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You know you're a Fitbit addict when...

  • You pace the house to get to a particular figure before going to bed
  • You sit down when recharging as you don't want to 'waste' any steps
  • You park further away from the shops to gain extra steps


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~ Vicki ~
Fitbit One.
Melbourne, Australia
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1,621 REPLIES 1,621

I've had my Flex for 3 days now, and I can't get away from checking my dashboard!  Also, the school that I work in has a "shortcut" through the teacher's lounge to get to the other side of the building that I've used all year, and today I thought, "Steps!  I must now always go the long way for Steps!" I haven't hit the 10,000 mark yet, but I only have 1800 to go and the day's not over yet.  I love my new FitBit!

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Guilty as charged.

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When you get up in the dark and don't want to head out the door yet so you do your daily stair goal while waiting for sun to peak out. I am totally addicted to my Fitbit and constantly challenge myself to beat previous personal bests.
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When you continue to walk to the far end of the building to use the bathroom, passing two perfectly capable bathrooms in the process. (Co-workers may wonder why you're coming down to their side of the building to use the bathroom...let them wonder!)


Last night I was so close to my first 20,000 step day (well past my high so far in 4 days with the Flex) so I decided to pace the house during commercial breaks before calling it a night.  If my neighbors behind me were looking out their window, I am sure they were confused why I was doing laps through the house.

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You force a manual sync of your device 10 times a day because you don't want to wait on the auto sync

Josh Hunt
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I am a fitbit bug. 


I know I am a fitbit addict when I step in place when I am talking to someone just to get my steps in.

When I walk around my house to get steps in.

When I pass by steps and turn back to go up and down them for know reason put to get my steps in.

Stepping is a bg word. I here the word and I get moving. 

You all have a good day and KEEP on STEPPING.....

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I do all of the above. My poor husband thought I was insane trying to get extra steps in on Monday night. 11:30 at night and I was pacing the floors (I had 30 minutes to get all my steps in). I park, around the block from my work, my co-workers are starting to wonder if I'm taking the bus - but found working at a desk all day, I can't keep my step count up, but this seems to work. And yes, it is Movie or Bed time if I have to charge my fitbit - I'm not wasting any steps I don't get credit for! 

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You print things to the office copier one at a time so you can make as many trips as possible and increase your step count

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Best addiction ever.  Am guilty of going out for another walk because someone passed my steps!  But the dog is happy!

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OMG, are you spying on me?  LOL!

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- my water glass at work only gets filled half way, so that i have to walk to get more and more and more.
- i get off the bus early and walk the last three stops. I have refused lifts.
- at the christmas party, i stayed on that dance floor all night. Even when there was nobody else dancing. Even when there was no music.
-I have worn out one wristband and i carry the broken pieces in my handbag like a secret trophy.
- i dont like to wear any jewellery, so i have never had a watch mark on my wrist. But i totally have a flex mark.
- I wear the empty wristband while its charging, cos it feels too weird not to have it on.
- my nieces and nephews will tap my wrist to see how my day has been when they see me, rather than say 'hello'. ( thats my fault. If they send the fitbit to sleep, i pretend to fall asleep myself till they wake it up again. So they love playing with it)
- took the kids to the museum for an entire day. They loved it and had heaps of fun. I couldn't help but feel like the whole day was a waste because my battery went flat on the way there.
- now i carry my charger everywhere with me too. Just in case.
- when my brother complained to me about his bad parking spot i said "you should get a fitbit. It will change your whole attitude to parking"
- i wonder why 'unfitbits' even bother taking a single step, if it doesn't count.
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I totally understand what you're saying. Have a charger in my truck. Amazing how many door dings I have avoided because I park father out. But I must say the journeying had helped me more than anything.
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Thought I'd share this youtube video with you all ... Things fitbit users say ...   Smiley LOL

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When you compete with yourself so hard you ache!! Been trying to better my daily flights of stairs all week. Went from 20 on Monday to over 130 Saturday!! My butt hurts.
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When you  can't find your charging thingy, are waiting on a new one from amazon,com - and the battery icon reads low - you start to feel panicky anxiety like you have lost a family member, and when the lights on your flex no longer come on and you have to take it off - you start logging your steps in your head and are afraid to go to sleep because - who will keep track of your sleep pattern????Cat Mad

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OMG!  I did that this weekend! 

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I am an addict too. I've still got the classic fitbit (poor things been superglued three times!) and looking forward to getting my Force. I'm trying to amp up my counts so that I can welcome my new Force with lots of steps to count 🙂

I got "caught" walking in figure 8s around tables at work (the ladies stuck in their desks all day didn't think it was fair that I could exercise and they couldn't). Now I just walk a few miles in the morning before they get in... After all, just standing WATCHING a machine run is sort of lazy, right? Yup. I think so too 😉
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Haha @MSNATRAT that video is gold!!! I luv it
and @AuntieMegs  I love your last line "i wonder why 'unfitbits' even bother taking a single step, if it doesn't count" - this gace me a good chuckle 🙂


~ Vicki ~
Fitbit One.
Melbourne, Australia
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Smiley LOL


LOL ... I'm glad to read I'm not the only fitbit addict!!

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I agree it's a good sort of addiction. Taking each dog out is a challenge sometimes. Sophie barely stops to sniff and Callie flies between potty breaks. But now with the walks being tracked I know I'll get the high intensity lines effortlessly...great feeling!

At work speedy walking is seen as a plus, even if you aren't rushing anywhere in particular. The other day I got the vibrating and light show by 7am...WhoooHooo. So happy doggies and happy boss and the dashboard pats me on the back every night, it's all good!

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