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02-17-2014 06:44
02-17-2014 06:44
Thank you Jules! I enjoyed reading your post. I have been looking for a post that shows some results. Your story reminds me on my own and I have only had my fitbit for 6 days. I am already addicted to it. I love your idea of getting a mini trampoline. I had one years ago and really enjoyed it. Not only will it be good in the cold weather but I will enjoy it when it gets in the 90s too. (I live in the South). Keep on stepping! Debbie
02-17-2014 07:29
02-17-2014 07:29
Everyone has an incredible story about their addiction. It's true, we are hopelessly addicted!
Jules, thanks for sharing and I would hve run out to get a new FitBit, too!
02-17-2014 10:23
02-17-2014 10:23
02-17-2014 11:31
02-17-2014 11:31
hey guys and gals im new to fitbit can you guys give me some pointers
02-17-2014 17:35
02-17-2014 17:35
I'm new to this and I'm actually doing my stairs when our treadmill is being used so that I can get steps and stairs in!!! I am loving my Force, but I am wondering how the steps are tracked?
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It uses an internal altimeter, which measures changes in air pressure. In theory that suggests changes in elevation. So you are credited with one "foor" for every 10 feet of elevation change. It is NOT dependent on the number of stair risers. In fact, it does not need to be a staircase at all. It can be from walking on hilly terrain, a parking ramp, or anything where you go up at least 10' at a time while walking.
Evidently there are some reasonableness rules applied against it. If the rate of ascent it too fast (such as marching in place in an elevator) it won't credit you with any floors. But on the flip side, there can be changes in air pressure which are not true elevation changes. People have reported false floor counts from dropping barometric pressure from approaching storms, or even walking in windy conditions.
Only an elevation rise counts; descending may or may not be credited, not sure of that.
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02-17-2014 20:56
02-17-2014 20:56
Ok this is bad but I know I am an addict because I forgot to put my bit on my pants afer working out so when I got home and shoveled the driveway it didnt count it. My reaction was utter disapointment so I put it on and shoveled the driveway next door. When they asked why I was doing it I told them they would'nt understand.
02-17-2014 21:27
02-17-2014 21:27
This is the 2nd day of using it and I am loving... Loving everything and more importantly I am trying to get others at work to do this with me.... btw how I knew I was addicted I pulled up my trash cans up one by one because I wanted to get more steps in. Also I marched in place at work today.
02-17-2014 22:23 - edited 02-17-2014 22:30
02-17-2014 22:23 - edited 02-17-2014 22:30
Thank you very much Carena and busybeeme! I wish you both continued success as well. I won't be on the computer too much because I am headed south (florida keys) for the winter but I will have my fitbit with me 🙂
02-18-2014 12:45
02-18-2014 12:45
i can identify myself in about 97% of the many I read, hilarious, but very, very, very true!
I have one: when your most awaited moment is that goal-reached buzz... even in your dreams!
I was with my kids just goofing off in the backyard, it was getting dark and they want us all to go inside to have dinner, but i kept saying just a one more lap as i continued walking the perimeter of our yard. Finally, I felt the buzz and said, "Yay! Let's go in!!" But it kept vibrating, buzz-buzz-buzz, buzz-buzz-buzz... I woke up, it was my silent alarm! I was dreaming!! Hahaha!
02-18-2014 17:14
02-18-2014 17:14
@myrrhzd That is very funny. It's also something you could make happen while awake. Your poor kid have no idea how FitBit has changed you!
02-19-2014 13:38
02-19-2014 13:38
You know you are a Fitbit addict when you lose your Force (and log WHO KNOWS HOW MANY steps trying to find it), only to dissolve into tears and promptly order a replacement (in spite of the fact that your hubby will KILL you)... This is not a happy day.
02-19-2014 16:52 - edited 02-19-2014 17:02
02-19-2014 16:52 - edited 02-19-2014 17:02
Did try contacting Fitbit support?
You might want to let them know about your loss...
Believe me, I feel your pain...
02-19-2014 19:58
02-19-2014 19:58
I did and filled out the customer service issue. I've followed their suggestions to locate it with no success. The rep that responded told me they would have to wait a few days before moving to "the next step." In the meantime, I've bit-the-bullet and ordered a new one to be overnighted to me...OUCH...It that's not addicted, I don't know what IS... I hope they do something to help me (customer service) since they have a known design issue with the clasp.
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I love your comment. I am a very active fitbit person both while using it and on the forums and your comment tops many a comment .
im tempted to add you as a friend
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02-20-2014 13:10
02-20-2014 13:10
- You jog in front of the counter when you're cooking.
- You yell at your Very Active Minutes status for giving you only 6 minutes for the same walk you got 20 minutes for yesterday.
- It's 10 PM. You stand up and run in place to get the Very Active Minutes you didn't get credited for even though you swore you'd let it go.
- You've gotten everyone in your department to get a Fitbit.
02-20-2014 19:45
02-20-2014 19:45
addicted when you take your elderly mother to hospital for a doctors appointment and you are early so instead of sitting in the waiting room, you walk up and down the corridor getting in as many steps as you can instead of wasting time sitting on your backside. Worse still if I had a FORCE - I'd would have been doing the staircases instead but seeing as I only have the FLEX which doens't count floors - I stuck with the corridors instead.