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sabotage myself

Does anyone else have this issue...I get close to goal and sabotage myself.  It can take a couple days to a week to get back on.  Anyone know why we would sabotage ourselves?  I'm like 6 pounds from goal.   A week or so ago I was 3-4 pounds away from goal and I sabotage myself.  Now I'm back to 5-6 pounds from goal again. 

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@SunsetRunner  Isn't that just human nature? We do the very things we don't want or mean to do.


Try writing down every bite you eat. It takes discipline, but it also shows you what you're eating.


Is there a particular time when you struggle more than others? If you can pinpoint just when you have the most trouble staying on target, find something else to do when the urge to eat hits you. You could start cleaning something involved, get a shower, come to the forums and read how others face their struggles or anything else to get your mind off food.


You can do it. You're close and with spring here, there will be many chances to get out and walk, to help get off those last pounds.

Stepping in the U.S.A. since September 2013. Android 14

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How hard are you pushing yourself before the sabotage?  One problem I’ve noticed with myself is sometimes I get all excited for my new plan and push myself a little too hard and burn out, I’ll see great results for a while but then all of a sudden it’s not really worth it anymore and I start messing up.  For me it’s when I push myself too hard to eat super healthy and like I said at first I feel awesome, super healthy tons of energy and I’m getting great results but then I start thinking more about the things I’m missing out on and eventually get to a point where I don’t care anymore I have to have all the junk I was missing out on and I mess myself up.  Now what I do is I allow myself one small treat per day I can have either some type of dessert or a not so healthy snack and if I’m not craving anything like that on a particular day then I stick with just my healthier stuff.  I’ve noticed a similar effect in people that are over exercising or taking too much on at once.  I’m not sure if that’s where you sabotage problem comes from but maybe try taking things down a notch you should still see results and hopefully this will enable you to finally lose that last bit of weight.

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I'm doing great with exercising, logging my foods - but when I"m stressed and at work - I sabotage myself with mindless eating or drinking when I get home..... HELP

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@stains you should pack a bag with healthy snacks. Baby carrots, yogurt,nuts ect..... So when you start stress eating you can put something healthy in to your body instead the garbage they have at work. Trust me I know. They always have a cookie tray or bagels at my job. It really sucks!
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Yeah, a few months ago, I started doing what @GarayPrincess recommends. I bring fruits and nuts from home. It has worked really good for me, specially for those moments. Smiley LOL

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