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You know you're a Fitbit addict when...

  • You pace the house to get to a particular figure before going to bed
  • You sit down when recharging as you don't want to 'waste' any steps
  • You park further away from the shops to gain extra steps


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~ Vicki ~
Fitbit One.
Melbourne, Australia
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1,621 REPLIES 1,621

Donna - yes sometimes you just have to get your head around things and start to think completely different to what you used to. Excercise used to feel like the enemy to me, but know I've learnt that it is my friend. Depending on your weight, that 10,000 steps a day is something some need to work up to depending on their weight starting position and age. I'm now worked myself up to 25,000 steps a day (most days) but then I've gone a little crazy and am in training for a 1/2 marathon walk (with a little jogging - very little LOL). Would love to jog more but for me - my weight is still too high for too much of that just yet. Good luck - the power of positive thinking is a wonderful thing and seems you are on the right track. 

31 KG's LOST as at 21st Feb 2014 . Do not return to owner it you find it.
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haha yes!

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wow  25,000 steps that is wonderful....and almost every day too....I am quite impressed.  I normally can do the 10,000 steps rather is just the past two days has been very cold here in New york so most of my steps are in my apartment.  I am burning calories though....really watching what I eat.....I washed floors today and was amazing to see how many calories that took away....I am sure I will be up to 10,000 again soon.....good luck with your training...great job

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i've done five extra work orders each day this week at my job.  and walked the stairs instead of waiting for the elevators. knocking on the 10,000 step/ day watermark for the rest of the week. love my fitbit.

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I'm at work and my Force is charging and I'm putting off anything that involves me getting out of my chair until it's done because I don't want to miss any steps. And I keep pressing the button to see if it is done charging and yell "Come on! Hurry up!" when it still isn't.

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You know your an addict when you zig zag the last block of a block because your still short over 1000 steps
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Too funny. Im proud of myself. Almost up to 10,000 steps on this my day three. Finally was warm enough to walk outside. Heading out now one more time to walk my dog. That should do the trick. Cant wait to reach a zillion steps one day. Lol. xo
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Reading all of these comments is making me laugh...because it feels so good to not be alone in my addiction! ;D I'm stuck in icy/snowy weather here in Chicago but I keep finding places to go and get my steps in.

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I havent figured out the "stair count yet ."

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Hey Crystal G

Assuming that your Fitbit is a Force or a One, yes I haven't figured it out either but I do know that walking up inclines accumulate stair counts or floors as well as actually climbing up stairs, so I am interested how it works ( if it were stairs I'm guessing that the downward motion would be less than the upward,so it would know that your climbing stairs but is really sensitive enough to be capable of knowing that you have walked up a really long slight incline?) and how many stairs at what angle makes floors etc, having said that I won't lose any sleep tonight thinking about it ( again haha ) sorry Crystal is that even what you were referring to in your statement?

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When you get disproportionately angry at someone for knocking on your front door while you're getting dressed - not because they've disturbed you, but because in the rush to get to the door you forget to pick up your fitbit and LOSE A FLOOR!

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You know you are an addict - when they are fixing your tire and you can't sit in the waiting room and tell them you'll be outside - they just sorta look at you like - okaaaay.  Just constantly pacing to get my stepping in.  Love it though!

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- you hit the treadmill at 10:45pm for 4kms because you can't stand the thought of going to bed without all your smiley faces Smiley Happy

Every journey starts with a single step
- or 10,000 if you own a fitbit!
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@chuckfit & @CrystalG 

Fitbit trackers that count floors use an altimeter to calculate how many floors you've climbed. An altimeter is a sensor that calculates altitude based on atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric pressure decreases with increasing elevation, so the tracker calculates elevation gain based on the reduction in atmospheric pressure.  Your tracker registers a floor when it detects continuous motion combined with an elevation gain of about 10 feet. 10 feet is an average between residential and commercial floor heights.

If you climb a long staircase, you may find that the tracker's floor count doesn't match how many floors you've gone up because the floors in the building are taller than 10 feet. For example, if you climb 4 floors that are 13 feet tall (for a total gain of 52 feet), your tracker might tell you that you've gone 5 floors because it assumes that each floor is about 10 feet.
Note that Fitbit trackers do not count the elevation gains simulated from a StairMaster, inclined treadmill, or other stationary exercise equipment. Because your tracker uses changes in barometric pressure to detect elevation change, it requires that you physically change elevation in order to properly record floors.

~ Vicki ~
Fitbit One.
Melbourne, Australia
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Atmosheric pressure would explain why I was racking up 53 to 79 flights a day while walking the deck of a cruise ship on very rocky seas.  It really was as much work as climbing stairs, but only 10 -15 of those was actually climbing stairs.

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You also know you are a fitbit addict when your friends are tired of you talking about it and myfitness pal. Plus you start counting how many steps the long way is to the bathroom
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Hey V1CK1

Thanks for that info it all makes sense now ( I'll be able to sleep tonight, without counting steps I mean sheep ) and if I get asked now I'll have the correct answer.

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No more hibernating for me!!!....I have only been using my fitbit bracelet a week now....only made 10,000 steps once..NOT GOOD!!!!!!!!   I am here, I am alive....cold weather, gray skies....nothing can stop me today .... I am going to do my kettlebell workout right now....then get my sneakers on and get these feet tapping the entire day....Happy Monday everyone!!....!!!!!!!

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You take 2 very long steps/jumps to the shower instead of losing the 7-8 steps you could get in!  Need waterproof Force!!


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I've had my Flex for 3 days now, and I can't get away from checking my dashboard!  Also, the school that I work in has a "shortcut" through the teacher's lounge to get to the other side of the building that I've used all year, and today I thought, "Steps!  I must now always go the long way for Steps!" I haven't hit the 10,000 mark yet, but I only have 1800 to go and the day's not over yet.  I love my new FitBit!

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