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why arent i losing weight

Hi, I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts for me as to why I cannot seem to lose any weight. I keep my food intake to 1200 calories a day, I am 5 ft 4 and 1/2 inches tall and weigh 157 pounds and 10 of those came upon me since gallbladder removal even tho my diet did not change...My calories in are less than calories out and I am now seeing fat acculating on the sides of my hips....I record food in MFP and then recheck with WW points and it all comes out as it should except I am not losing any weight and gaining fat...your help would be so appreciated.

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I hope you got my food journal as I just sent it I thought, please let me know and I will resend... Thanks for all the help
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I am not sure if this is the healthy way to do it but when I started gaining weight back I fasted a couple of days with protein drinks and Quest protein bars... That is the only way I could move the scale.... But I'm back up again because I stopped exercising. It seems like a constant battle for me!
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@Donna-R wrote:
I am not sure if this is the healthy way to do it but when I started gaining weight back I fasted a couple of days with protein drinks and Quest protein bars... That is the only way I could move the scale.... But I'm back up again because I stopped exercising. It seems like a constant battle for me!

If you followed the Fitbit eating goal which had a deficit to what you burned, the fact you didn't exercise shouldn't have mattered at all, because you still would have been eating less.


Or do you mean you keep eating at a certain level, exercise or not, but it's only with exercise that you end up burning more than you eat?


I'd suggest the days of eating packaged items allowed you to get very accurate food logging, perhaps compared to normal food logging.

Should be able to obtain similar results with accurate logging of what you eat by weight.

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Well I don't sit stound a lot like today I walked three miles and keep moving around the house with various activities, I truly wish I could take a poll and ask people if when they had their gallbladder out if it changed the way their body worked and if they had any suggestions as well, but thank you so much for taking your time to reply.😃
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I have and it did
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I have had my gallbladder out
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Hi, I see where you said you had your gallbladder out, did you find that you gained weight and had trouble losing it? I have read so many stories on different sites where people are desperate for help, it seems insane how troublesome this is and doctors just remove and leave you go without any help...thanks so much for your thoughts and help...Sally Residential 1

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Hang in there it is a constant battle and never had this problem while I had a gallbladder, but thank you for your thoughts....Sally

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After gallbladder out did gain a lot of weight, but its been out a while and
now my body has adjusted and if I keep up on exercise and eating right I can
loose, but the minute I don't I gain really fast and I crave the absolute
worst things, like chips ice cream etc.
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Thanks so much for your reply am desperate for help with my gain due to gallbladder removal and increased appetite for junk food.Cat Sad

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I had mine out just after my son was born in 2001.  I couldn't lose my pregnancy weight, couldn't breastfeed because of the drugs they gave me before surgery, and ballooned up 20-lbs. I got stuck there for a long while mainly because I was a new mom, depressed, stuck at home with a fragile preemie and unsupportive (now ex) husband.  1 year later I lost 80-lbs doing Body For Life, in 7-months and was in the best shape of my life.  I got pregnant again and life kicked me around for a while and I'm enormous now, but I don't think my gallbladder surgery is affecting my weight loss, just my lack of physical activity and a low thyroid.  But, I've also been vegetarian for 25 years maybe that makes a difference?  I'm losing it now (and forever) by exercising 1-2hrs a day (goal is 20,000 steps/day) and 1400-1500 cals/day of clean vegetarian eating.  I'm trying to develop better habits and clean up my family's lifestyle at the same time.


You should check out the older podcasts and website at Fat2Fit Radio.  They aren't making anymore podcasts but there are lots of episodes on iTunes.  I don't think you are eating enough. 1200 and string cheese /w pita crisps for breakfast?  Your body is holding on to every calorie for dear life because it thinks it's starving.  Also making sure every single calorie is packed with nutrients.  A better breakfast would be an egg white omlette with a little bit of cheese, a slice of sprouted grain toast and an apple.  You would be surprised but by upping your calories based on your BMR (calculator is on the site) you can lose weight.  It won't be fast but it will be forever. Good luck!

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Thanks so much for your help and I know you will get back down ... I so wish I could eat things like eggs but cannot get past things like eggs, milk soups stews chilis beans, any kind of shakes so it's really hard that is y I have my weird breakfast but will try the apple in there, my food intake is small it's snacking I guess that's my downfall will work on that, thank you so much and good luck😃

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I had mine out in 2001 similiar to another poster. I was warned that the food I ate would not get digested as easy since my liver would have to do double duty with the bile production. Over the years the weight gain has been steady and I know that I have to be mindful of what I eat. Of course I haven't.  You could reach out to nutritionist to see other ways that you can can assist with weight loss. I know that some foods still give me bad gas and can taste oily to me so I tend to avoid those. 

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Thank you it's so discouraging isn't it and the best kept secret as I had never heard of the problem until I had mine out, but thanks so much for your reply... Sally

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You are very welcome. Everyone that I know who has had the gallbladder out has issue with weight gain.

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O no it's so awful there must be help out there for it , surely people are investigating why , it's so insane as I never heard anything about it until I looked into it, just so sad, but thank you!

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