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I had an aneurysm/stroke. Anyone else?

Not old - 36 when I had it.  44 now.  Cerebellum.  Hemorrhagic.  I feel like it affects physical fitness, like HR, differently than people who haven't had it.  Anyone else?  

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I am so sorry you had to go through that. Share your tips for how you stay active and maybe you will inspire someone to do their best even if not faced with the same adversity. 

Elena | Pennsylvania

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Welcome ❣️
Brain Aneurysm 28 then had stroke after it was clip.

Rt side paralyzed.  Drop foot Aphasia. Know 47 Try to be active.  
Nice to meet you ❣️   










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Hi!  Yes, I think we might both be on the Young Stroke Survivors site?  I think you're an inspiration!  


Trying to be fit, as well. No drop foot or paralysis.  Is your heart rate high?  What is it?  I'm curious.  I think mine is high.  Everyone on here says their HR is something like 50 or 60 - I rejoice if mine is as low as 80!  My resting HR is like 91, 92.  My neuro says that it's fine and anything under 100 is cool but when I workout or walk briskly, or drink, it jumps up to over 140, 150?  So....  Kinda scared by that. 

I do 20 minute workouts, I walk, I do lots of treadmill walking and rowing machine....  Gotta walk, right?!?    You?   

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why not try kayaking?

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Oooh, that sounds like fun!  I will!  I live in Cleveland, so....  Gotta wait a few months for any water sports.  But good idea! 

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yeah! Kayaking takes a lot of work, but its fun! DO you have any pets?

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No pets.  A kid.   That's enough!  

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h, ok, i was just saying you could take the pet out with you too! 😁

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No you are a inspiration !! And yes !! I know u !! LoL and your story !!  It was just born with it.  No one in the family has it and no problems with high blood pressure then, know I make sure but no meds.  If you walk that is awesome !! I use to do hiking.  Go through phases.  Kayaking is such a great idea !!:light_bulb: That is a great idea !! I am big on the treadmill but I have vestibular issues.  So I am on meds.  Know, I am trying to do things on the computer Wii stuff.  So glad that u got married and had a child ❣️ So happy for you !! Let me know if you want to be involved in the Challenges.  We have 4 of us.  Like I say I am on the down side lately.  Maybe u will shake me up!! LoL


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I would suggest an inflatable kayak, to try it out. If you don't like it, that's ok! Nice to meet you by the way! Thank you for the kind words, I haven't had a stroke, but, I was 3 months premature. So...thought I could help!!! Contact me if you need any help!!!!

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I suggest a an inflatable kayak, they are easier to control! And I bet Fitbit has a mode for kayaking! It's fun, but, the first, time, don't go very far, because your arms will get tired easily❣️ But, when you get going! ITs so fun!!!!! I really love it!!! OR you could try trailing!!!! That's awesome too!! So you can strengthen your legs as well as your arms! @dorithy , sorry, I didn't mean anything bad about that!! I forgot about the paralization!!!!!! Not that it's bad!!!!! @girlmadden , I suggest both!!! 😻 ( i LOVE CATS BTW)😍 

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@SunsetRunner lots of great ideas !! Thank You !! There are groups for disable groups do kayaking but it is too faraway.  One day ...  Never  about the inflatable kayak.  Interesting !! Thanks !


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@dorithy , Sorry about that. But, you should try that!! It's so fun, especially if you want to go outside more!

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Don’t be silly.  I go out but not as frequently, but keep on trying

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Good!! That's So Great!! It must be annoying to have people look at you differently, and treat you like you are not even a person. I've had that happen, because i have ADHD, so it's hard for me to focus sometimes. @dorithy , I cheer you on!! Keep fighting!!😎😋

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I'm sorry you are on the down side lately.  Fresh air is supposed to help that.  I am excited about trying kayaking - I havent done it and it looks fun and a great arm and back workout.  I so wish i could stand-up paddle board.  Alas, no balance.  

I used to do WII Fit!  Good for balance, I think, that's why I did it anyway.  

Work calls!  

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Yes, it is a very good back and arm work out! I'm sorry you cannot balance, but, I'm not on the down side! I love everything!! (except tomatoes those are gross!!)😂😂 And, it's snowing, in MARCH!!! IT MAKES NO SENSE!!!!!

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Yes, I have done several vestibular rehabilitation therapy over 20 years.  They keep on coming back.  Now, they have me on med right now

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I don't know how you passed through it because I can't imagine. It seems so scary. One of my dad's friends had a stroke aneurysm when they were at their fishing place. He said there were no symptoms before, then it suddenly started to hurt, and it felt extreme discomfort. He was lucky there was a savior's helicopter not far from their place. They reacted instantly and brought them to the nearest hospital for surgery. The surgery took a lot of time, but now he is ok. He told me that it was a neurosurgeon in chennai. There are great specialists, and he often goes there for consultation. So, all I can say, it is perilous and fatal, so be careful and take care of your health.

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