06-26-2021 13:28
06-26-2021 13:28
This is a topic that can cause a lot of people some stress an anxiety. Change is good, but not everyone is capable of adapting easily to change. Some even have a paralyzing fear of it.
What do you do when you want to face one of your fears?
I'll start: I have the opportunity to face one of mine next year, yet it's something I've always wanted to try. I have the opportunity to Zipline on one of my cruises in Haiti! I love heights and trying new things, but I'm always afraid of a cable or something going wrong during my flight.
To help me decide, I'm not thinking of the fear that something COULD happen: that's why they have you go through the safety drill first. If the attraction wasn't safe, it wouldn't be offered. Instead, I think of everything I might miss out on if I DON'T try it. I may find out that Ziplining isn't for me, and that's ok, at least I could say I tried it. But, I may love it and have less fear of trying it again in a different location....I won't know until I try!
Kristen | USA Cruising through the Lifestyle Forums
one cruise ship at a time!07-04-2021 14:37
07-04-2021 14:37
@DramaQueenDiva depends on fear. Sometimes there is no choice but face the fear. This is what I do every day commuting to work. I have fear of driving. My brain tells me too many scenarios of what possibly could go wrong during driving but I have no choice - how else I and my wife would get to work 😉 Does it help? Not really. Maybe driving the same route every day builds some confidence and reduces fear but my anxiety kicks in when I have to drive somewhere unknown. As I said, fear or not, there is not much choice 🙂
Btw. zipline is pretty cool - like flying on rails 🙂 The longer the better. However, I understand you because for the same reason I rarely go to any amusement parks - I just don't quite trust people who maintain all the attractions 🙂 I even got tricked into getting onto a roller-coaster - I didn't know it was a roller-coaster until it moved 😂 (although, it was a weird one - moving in total darkness).
07-06-2021 11:32
07-06-2021 11:32
Hi @DramaQueenDiva, I don't know if it's really a fear, but it's something that causes me anxiety.
I am an overthinker, so I can't help to think about the future and I like to make plans constantly. This is helpful on one side, but sometimes it makes it harder to enjoy the present and the little things in life that actually make you happy.
I've made a commitment to myself to find a balance and enjoy everyday without worrying all the time about things that have not even happened yet. 😀