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10-25-2014 20:13
10-25-2014 20:13
You're half an hour from home on your way to meet someone when you realize that you aren't wearing your fitbit Zip, and you spend the next 10 miles seriously considering going back to get it. At that point the only thing that stops you is remembering that you can keep strict track of walking time/speed/distance and add it in manually.
Add to that the fact that when you get home and can't immediately find the fitbit (which was still attached to your pajamas), you enlist your husband to help search for it.
My name is Rae, and I'm a fitbit addict. However, I have no desire to change.
10-26-2014 15:32
10-26-2014 15:32
10-29-2014 23:32 - edited 10-30-2014 09:16
10-29-2014 23:32 - edited 10-30-2014 09:16
You know you're addicted to fitbit when after your wife threatens you with divorce for the umpteenth time, you're more interestend in logging in to fitbit to check your daily goals than discussing all the reasons you're a bad husband!
Addendum (the morning after):
I'm happy to announce that my wife and I made up and are not getting divorced, the Giants won the World Series, and yes, I did reach my fitbit goals last night!
11-03-2014 21:00
11-03-2014 21:00
Again, here I am at 11:45 p.m. with 19,600 steps in for the day so what do I feel compelled to do but watch around my house & driveway for 10 minutes until I pass the 20,000 step mark::) Yup, I'm adicted. smileyvery-happy:
11-06-2014 11:43
11-06-2014 11:43
LOL, I also sit when charging my fitbit in my laptop - but when I get up I take the fitbit (still hooked in the USB charger) with me so I don't lose any steps! I think I'm becoming an addict too!
@V1CK1 wrote:
- You pace the house to get to a particular figure before going to bed
- You sit down when recharging as you don't want to 'waste' any steps
- You park further away from the shops to gain extra steps
11-06-2014 12:01
11-06-2014 12:01
I have started charging my fitbit over night. I put the computer by my bedside so I can put the fitbit back on before getting up in the morning, or if I am on a trip, I charge it while driving. Almost sad that I have to plan how to recharge but not lose steps!
11-06-2014 17:51
11-06-2014 17:51
11-09-2014 09:23
11-09-2014 09:23
I find myself marching while watching tv here and there after work with my dog staring at me like I've lost it. 11:45 pm you can find me running like a crazy woman in my backyard if I need more steps. I wonder what my neighbors that can see over my fence are thinking. 18 pounds down who cares.
11-09-2014 21:42
11-09-2014 21:42
Ch59yl, same happen to me... i don't have large compound in my porch.. i run inside my house... living room to kitchen and then to 1st floor on all my rooms... back and forth... just because i accepted the weekend challenge fitbit with my friends.... though i did not get top 1 place, but 2nd place abt 800+ steps behind.
Keep doing what you feel the right to do, follow your heart... your neighbors won't complain as your steps not going to make any big loud sound... lol
11-11-2014 09:17
11-11-2014 09:17
When I use clock time on the treadmill to line up with 15 minute intervals as the fitbit dashboard does to track calorie burn easier!
11-13-2014 05:27
11-13-2014 05:27
Being lured to the scale in the morning and evening to check weight / body fat percentage. Believing 'today' not going to step on it and go with the flow, however the scale wins.
11-13-2014 06:03
11-13-2014 06:03
Okay--I am sorry--this does not go with this area, but I am not finding where I can post my question. On my computer at home--almost every time I want to sync, I have to uninstall and then reinstall fitbit connect. Can anyone help me figure why & correct this? There are times I have to do this several times a day! Any ideas will be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks everyone!!!
11-13-2014 06:18
11-13-2014 06:18
It's tricky to find out what exactly is causing the issue. With the Fitbit Connect Program it's possible to "export logs", these can help the Fitbit Team to find out why it's happening.
Feel free to contact them so they are able to assist.
Fitbit Support Team (Click here to contact by using the online form)
Monday - Friday: From 4am-8pm PST (US Time) | Weekend: From 6am-5pm PST (US Time)
Calling from US: (877) 623-4997 (Toll-Free)
Calling from Abroad (add +1, US Country Code): +1 877 623-4997
Costs can apply when calling from abroad (outside America).
Time Converter
URL: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/pst-to-cet-converter
PST (US) to CET/CEST (Europe) to BST (= GMT+1 DST) (London)
11-22-2014 13:03
11-22-2014 13:03
Alright, "Hi. I'm Lew and I'm a Fitbit Addict."
"Good afternoon and welcome, Lew!"
This is my OCD-like tale for today...
This morning, I planned on doing a 3.5 mile walk/jog in about an hour around my hilly neighborhood lake and streets. When I got to the end of my cul-de-sac where my house is at, I was at 3.57 miles. Seemed like a waste to be so close to 3.6, so I walked one more time around my cul-de-sac and ended at 3.64 miles.
During the mid-afternoon, I wanted to do 4 miles, but when I got close to the 3 mile marker, I decided to go for more. When I got to the 3.87 distance, I figured if I just went "a little further..." and then head for home, I could break 4.5 miles. I wound up doing 5.03 miles.
Tonight South East Outings is having a walk/hike on the Hillbsoro Trail south of Birmingham, AL. A two mile out and two mile back old converted rail line.
All in all, will probably have around 32,240 steps taken today and over 3,000 calories burned. Right around 13 miles.
11-22-2014 21:48
11-22-2014 21:48
If I am on th eway to work and either I have put on a bracelet and forgotten the device, forgot the bracelet in my rush, or the device is out of juice...yes I will call in late to return home.
11-26-2014 08:02
11-26-2014 08:02
I am so with you on that - I do ALL of that! I have been wearing my fitbit since October 2012 but lost it for the last two days. I was going absolutely mad without it. I felt like what a waste it was to walk without knowing how my numbers were racking up. Yup, it is a terrible moment to lose your fitbit. Happy Holidays!!
11-27-2014 12:57
11-27-2014 12:57
11-27-2014 12:59
11-27-2014 12:59
Here I am I'm happy to see that you're here @SunsetRunner I hope you can do as many steps as you can do
Want to get more active? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
11-28-2014 13:27
11-28-2014 13:27
Calling it an addiction sometimes doesn't seem right, but when I've done seven plus miles at work n' come home and yes if I walk the pups I'll be number 52 on my friend list instead of 61...yup it's addicting.
12-02-2014 19:54
12-02-2014 19:54
when I walk in place to do stantionary things like brish my teeth, cook and what not. Walk in laps at commericals. Offer to walk naighbours dogs and shovel their sidewalks plus mow their lawns...