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You know you're a Fitbit addict when...

  • You pace the house to get to a particular figure before going to bed
  • You sit down when recharging as you don't want to 'waste' any steps
  • You park further away from the shops to gain extra steps


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~ Vicki ~
Fitbit One.
Melbourne, Australia
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1,621 REPLIES 1,621
Thanks, I love it, it's Heathy, entertaining, and just everyone should do
it for them selfs. Take it one day at a time. Enjoy your self and live life
to the fullest. Challenge good,and change it, make it happen.😊
Best Answer
@A_Lurker and @Donna_K - thanks for the encouragement! I know the increased steps are real steps, not me waiving my ankle around, since I can't do that! I will change my steps - up from 4,500 to maybe 6,000 - wow, that impresses even me!!
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That's Great, keep on moving!😉
Best Answer
I am an idiot - I know, I've "spoken" of it, my doctors have told me, you guys have told me, but, once again, it slipped my tiny mind. Cleaning house, grocery shopping, chasing cats, raking, dancing while raking, dancing with cats, dancing while sitting, mopping, none of it is the same as just putting one foot in front of the other and walking. As I mentioned, because I walk funny and don't swing my arms right, I'm wearing my Alta on my ankle (yes, against advise from Customer Service). I can't just sit and swing my leg and get "cheater steps" so I think it's okay for me. I've been going over my 4,500 steps a day, so yesterday I changed (with help from the wonderful folks at Customer Service) my daily steps to 5,500 - then went for a deliberate walk - which suddenly reminded my stupid butt that nothing is the same as just walking. I came very close to trying to get a ride home from the garbage truck guys. Dumb, older than some people, woman - note: I have stopped calling myself "old" - I am now just older than some people - denial - my middle name and I'm sticking with it, along with my red hair! When the sun is up, so I don't get my happy butt run over, I will go for a deliberate walk.
Best Answer

@Marydu Your post brought tears to my eyes!  Tears of laughter and I can't stop smiling!  You are the bright spot in my day today.  We redheads need to stick together!  You my dear will NEVER be old, not in your mind at least.  The body will do what the body wants, no matter what.  You are beating everything with determination to succeed.  So keep your happy backside moving and never, ever, let anyone tell you that you "can't" do something, because you have proven time and time again that you can, and you DO!  You go girl!

Currently Blaze plus Alta as back up which is THE perfect combo! One
Best Answer
Yes I hula hoop for some too. I just hate rain here. Yes get around apt easier or am lazy
After gym lol. Just do
Your best!😀
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@Donna_K - glad to entertain - I entertain myself! @fuller - hula hoop? Yikes, that's out of my range of motion, but keep it up - do a few for me!! Since technically I'm supposed to be in a wheelchair, I impress myself. It's gonna take a bit more to get this older-than-a-few-folks woman down. Keep moving - oh, that's not right - keep walking - one foot in front of the other!!
Best Answer

@Marydu dont be to quick to rule out the hula hoop, people make smaller ones for hoop dancing with arm workouts. Hoops are not hard to make, and easy to size. 

Do a search for hoop dancing, some of the more entertaining ones never put the hoop around the waist. 

Best Answer
Yep, hula hoops, does burn calories, but
That's when rain. I still go walks with dogs. I just one people hate rain😊 I
Do gym too😉
Best Answer

I agree Hoops are a great workout and enjoy mine,. Just haven't been able to combine it easily with the unicycke, but then I'm no spring chicken at 63.

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Never thought of hula hooping with my arms - what a great idea. I need to keep upper body strength for when, if, whatever, my hips/back/knee stuff gets too bad - badder - worse. During the 2014 hip surgery marathon, and when my happy butt got put in a nursing home (ugh) repeatedly, the physical therapist couldn't quite figure out what to do with me, so he - we - I worked a lot on upper body strengthening - so no matter what, I could move myself around using my arms. At one point (while in the nursing home) I would try to use a walker that came up under my arms - something like crutches, but walker form, since my legs/hips were not going to let me stand up - they were seriously upset with me and refused to "go along with the program" - a real mutiny!! I will definitely look into it! Thanks!
Best Answer

@Rich_Laue I'm giggling and can't stop at the mental visual of a unicycle and arm hoops.  I am also 63 and am pretty sure a unicycle would do me in but good.  Ha!  Although it is an entertaining idea........

Currently Blaze plus Alta as back up which is THE perfect combo! One
Best Answer
@Rich_Laue - didn't see the unicycle part - now that's definitely out of my realm of possibilities. About a hundred years ago, I had a 3-wheel bike and I thought I'd be able to get one and use it after the 2014 hip marathon, but that's not happening in my universe! Since today is the 1st of the month and that makes me not stone broke poor (until I pay bills) BUT - I am going to go check out the arm hula hoops! If I get some, trust me, I'll move my Alta from my ankle to my wrist for arm hula hooping. Remember, making brownies from a box (without using a mixer) is good for 500 steps!!
Best Answer
A unicycle with arm hoops I should be able to do, never thought of that but I think I'll make a couple hoops soon.
Yes as or hoops are not easy to find locally, but there are plenty of people online that make them. There are many instruction videos also. It should not be hard to find a preteen or above that would help make a hoop of a smaller diameter.
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The Fitbit (I have an Alta) doesn't necessarily record steps by the swing of your arm. I believe it is the vibration from the steps our body takes. I walk my dog and it always records my steps when I don't swing my arm. Sometimes that arm is holding the dog leash and doesn't swing. On the other hand, we ride a motorcycle and I have topped 12,000 steps when all I've been doing is sitting on the back of the motorcycle. So go figure. I guess whatever works for you is fine.

Best Answer

@Marydu here is a link to a picture of one lady in a wheel chair working to lighted hoops, and a lovely first hand account with a quick video. I like this video better because it is full of ideas to get the mind thinking of the possabilities. 

Please do not try this maneuver, Aaron holds the record for a back flip, double back flip, and a forward flip. 
Best Answer

I once saw a guy wearing a Charge 2 and a Flex 2 in one wrist and a Surge and Alta in the other while wearing a One on his belt. I thought: "This guy is truly a Fitbit addict!". Have you seen someone like that? Smiley Very Happy

Santi | Community Moderator, Fitbit

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@Rich_Laue - Pinterest confuses me, but I looked. I could not believe the positions the way-way-younger-than-I-am women can get in! Then I looked at the wheelchair stuff - and the one thing you pointed me to, I was able to "cut and paste" the directions for making my own hula hoops. I'm sure I can do arm hula hooping - neck is definitely out, since it thinks it wants a 2nd surgery and I said NO and now it's mad at me, but the idea of using my arms, plus making it myself, is terrific. And, if I can't make it right - I have printed instructions for my house-fixer guy! Thanks!
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Just looked at the YouTube video of the guy doing double flips in a wheelchair - not a chance in this world that I'd ever try that! But with my improved mental health, since I can go places now, but will have to drag along a wheelchair for some (most) things, I'm thinking of looking into a lighter weight chair. I've got an old really heavy thing - that I can still manage to sorta throw into the car. Then getting the chair out gets tricky because it get hung up on car seat parts. But when I use the chair, I take my folding cane, so I can get up and walk if I need / want to, but still have a place to sit down quickly if I need to. I stuck a label on the chair with my name and address, then took a picture with my cell phone of the ID tag. Trusting soul that I am..............
Best Answer
Yes, I have some for sale, not arm ones, although never
Thought of arm Hoops. My
Hubby makes them, and I do the test
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