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You know you're a Fitbit addict when...

  • You pace the house to get to a particular figure before going to bed
  • You sit down when recharging as you don't want to 'waste' any steps
  • You park further away from the shops to gain extra steps


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~ Vicki ~
Fitbit One.
Melbourne, Australia
Best Answer
1,621 REPLIES 1,621

EVERYone of you are completely normal - now I'm glad it's confirmed that I am too!  Keep up the great work!


PS I once retraced my steps of a nine mile run and was two hours late for work because I thought I lost my One along the way.  Come to find out the entire holder had flipped inside my running shorts and the tracker slide out was stuck to my hip on the inside of my running short briefs 😄


Best Answer

Normal? We're all FItBit addicts!


At least you got more steps in your day, td!

Stepping in the U.S.A. since September 2013. Android 14

Best Answer

You jog in place while you are brushing your teeth.   2 minutes on the electric tooth brush twice a day.   I get 500-600 steps :-).    

Best Answer

Marc, I do that too, minus the electric part. I also find a way to make laundry last longer. Fold one washcloth, take it to the closet, return to the dryer and repeat. It's good for lots more steps.



Stepping in the U.S.A. since September 2013. Android 14

Best Answer

Ha! I am usually TERRIBLE at the laundry. My husband commented on how it's all done and put away immediately. I said, "I get like 300 steps." lol

Best Answer

sorry no 12 step program, but there is a 20,000 step/day program 😉



Best Answer

This is the perfect thread!  Yesterday was my first full-day of using my new fitbit.  At 7:30 I realized that I needed 1800 steps, I jogged around my house, with kids chasing me, and then then ran in place while making dinner.  I felt a little crazy but I was so excited to hit my 10,000 steps! 

Best Answer

I'm addicted after just 2 days.  I hope I STAY addicted!


Best Answer

Nichole, you fit in with the rest of us! More steps in your life is a good thing. You'll be healthier and stronger to keep up with the kids.


Welcome to FitBit!

Stepping in the U.S.A. since September 2013. Android 14

Best Answer

Runnergirl, this is an addiction you don't have to hide. Now you might need to explain why you're prancing about as you go to the restroom or why you're jiggling in line at the grocery store, but other than that, it's harmless.


Welcome to the FitBit Community.

Stepping in the U.S.A. since September 2013. Android 14

Best Answer

Or, you sit down and strum your guitar for half an hour. If you strum with the Flex on your strumming wrist, it'll recognize the movement as steps. I wonder how many "steps" the Edge from U2 would generate during a 2 hour concert?

Best Answer

~ you can't wait to get up in the morning to start your day getting in those steps

~ push yourself while exercising so you can see how intense your workout is


Best Answer

Welcome to the CRAZY Club. LOL.  I used to walk up and down our street in the dark (as it was winter) to finish off my steps rather than walking around the house.

31 KG's LOST as at 21st Feb 2014 . Do not return to owner it you find it.
Best Answer

Addicted - when

1. you have to buy all new clothes as you have gone down 2-3 dress sizes

2. your wardrobe now boasts a full range of fitness clothes including fluro that you would never have considered buying in the past.

3. you have a range of running shoes in various colors

4. you start buying fitness music to walk/run to

5. BEST OF ALL - you are addicted when you are FEELING BETTER THAN YOU EVER HAVE BEFORE and you know do activities you never would have done before.  Example - I did Paddle Boarding and got a sea kayaking day booked also.

31 KG's LOST as at 21st Feb 2014 . Do not return to owner it you find it.
Best Answer

OMG!  I almost did that last night to hit 10,000! 

Best Answer

Smiley Wink Love all the comments here

I took the kids on a 12km ride yesterday and I walked, they asked why I didn't ride and I said I don't get many steps whilst riding. We also went geocaching which found me more steps and once we got home I took the dog for a 3km walk. Cracked about 23,000 steps for the day.
I'm also guilty of putting the washing basket a metre or two from the clothesline so each item I get off I fold and walk to place in the basket. Then taking basket to room furtherest away from bedrooms and taking each persons pile of clothes to their room, one persons pile at a time.

I bought my children iBitz (cheaper pedometers) for christmas and they have worn them nonstop. They were both watching a movie the other night but pacing up and down the room, haha. Proud mummy moment 🙂

~ Vicki ~
Fitbit One.
Melbourne, Australia
Best Answer

you have fitbit one and you go one about it so much that for Christmas

you are given a flex and not one but two scales

best thing that has happened to me was  buying my fitbit


Kim C
Best Answer
-You "volunteer" to feeds the dogs because their food is located in the basement and you get extra steps AND one flight of stairs
-Your beer refrigerator is in the basement and you only bring one beer up at a time for you and your friends during the holiday celebrations so that you can make several trips up/down the steps to get the extra steps and floors
Best Answer

Addicts - every single one of us - addicted to FitBit!

Stepping in the U.S.A. since September 2013. Android 14

Best Answer

Best addiction ever!!! Comes with a unlimited step program and you are rewarded the more you go on

~ Vicki ~
Fitbit One.
Melbourne, Australia
Best Answer