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Steps targets for 2022


I thought I'd start a new thread on this, rather than putting with my other posts in the Lifetime Steps discussion.  

I'm aiming to do 15,000,000 steps this year, which would be a new record for me, and I don't think it's going to be easy!  I need to average 41096 daily steps, and January is usually my worst walking month, with English winter weather for one thing, and also starting with zero steps in the bank.


I'll try to post in here after each complete week, so here's my first report:


Week 1 (January 1-7 inclusive):  297899 steps - daily average 42584


I invite anyone with a target for the year in mind to put it on here - best of luck to everyone!

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Day 365


31st December:  36781 steps


Total steps for 2022:  16,270,718

Average daily steps:  44577

December steps: 1,282,008

December daily average steps: 41355 

Best steps day in December:  December 21st, with 47875

Worst steps day in December:  December 24th, with 36082

I'll add some more tomorrow as it's getting late.....


2022 STEPSTotalAverage




Most steps in a day:  72594 on February 26th.  That included a really nice organised 26-mile walk.

Fewest steps in a day:  33419 on June 24th. I think that was just a really busy day.

Days with 40,000 steps or more:  350.  Most of the days under 40,000 came in December when I was either closing in on my overall target or had passed it.

Weeks with 300,000 steps or more:  45.

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Crikey @Vidd That is a goal that I wouldn't even consider! Well done to you. I can't even imagine doing 40,000 steps a day average. I'm blown away 😂

Community Council Member

Helen | Western Australia

Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.

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Thanks, @NellyG!  It's early days yet, but having set it for this year, I'm determined to achieve it.  It would have been unthinkable when I first started counting steps just over nine years ago - 10,000 was a lot per day then, and I remember the first day I got over 20,000 seemed very special.  Everyone has their own idea of a good target, as well as their own limitations, but I was once told that as long as you are reasonably fit, it's usually possible to increase what you are doing each year by 10 or 11%.  The main constraint on that for me is time!

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Week 2 (January 8 - 14)

310615 steps - daily average 43088


599504 steps - daily average 42822

Daily average needed for 15M target 41027


Weather was cold this week but generally dry and often sunny, which helped.


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Good on you @Vidd ! I couldn't find enough hours in the day to do that many steps.. plus my knees and feet will be screaming in protest. Cheering you on from the sidelines for sure!

Elena | Pennsylvania

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Thanks, @emili :  you're right that the time is a big consideration!  Having a dog really helps, especially first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

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Wow that's an incredible goal @Vidd!  Not one that I could achieve with a sedentary job.  I do run and I like walking, but 20,000 is about the most I can do without having to walk the whole day.  


My yearly step goal has been 5,000,000 steps for the last few years.  That is about an average of 13,700 steps per day which is definitely do-able for me on most days.  

Heather | Community Council | Eastern Shore, AL
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
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Thanks, @Heather-S :  it's only after retiring from teaching ten years ago that I've been counting steps seriously, and also that I've had the time to go to for good length walks.  


5 million is a very good goal, because you'll need the best part of two hours' walking each day to do it - best of luck with it for this year.

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For now, I'm starting low — at 5,000. That's only because I'm dealing with a back injury from a car accident. BUT, I am doing the stationary bike and weights until I'm stronger. 🙂 

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Hats off to you, @autumnpath : that must be tough to deal with.  I can remember being badly laid up about nine years ago with acute sciatica:  all I could do was a few thousand each day, but gradually increasing over about a month before getting back to near normal.  I hope your improvement keeps going in the right direction.

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Week 3 (I thought I had posted this, but must be getting senile!)

 (January 15 - 21)


322153 steps - daily average 46022


921910 steps - daily average 43900

Daily average needed for 15M target 40925


Week 4 (January 22 - 28)


313097 steps - daily average 44728


1,235,007 steps - daily average 44107

Daily average needed for 15M target 40846


Correction to Week 2:  total was 301868, which was mistyped above.


Weather in Weeks 3 and 4 remained dry - just a few little bits of rain in Week 4.




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Week 5

(January 29 - February 4)

318950 steps - daily average 45564


1.553,957 steps - daily average 44399

Daily average needed for 15M target 40746


Weather generally dry, but some days of strong winds, especially Saturday, January 29, and some rain.


January statistics

Total steps in January: 1,366,759 (new PB)

Best day -  January 19th: 50675

Worst day -  January 6th: 39027


I'm aiming to get the daily target below 40,000, but that might easily take until the end of March to achieve.

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Week 5

Week 6


(February  5 - 11)

314590 steps - daily average 44941


1,868,547 steps - daily average 44489

Daily average needed for 15M target 40655


Weather still generally dry, but some rain and some windy.


I think I was a bit optimistic in my last comment in the previous post - end of April is more likely!

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Week 7


(February  12 - 18)

310832 steps - daily average 44405


2,179,379 steps - daily average 44477

Daily average needed for 15M target 40572


Weather pretty wild this week with Storms Dudley and Eunice close together.  Rain, hail and sleet, along with some very strong winds.


Has anyone else got a steps target for this year?  I don't want this thread to be just about mine!

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Week 8


(February 19 - 25)


308635 steps - daily average 44091


2,488,014 steps - daily average 44429

Daily average needed for 15M target 40492


More rain and wind until the end of the week, which was drier and calmer.


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Week 9

(February 26 - March4)

331769 steps - daily average 47396 (new PB)


2,819,783 steps - daily average 44758

Daily average needed for 15M target 40332


Weather mixed, with generally less wind.  Some very wet periods, but a tiny hint also of spring warmth.


February statistics

Total steps in February: 1,277,268 (new February PB)

Best day -  February 26th: 72594 (including 58000 on an organised 26.7 mile walk)

Worst day -  February 6th: 41493

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Week 10

(March 5 - 11)


309339 steps - daily average 44191


3,129,122 steps - daily average 44702

Daily average needed for 15M target 40240


Weather mixed, with more wind again.  One really wet day.


I'm now more optimistic of getting down to a daily requirement of 40,000 or below by the end of the month.  I need to average 43431 steps over the next 19 days to achieve that, so I hope the weather will be kind!

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Week 11

(March 12 - 18)


326882 steps - daily average 46697


3,456,004 steps - daily average 44883

Daily average needed for 15M target 40083


Weather generally better, warmer in the day, and less windy.


I'm very of getting down to a daily requirement of 40,000 or below by the end of the month,

needing to average 41846 steps over the next 12 days to achieve that.

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Week 12

(March 19 - 25)


311292 steps - daily average 44470


3,767,635 steps - daily average 44853

Daily average needed for 15M target 39973 (Hooray!)


Weather warm and sunny, fantastic for hill walking, with hardly any wind.


Having got the requirement below 40000 steps per day feels like a big step, and although there's still a lot to do, I don't have to push for the big averages I've been getting so far.


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I have a goal for this year, to pump up an awesome **ahem** and put on weight.
And I'm not talking about sports, I decided to invest.
My dream at the moment is to make a passive income and move to live in Bali.
 There I will be able to fully enjoy life and training.
And I would like to try yoga there.
  And what are your goals for this year, 2022?

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