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Fitbitting with "Man's Best Friend" (upload dog photos here)



We live in "Steinbeck country" (Salinas Valley/Monterey County), named after the famous author John Steinbeck. And just as Steinbeck documented his journeys with his beloved dog in "Travels with Charlie", I'm going to photojournal in this thread my "Travels with Melody".


A lot has changed in Salinas since the days of Steinbeck. But some things haven't changed that much. Today we visited the childhood home of Steinbeck, which has been restored to its original beauty.


Down the street from the Steinbeck House is the Steinbeck Public Library, with a bronze statue of the author at the front entrance. I don't think Melody's ever seen a statue before. At first she was puzzled that he didn't greet her - or even flinch one little bit.undefined


Then she surprised me and became downright ornery!


So I took her back to to dog training school for some proper obedience training. Of course, she passed with flying colors.



Please share photos of your fitbitting friends here!




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My profile pic shows one way I keep fit - doing agility with my Australian Shepherd, Dazzle. (Hm.just discovered that my profile pic. does not show up on this post, so I inserted it here!)undefined We also have Newfoundlands, and we do a lot with our dogs: hiking, obedience, tracking, rally obedience, draft (pulling a cart), herding, and agility. Not all the dogs do all the activities, but we do keep moving!undefinedundefinedundefined

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I keep forgetting I'm a cat lady on this thread! My heart just melted with those photos, the last one is gorgeous Heart


I imagine that agility training must be quite a workout! Keep it up @MaryN60 Cat Very Happy

Fitbit Community ModeratorHelena A. | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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MaryN60,  It looks like you're having lots of fun with your dogs.  Nice photos.  Thanks for sharing!

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Very beautiful pictures, @MaryN60! And what a nice dog Heart

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Love the pictures and stories.

My little girl, Indigo, is almost 11 months, a German Shorthair Lab and full of energy. When I adopted her, I promised to walk her everyday which leads me to fit bit. She is my encouragement at the end of a work day to put on my sneakers and hit the pavement. I'm slowly reaching my fitness goals, but I know I will never stop reaching as long as I have her by my side.


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@MaryN60 That's a good way to add steps to your tracker. Nice pictures. Your dogs look very happy. Smiley LOL

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Congratulations @MaryN60! This is not an easy task you have, so hats off to you. Robot wink Your dogs are beautiful by the way.


Have a great day!

Melissa | Community Moderator, Fitbit

How are you fitbitting with your (pet) best friend? Show us!

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When Melody and I visited the beach in Seaside (CA) recently, there were a couple of whales swimming just beyond the surf. I think they were gray whales. They must have been feeding, because they stayed in that one area for about 15 minutes.


 Good thing I had my camera.  I got some whale pictures and I got some some dog pictures:









But have you ever tried to get your dog to pose for you the instant a whale pops up? It was quite a challenge. It may not be an award winner, but I did it!




Best Answer

I simply adore your posts @rightdx. You take such amazing pictures and when I see you have posted something new, I start showing everybody and telling them about you and precious Melody. Smiley Happy


Again, thank you so much for sharing! Heart


Melissa | Community Moderator, Fitbit

How are you fitbitting with your (pet) best friend? Show us!

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Amazing pictures rightdx.  I wish I could get my dogs to sit still long enough to get fun pictures!

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Thanks, who knew fitbitting could be this much fun!

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Thank you very much for those great pictures @rightdxSmiley LOL 

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Really beautiful pictures, @rightdxSmiley Very Happy 


Thank you for taking the time to share them with us. 

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Lovely adventures and I felt a little sad that I can't join in the fun at the moment due to illness. I really hope that one day, I will be back to having adventures with my two dogs. For now, you will have to make do with my youngest taking her first dip in the sea, in Wales last year. undefined

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So cute! Thank you for sharing @LoobyLou and I hope you feel better very soon. Robot Very Happy


I wish you the best!

Melissa | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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Here are my two little monsters: Zoe and Lucie



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Awwww Heart Very cute as well @Saisha. Cool pictures!

Melissa | Community Moderator, Fitbit

How are you fitbitting with your (pet) best friend? Show us!

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I love this post, I wish my dogs were as excited to go out for a walk as your dogs look Smiley LOL

Fitbit Community ModeratorHelena A. | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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It seems they are very active and playful @Saisha! Everytime I see a picture of a dog I want to go out to run with mine. Cat Wink

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I've gotten into the habbit of taking my daypack with DSLR camera wherever I go.  You just never know what you might run into.  The other day, while driving home (with Melody sitting shotgun),  I spotted a coyote way out in left-center field at our local park.  I left Melody in the car and took these images with my 55-200 mm telephoto lens.








The coyote stopped and stared at me before running into the bushes.   When I got back to the car, Melody was visibly disturbed.   You see, she's used to being the only canine in my photos, lol.  So I took her to the very same spot the coyote had been and got some photos of her.  Melody -- say cheese! 



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