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Fitbitting with "Man's Best Friend" (upload dog photos here)



We live in "Steinbeck country" (Salinas Valley/Monterey County), named after the famous author John Steinbeck. And just as Steinbeck documented his journeys with his beloved dog in "Travels with Charlie", I'm going to photojournal in this thread my "Travels with Melody".


A lot has changed in Salinas since the days of Steinbeck. But some things haven't changed that much. Today we visited the childhood home of Steinbeck, which has been restored to its original beauty.


Down the street from the Steinbeck House is the Steinbeck Public Library, with a bronze statue of the author at the front entrance. I don't think Melody's ever seen a statue before. At first she was puzzled that he didn't greet her - or even flinch one little bit.undefined


Then she surprised me and became downright ornery!


So I took her back to to dog training school for some proper obedience training. Of course, she passed with flying colors.



Please share photos of your fitbitting friends here!




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She's so cute! I want to squeeze her Cat LOL @HelenaFitbit

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undefinedThis is Nick, our Icelandic. He is who will be helping me burn some calories today. And no one will be happier than him when I've dropped some weight! (Kibbles will still get his workout in as he follows along where ever we go.)

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This is great! Cats and horses definitely welcome.  Any other fitbit animal friends out there?

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Hahaha you made me laugh @Jill-e-bean. Your horse is beautiful!

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@SunsetRunner Wow! That will definitely give Nikita a longer and healthier life! Awesome! Cat Very Happy

Lucy | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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Beautiful horse @Jill-e-bean

Melissa | Community Moderator, Fitbit

How are you fitbitting with your (pet) best friend? Show us!

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Oh wow @Jill-e-bean! A fitbitter horse! Smiley LOL 


Following @EmersonFitbit's logic "more legs, more steps"; I can't imagine if Nick was to wear a Zip Smiley Tongue

Fitbit Community ModeratorHelena A. | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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@HelenaFitbitWOW, between my mum and myself there is 2 dogs, 3 horses, cockateil, 2 bengles, 1 bengle that s rescue and waiting new home, and 4 domestic cats, and the oldest of which is 17 years old.


All bar the horses live on the property here, they out on 30 arches at friends place with his horses, so luckly we not have to pay for feed for them as there enough all year round for them to graze on.



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@LucyAPwell I hope so, and being the worst she eats is cat biscuits, the rest is bit of meat I am eating that night and she gets to clean the plate.


She a stage on she like boysenberry iceceam through to chilli and cheese saucages, like said in earlier post she leant normal cat for is crap and if dad eating it must be good and she wanted in. but her favourate is beer mince mixed with tuna, all the cats her love it, you'll never see a bowl empty so quick.

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Nick's Icelandic breeding means he's has a short quick stride unless he's really moving, so yes, I imagine he'd give a fitbit a workout! lol

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  I thank my little dog Tank for getting me moving and keeping me motivated.. I love to discover new sights/trails with my little buddy.  Will post picture of him soon.. Have a wonderful day everyone..two legged and four.. hugs

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Spud looks just like our dog, Jessie.  She's a rescue of unknown lineage.  Does Spud have a docked/bobbed tail like Jessie?


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@RonniePSpud got all his tail of hair, except in the summer when the clippers happen to slip ans go to far down his tail, mum does not like it, she thinks he should always have fall taill hair to not hurt it as not being used to not having the hair there.


but he not damaged his tail yet (touch wood) plus I think it looks bit off being fully clippped had having this whopping hairy tail

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@SunsetRunner Lucky Nikita! She gets all the yummy treats! My cat Coco loves biscuits and can cat food. Now she is on a diet, she has some extra pounds. I think she looks fabulous...but you know, if your mom says so.

Lucy | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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I managed to get out for a 45 minute walk with the dogs today. It was my first walk alone since I became ill in April.undefined

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However, it wasn't without an incident!undefined

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It was worth it to see the view again, after being unable to walk the dogs for so long. Some English countryside for you all.undefined

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I'm glad to hear you're out and about again.  I'm sure your dogs enjoyed it as much as you.  It looks like lots of beautiful countryside to explore, but watch your step!

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@EmersonFitbit As I promised, here is the picture of my dog Sushi. He is an 8 years old poodle. This is the evidence of his favorite outdoor activity. He likes to walk, but he really loves to sleep. 



Lucy | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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Wow does your dog ever look like my little guy Tank..very cool!! Tank is miniture eskimo and terrier..or I tell people he looks like a border collie with short legs lmao ..

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