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Calories Burned Messed Up?

Could someone please explain why the calories count doesn't seem right?  One day I walked 6,385 steps, 2.58 miles, no active minutes, 10 floors.  Calories burned 2,086.  Next day I walked 8,509 steps, 3.44 miles, 1 active minute, 18 floors.  Calories burned 1,860.  So, doing less burns more calories?  Doesn't make sense.

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Hello! My settings on my dashboard does not have a preferences section. Does this mean I can't change my calorie settings on my charge 4? 

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I keep reading about this but my charge 4 has no gear symbol in the upper right, where do I find this please. 

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I still can’t t find these setting are there screen shots. 

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There is no gear symbol on the top right, no preferences. Mines a charge 4

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Hi which device is this instruction for? I have inspire2 and shows 1264 every morning for months but just started using it. Lol. How do I change it?

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Hi! I tried to disable my calorie estimator but there is no preferences tab anywhere in my settings what should I do?

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where do I find the option to disable I can’t find it anywhere? 

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There is no "preferences"  when I try this

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I’d like to turn this off but when I scroll down the page after going into settings I don’t seem to have an option that says preference… why would that be? 

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The calorie count on fitness trackers can sometimes seem inconsistent or counterintuitive due to various factors involved in the calculations. Here are a few reasons why you might notice variations

  1. Heart Rate: Many fitness trackers use heart rate data to estimate calorie burn. If your heart rate wasn't consistently measured during both days or if there were inaccuracies in the heart rate readings, it could lead to differences dimension  in calorie estimates.

  2. Basal Metabolic Rate BMR Calorie calculations often include your BMR, which is the number of calories your body needs to perform basic functions at rest. If the tracker's algorithm is not accurately estimating your BMR, it can affect the overall calorie calculation.

  3. Active Minutes The inclusion of active minutes in the calculation can significantly impact calorie estimates. Even a short burst of activity during the day can sometimes result in a higher calorie estimate.

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This thread is old, but issue still persists in 2023. Please provide a fix for this. There is no Preference in Strings now. 

I had Garmin HR before, used to track this much better.

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Did the options change ?? I don’t see preference option

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Yes they did. I think google did away with the online webpage for the
system menus. I cant find them anymore.
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I have found that Fitbit is decent at distance and duration but calorie estimates are never in the ballpark. The other day I burned 125 calories during a 2000 yard swim and today a high intensity hour long aerobic class burned less than 300 calories. 

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I'm not seeing the word 'Preferences' anywhere on the settings options. Not finding a way to disable calorie Estimation.


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