03-23-2021 12:10 - edited 03-23-2021 12:19
03-23-2021 12:10 - edited 03-23-2021 12:19
Most people experience stress and anxiety from time to time. I found that the difference between them is that stress is a response to a threat in a situation and anxiety is a reaction to the stress. Whether in good times or bad, most people say that stress interferes at least moderately with their lives.
Stress focuses on mainly external pressures and we're often aware of what we’re stressed about, and the symptoms of stress typically disappear after the stressful situation is over.
Anxiety, on the other hand, isn’t always as easy to figure out. Anxiety focuses on worries or fears about things that could threaten us, as well as anxiety about the anxiety itself.
I'm not an expert on mental health and most of us aren't, but we often have to learn to deal with many situations in our life that we're not prepared for and that happen very suddenly.
I've learned to enjoy the present more and to stop worrying too much about the things that I definitely can't control or that may or may not happen in the future. Developing interests, hobbies and staying away from negativity in general have been of great help too.What about you? How do you manage stress or anxiety in your life?
03-24-2021 14:52
03-24-2021 14:52
I too don't worry about things I can't control or haven't happened yet. I try to worry in the moment instead of just in case. I watch non-stress television shows, that take my mind off things. I walk, run or go to the gym to escape everyday. I refuse to be tied to my phone, my time is my time and I value it. I don't bring it with me when I am active and I don't use it after 8pm at night. I try to find humor in most things and when all else fails I reach for sarcasm and snark...
Elena | Pennsylvania
03-24-2021 19:17
03-24-2021 19:17
I find journaling to be really helpful. Sometimes just writing out whatever it is that I'm anxious about will help me get it out of my head. Often, once I've seen a problem on paper or on a screen, I can find a solution that was not obvious to me before.
03-25-2021 11:09
03-25-2021 11:09
That is something I'm definitely trying to cultivate in my life as well @emili, I've noticed that some TV shows or certain subjects create more stress for me, so I'm trying to watch non-stress television shows that actually help me to relax or just to laugh for a moment. I study international relations, so I try to stay up to date on everything that happens in the world all the time, but most of the things I read are negative, so I'll definitely try to stay away from those a bit more from now on.
That's very interesting too @alexthecat, some people find it really helpful to write a journal to look at things with a different perspective, some others like to talk to someone else about it or to practice a hobby or meditation, to get that different perspective. 😀
05-15-2021 16:55
05-15-2021 16:55
I have taken up gardening and coloring.
Gardening is amazing because I can see life coming out of the ground. It gives me time and space to focus. I love coloring for the same reasons. The repetitive motion helps me to get in line with my emotions. In the end, I have a beautiful picture and less stress.
05-15-2021 18:08
05-15-2021 18:08
It's a great way to mange stress, @lifecoachsophia! My mom just recently got into gardening and it's been very helpful for her. 😀
05-16-2021 14:24
05-16-2021 14:24
That is great to hear. I am not great at it, but just the mere act of seeing growth and watering my beauties daily makes me happy. I hope it brings her so much joy and keeps her spirits lifted.
05-17-2021 11:21
05-17-2021 11:21
Naps. Lots of sleeping. Some might say that's depression and they're probably right. I get depressed about my health and being so out of shape and other situations in my life. The past 2 weeks I've started walking and logging my steps. Hopefully if I can manage to lose 100 pounds in the next year or so I can be in decent enough shape to work again. 2 weeks ago when I started back walking again 5,000 steps was my goal. Then 10,000. Now I'm trying to make it to at least 10,000 a day. I'm obsessed with walking. I sleep a lot better at night now most likely because I'm so tired from walking and I haven't slept half the day.
05-17-2021 16:44
05-17-2021 16:44
Congratulations on having the courage to get up and move. I am sure you will continue to make progress. Please don't get caught up comparing yourself to others. Your journey is unique to you.
05-18-2021 10:30
05-18-2021 10:30
Yes definitely, @lifecoachsophia! It's really a great hobby, you're able to see how you help the plant grow little by little. 😀
Don't give up, @BamaDan! The reward is completely worth it. It's great to see that you've managed to increase your step goal, that you're feeling motivated to do that and that you're sleeping better as well. 😁
05-23-2021 14:12
05-23-2021 14:12
I avoid watching tv news late at night. (It used to give me nightmares when I did.)
Just before bed, I do one or two of the breathing meditations from Fitbit Premium. Then I listen to one or two songs from my playlist of relaxing music.
05-25-2021 10:53
05-25-2021 10:53
Hi, @sikorski! That happened to me as well for a while, I used to watch videos about ghost apparitions and slept like a baby, but I had nightmares when I watched the news for some reason 😅.