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Brand New Member Today

Hi! I'm new to this program today. Are these forums helpful?


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Santa was good to me too, loving my Charge (even though it thinks it is a Force) looking to train for Tough Mudder 2015, and need someone challege me! How do you link friends? No one I know owns one... Yet 😉
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Hey – what is your username and I will add you – I need to shift this last bit of weight off too so any motivation would help!


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Hi! My username is kath5, Smiley Happy

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Hi I'm new to fitbit.   Mine was a xmas gift also.   Looking at the amount of fitbits that were handed out this xmas to all of us makes me wonder, are our loved ones trying to tell us something? LOL

Just kidding I tend to resort to humor when in new situations.


Can I ask you guys, am I suppose to download the fitbit APP on my Iphone/Ipad?? 

Plus, do I need to sync my fitbit every day by standing close to my computer (with that little gizmo you plug into it?


Thanks undefined

Your life is your story. Write well. Edit often
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hi its tonipf lets do it

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i put the app on my iphone 6+

i also plugged the USB fitbit dongle into my laptop

i sync to both.

the sync to your ios device is simply open the fitbit app

turn All Day Sync OFF (recommended by tech support)


for your laptop be sure the dongle stays plugged in

download and install the fitbit windows software or apple software

in your notifications panel, right click the fitbit icon

click SYNC

the click Open Dashboard


if   the sync fails, turn off the fitbit and back on and try the sync again..



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@Zazoo1137 wrote:

Hi I'm new to fitbit.   Mine was a xmas gift also.  

-------------------------  cut  ----------------------------

Can I ask you guys, am I suppose to download the fitbit APP on my Iphone/Ipad?? 

Plus, do I need to sync my fitbit every day by standing close to my computer (with that little gizmo you plug into it?



Welcome @Zazoo1137 to the group of Fitbitters, lets see if i can get some answers for you. First have you downloaded your Manual for the One?

To sync to your computer your One will have to in radio range of your computer.

This is recomended as being 15 ft max. This is also the standard for Blutooth. Then again my tracker has synced while standing outside the house 50 feet from the PC. Your distance might vary. By doing a right click on the Fitbit Connect icon you can click sync now.


Do you need to download the Fitbit software to your Iphone, no there are many people that don't have a phone that the software runs on, and they do fine.



  • Its only through the phone that you can do the Challenges
  • You can have Fitbit scan through your phones contacts for emails of friends who also have Fitbits.
  • If you want to log food calories the phone makes it allot easier.
  • The Phone also allows you to sinc and see your stats easier through out the day.
  • On your Iphone you would have Mobile Run where you can add GPS data to your walks and runs.

But to use the phone it is reaaly your decision to make, I can't find a reason for the Ipad haveing the software, unless you want to see the data and not near the PC, it is easier than on the phone.


Have you gone here to make sure your phone is compatable? I'm not sure about the Iphone 4, but the newer ones are.

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Corrina Todd

Corrina Todd
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I have no idea how to add someone?
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Go to:


At the right side, by 'find more friends', click 'Invite by Email'. Follow on screen instructions to send the invite, when accepted, you'll be Fitbit Friends. Smiley Wink


On the forums:


Click on the username next to the post, on the next page next to the users picture click 'go to fitbit profile', on the next page click 'add friend' (next to the users picture).


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I just set up my fitbit last night.  Hoping it works - instructions very vague.  Any help would be appreciated.  How do I know it's working?  Where will my steps/sleep/activity be tracked?  What does it track during strength exercises?

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Unfortunately, I don’t have mine figured out either. Sorry that I can’t be of any help.

Sent from Windows Mail
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which fitbit do you have.?


sleep tracking is automatic with the surge.

i did nothing.  it just starts tracking steps/stairs/calories/HR/sleep


of course for the dashboard information, you do need to install the fitbit app for android/ios (per tech support...turn OFF all day sync)

and download the software for your laptop (windows/apple)

run this when you want to sync to your cloud dashboard


hope this helps



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flex is the fitbit i am using
Corrina Todd
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I got my flexi for Christmas so am new to all of this. Any support/advice would be very welcome but you need to know, in my current state I am very overweight and don't exercise much (but am determined to get back to health).

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I just got a new Flex also and I am still not very good at figuring out how to use all of the features. I have quite a bit of weight to lose also so don’t feel bad. If I ever get this thing figured out, I will let you know! In the meantime, just do what you ARE able to do and be proud of yourself.

Sent from Windows Mail
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I am Brand new to the fitbit One. My name is Diana010. I am hoping that I get to talk and learn alot of good tips to losing weight. I would love to meet alot of new friends doing the same thing. Good Luck to all.

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Thank you so much Rich and all you lovely people 🙂
Your life is your story. Write well. Edit often
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I think my username is dave but it will appear when i post this in "name" posted .... feel free to add me, who doesnt like an Icelander haha
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Its Davidson
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