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Brand New Member Today

Hi! I'm new to this program today. Are these forums helpful?


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Back at you Alex!! Look me up
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I did my research and finally decided on the FitBit Flex. So I went to the Apple store and bought one yesterday. I haven't even used it for a full 24 hours and I already love it. I've already had moments where I decided to walk instead of taking the elevator/escalator. I'm looking forward to runs now too, having the counters as motivation. I'm not looking to loss weight. I'm a skinny guy with the metabolism of a hummingbird. I used to run CC and track though, and lately have just fallen out of being in good shape. I think FitBit is going to help kickstart me becoming more active again.

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Sounds like a plan! Good luck!
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I'm fairly new got mine for Christmas. I have been using it since about the 15th of January and have been very happy with mine. I've lost 12 pounds since then 🙂

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just join the fitbit family.. started using it from today the flex.

the only downside i see is there is no WINDOWS PHONE app to sync my flex... as for now its been sync to an old GS3 phon at home when i an home and in my bedroom...


i hope FITBIT ppl will give an app to the windows phone users, i know its a small platform but we are out there...

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You can go to on your phone and sync from there.
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just got my fitbitForce last 2wks.

i m satisfied. Let's be active


Fitbit Force
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Francis Amar Singh

Cocoon Systems

+65 93369201
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Just got my fitbit and set it up last night. My wife and I were going to get the ActiveLink from WW but after some research the fitbit one seemed to be the activity monitor that we could use the most. Looking forward to moving more and potentially meeting some new people in the process.
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Welcome Mike! I think you made a good call on your purchase
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It;s not fair ... My Scales & Fitbit One are in the post ...


I'll soon be mister universe, get rid of my bely ...

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Good luck on your ambitions of Me. Universe. I just got my fitbit one and
it's a great reminder to get off my butt and do something even if only for
a few mins at a time.
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Ok just starting the fitbit now! So excited and really hoping this keeps me going!

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Somewhat late to see this thread, but I got my force just over a week ago, and I love it.


No allergies to nickel, so alls got so far ^_^


I just need that extra motivation to not go crazy ordering pizza and move a bit more when I'm not working.

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New today too.  Got fitbit flex Smiley Very Happy

Just trying to work it all out.  

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Now put your feet up, so you dont ware out the flex ...

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Hey Rubygirl,


Yeah  am newish too 🙂 the motivation is so important so like what Carol B has said, it helps to get involved with reading and adding to discussions. 


I got my Fitbit for Christmas, like many of the others that have written here.. Its great, but I slowly got involved as New Year welcomed me with a lovely cold, which affected my NY resoloutions of keeping the routine going! Back into it now, and I'd like to keep it that way. Great idea as already mentioned is to use my fitness pal alongside it, if you need to. I do it for the meals as Fitbit don't have a UK food database. 


Hope you get lots out of your fitbit like the rest of us do 🙂 mind you its early days for me at the moment, but I hope I continue to love it. I have joined Premium too, I think its pretty good value for the year & what you get for it. 

Harriet | UK | Don't wish for it work for it!

Flex, Samsung Nexus & Windows 7

Don't forget to mark as a solution or vote for a posting if you find it helpful 🙂

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What have you tried previously to this Melissa? I have only used My Fitness Pal and Apps on my phone but then gave up on it all and just continued going to the gym and occasionally checking the scales. I don't know whether to bother getting a Heart Rate Monitor or not. I can get so obsessed with exercise I can occasionally have the mindset of becoming indulgent in gadgets! It was a relief that someone chose a gadget instead for me though. 

Harriet | UK | Don't wish for it work for it!

Flex, Samsung Nexus & Windows 7

Don't forget to mark as a solution or vote for a posting if you find it helpful 🙂

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If you do a lot of cardio then a heart rate monitor would be cool to keep you in touch with you body a little more.  I know there are phone apps that can connect to your heart rate monitor...but I don't have experience myself.  But, today I saw a guy at the gym that had a heart rate monitor on his arm...that was a first...not sure how well it works...maybe next time I see him I will ask him about it. But, I don't like the idea of wearing that strap around my chest during  my workout...but my arm would be ok.

Lonnie Jones
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Hi guys and girls, I've recently started a group for law enforcement, if you are active or retired come and join this group for some friendly cop banter. The group is called lawmen and law women



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