days I don't hit it exactly I'm down 1.9 since last weight in! So I think upping my calories a lot has helped, even if I have to eat when I'm not hungry.  My schedule is insane, so I'm learning to eat "over" my calories for the day while working and then burning a lot during workouts so i'm not in a 1,000+ calorie defecit at 9:00pm when I have to go to bed at 12-1:00am.


CW: 187.2

Loss: -1.9




As far as shakes go  I usually just make my own and use Organic frozen berries, kale, spinach, and unsweetened almond/coconut milk - especially if i need to increase my fiber/carb instake for the day.  My personal default is a Quest Protein Bar over the shakes.  I find Quest to be the best as far as Carb-Fat-Protein content.  I also am gluten-free so I have to be careful with what I eat.


How's everyone doing??

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Also- Does anyeone know if we can see this thread in the App on our phones?  I always have to login to my macbook or ipad to check it! That's hard to do at the bakery! Can you see it on an iphone through the app?

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Here are my stats from the week:

USW 208 (5/22/16)
PW 181.9 (1/1/17)
CSW 177.7 (1/8/17)
CW 177.5 (1/15/17)
GW 165 (spring break)
Plan: mfp food tracker and exercise 5 days per week


Have a good week everyone!

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I would like to be able to see from my phone too.  And how to do I get to that group thing that I joined previously..?   #newbie

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My week went okay until the weeked.   Friday night my newphew picked a buffet and I though oh goodness this is going to end bad  but I did a lot better than I gave myself credit but Saturday did not as well but it is because I did avoid temptation at the movies.  Then yesterday was my little boys birthday party and I thought oh I'm so busy I would do well but it went the opposite directions.  So yesterday I truly went south.  But overall the weigh loss this week was 3lbs. 

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great job this week! 3 pound loss is stellar!!  great job!!!!


i had my cheat meals, etc yesterday and was up 2.4 pounds this am, and i feel super bloated.


i cant wait to get back into the gym today to start my week off right!


On Wednesday night my bf and I have SSSC ( Super Secret Supper Club) which is held once a year at a local restaurant.  I am so worried about going to it because it's a 10-12 course small plates meal paired with drinks.  I need to come up with a game plan to get through the meal and not feel horrible afterwards.  I also am not sure when I would gym that day.  My plan so far is to try and get up at 5am get to the gym before work, work my 9 hour day and then go right to the dinner.  Hopefully just eat a few bites of each plate?  There are a few problems: 1) I don't want to offend the chef cooking the dinner because I know him and he speficially made the entire menu gluten-free this year because I said I was coming.   2) The Super Secret Supper Club concept is you don't know what the menu I have no way to plan my macros or calories for the evening.  3) if i get up to workout between 4-5am I'm going to be exhausted, I probably wont get home until about 10pm after the dinner. I don't want to make poor choices because I'll be tired.


Any thoughts guys???


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im struggling this week as well...I ate like crap all weekend.....I bought a bag of dove chocolates and have been eating them everyday 😞 then yesterday I just felt like I could never get full and kept eating and eating...borderline binge. Today I'm extremely bloated and pretty sure I've gained back the 2 pounds I've lost so far 😞 ive really gotta work on mindfulness and channeling my negative energy elsewhere.  

I'm also feeling like calorie counting is stressful and I'm wanting to explore other approaches to loosing 10 pounds. Whatever I do I just need to get a lot more serious about it lol March is coming fast.

As far as your supper club dinner...what if you just did a quick 20-30 min workout the morning of. That way you get a little excercise in!! It will help I promise. Then eat a couple of bites off each course. Eat until your full. Don't be too hard on yourself and don't stress. It's one night! You've got to enjoy life. Try and enjoy conversation and the people your with more than the food. Easier said than done...but I know you can do it! Let me know how it goes.

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@chefk Also chew slowly!! I know your not sure what you'll be eating but focus on eating protein and good carbs rather than rich foods! 🙂 

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I cleansed again yesterday.  Weigh in day is tomorrow.  Looking forward to it.  Not sure I will be down any lbs, but I know I have lost inches and I feel really good.  I am doing a lot of heavy weight lifting at the gym and you know the whole "Muscle weighs more than fat thing....".  But my clothes are certainly fitting more comfortably and I just feel great!   This system is really amazing.  If you are struggling and looking for something that WORKS and is rediculously healthy please don't be shy to contact me. What if this is what you have been looking for.  Just check out Beth's results and testimonial :

"I just feel FREAKING amazing!!!

Thank God for Nutritional Cleansing!!! I used to work my **ahem** off doing all sorts of crazy stuff and still wouldn't get these kind of results. So glad I gave it a shot! Putting the right stuff in is KEY! Abs are made in the kitchen yo"
















and Karli:

For months before, I cried that I wanted to be better but never made a change in my lifestyle. Seeing this progress makes me so motivated to continue my journey and continue to work harder. (I lost the first 10 after month one and sticking to the plan and no gym, and the other 10 with going to the gym)




And of course ME 😄  this is my 4 month transformation, I lost an additional 20lbs since then. 

4 Month transformation4 Month transformation


 @lmu022 I totally agree with you, negative energy can be detramental in every aspect of your life.  Check out the movie The Secret on Netflix, it is about the Law of Attraction.  It really helped me with focusing on the positive and the things I want in the future. 

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So, I haven't been able to tell a big difference on the scale... BUT my work pants are fitting SO LOOSE where as they were really tight! I'm guessing this is a good sign. I have been eating extremely healthy and cut out coffee out of my daily routine. (Coffee isn't bad - but I add a LOAD of unhealthy sweetened creamer) I've gone a WHOLE WEEK so far... which is great for me being that I normally drink multiple cups per day. I've been going to a spin class at my gym twice a week and on the other days I try to get outside and go for a 3 mile run! (To make up for my sedentary behavior at work) I have also cut down on my snacking. The biggest goal I have right now is to continue to motivate myself to go running after work no matter how exhausted I am. And I want to really make an effort to control portion sizes! Because I can get out of control with even healthy food! 


This weekend I am going to get fitted into my wedding dress (which I ordered a little tight in my middle) so that is the real test! I need to be smaller in my upper waist to fit in this thing! 


Keep going everyone! I love reading all of your discussion posts! 

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Weekly weigh in!


USW 208 (5/22/16)
PW 181.9 (1/1/17)
CSW 177.7 (1/8/17)
PW 177.5 (1/15/17)
CW 174.7 (1/22/17)
GW 165 (spring break)
Plan: mfp food tracker and exercise 5 days per week


I'm hoping to earn my -35 pound badge this week. Have a great day!


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Weigh In: 

SW 180

1/16 177

1/23 173

GW by Spring Break 160

GW By June 145


 This weeks goal is to get moving more and continue with healthy meal planing and prep.  

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Hey Guys,

I am going to weigh in every friday, I also took measurements prior to this and a few before/after pictures which are normally motivating when I am not seeing the results in numbers on the scale!


Unfortunately, last week was not so great for me. I let school and a nasty cold get me down. So I only took a few walks and didn't really workout. I was just exhausted but I did try to make healthy choices with my meals. I am excited to get back in the swing of things today with meal prepping and trying to have a designated time for the gym rather than going when I feel like it because it turns out I do not feel like it now that school is back in session! 



@Kelbug Just a little over 100 days until our wedding!! Have you planned a honeymoon yet? Sounds like you are doing well with everything and on the path to reaching your goals! 

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Hey Everyone!


So, I missed last weeks weigh-in and everything kind of went to crap.  I fractured my ankle Wednesday afternoon (thank god i got my cardio in early that day) and haven't been able to work out since! As a result I kind of let my meal-prep fall to the wayside and definitely did not do my best.  I'm trying to work with my trainer to come up with new workouts while I'm in this boot for the next few weeks, and I'm trying to not let this get me down.  My ortho also found a tear in my left knee (unrelated to the ankle issue), as some other issues. So, surgery might be up and coming after this ankle thing is resolved.  

But! I'm still super positive and I'm ready to jump back in again! I meal prepped for today and I start working out again today as well! If any of you have creative workout ideas let me know!


Sounds like everyone is doing the best they can which is great!! The Secret is an awesome movie btw!  @Kelbug do you try on your dress this upcoming weekend? That's pretty exciting! @lmu022 thank you so much for the tips for that dinner! the dinner was awesome, and they were super small plates - the champaign and wine probably didn't help, but since I fractured my ankle a few hours before I didn't give AF at that moment, lol. 

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Hey everyone!

I am a 39 y/o 5'7" female currently living in Washington. 


Starting Weight: 194.6 lbs
Current Weight: 174.4 lbs
Mini-Goal: 150 lbs (by April 6)
Goal Weight: 135 lbs (by July it might change as I start losing and seeing how it actually looks)

Dana - 39 - 5'7" - F - Washington - Fitbit Alta
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