05-17-2015 05:48 - edited 05-17-2015 06:04
05-17-2015 05:48 - edited 05-17-2015 06:04
im 27 years old and Ive just started using fitbit reason being i decided to quit smoking using the viapourisers, everyone says you gain loads of weight after you quit and being female and all that really was not a desired effect im self conscious enough as it is, so i came to the conclusion that fitbit could help me keep track of my overall fitness levels. my big goal now is to reach 0 nicotine intake and improve my fitness so i can enjoy life more and undo all the damage smoking did to my health.
it would be fantastic to be able to make some friends trying to achieve the same or simiar goals trying to stay motivated.
wishing you all the best guys
05-17-2015 07:01
05-17-2015 07:01
I'll joing you on your quest @no-more-smoke! I have to admit that is one of my concerns too, but after having a phneumonia scare, I really have to drop it.
Let's do this!
05-17-2015 07:14
05-17-2015 07:14
05-17-2015 10:00
05-17-2015 10:00
Best thing you could ever do for yourself. WTG being 8 days in!
Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit the Lifestyle Forum
05-17-2015 11:17
05-17-2015 11:17
I quit smoking 2-3 days ago. I figured doing this and smoking would probably do more damage then good. Plus ill save money with no having to pay for cigs, gum, body spray, a lung transplant 😉
yay for no smoking!
05-17-2015 11:20
05-17-2015 11:20
Wow! Respect to you guys for taking on 2 challenges! Quitting smoking AND fitness! Both can be challenging on their own! Hope you get lots of support. Can't really help much from personal expereince with quitting smoking, but can encourage and offer support. With any addicting sort of habit, it can be easy to replace one with something else, so maybe fitness can scratch that itch to smoke when it hits?
But also, don't just give up should you backslide (on either smoking or fitness) -- none of us are perfect and adopting new habits takes time, just as breaking old ones does. And sometimes those habits are can not go down without a fight....
Let us know what help you might need....
05-17-2015 11:27
05-17-2015 11:27
05-17-2015 17:17
05-17-2015 17:17
Very motivating nickname @no-more-smoke! The first time I tried to leave it, I couldn't. It was after the third time that I had success. Great that you have decided to don't do it anymore because the promise you made to your son. Good luck with your challenge!
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05-17-2015 23:11
05-17-2015 23:11
05-17-2015 23:12
05-17-2015 23:12
05-18-2015 08:56
05-18-2015 08:56
Congrats to you quitting smoking was the best thing I've ever done 🙂 I'm almost at a year now and if you just make sure your very aware of what you eat/snack on while doing this you can manage to do it without gaining weight and actually lost some. Some tricks that helped me 🙂 want a smoke .. go for a short walk and walk fast helps with the frustration of wanting a smoke. Really need a smoke ... brush your teeth with a very minty toothbrush. And I got some sugar free suckers so to not add to many calories.
05-18-2015 11:03
05-18-2015 11:03
thankyou for awesome tips will deffo try them out and a whole year is a massive achievement congrats XD feel free to add me the more the merrier
01-02-2017 01:20
01-02-2017 01:20
Are you guys still doing this? My brother and I, both still smoking and both recently bought fit bits are going to try to give up...it'd be great to have your guys support!
01-02-2017 01:27
01-02-2017 01:27
@MongolChrisThis was posted over a year ago. Might want to start a new thread
Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit the Lifestyle Forum
09-14-2018 09:36
09-14-2018 09:36
I am not sure if this post is new, so if not I apologize. I have smoked for 17 years or so, I’m 32 now. I began Chantix six days ago and it’s been incredibly helpful! I am down to 1 cigarette a day! My running has improved, I don’t get as winded easily, etc. I am irritable but that is probably due to the lack of nicotine in my body. I plan on no cigarettes at all tomorrow. Also, my resting heart rate dropped almost 8 beats per minute and this was just the first week so I’m excited for the future! You can do this! And it’s really cool that you can use Fitbit to see EXACTLY how smoking impacts things like heart rate! Best wishes! PS, just noticed many of these replies are from 3+ years ago so I do hope you were able to quit.. but if not, don’t give up and I would recommend Chantix 100%
09-14-2018 11:41
09-14-2018 11:41
09-14-2018 11:55
09-14-2018 11:55
09-14-2018 11:58
09-14-2018 11:58
Hey hun that's absolutely great I used a vampouriser to help me quits been non smoker for over 3 years now and have no temptations to ever smoke again x you can do this your doing amazing x
09-14-2018 11:59
09-14-2018 11:59
Yes this is still on going x
09-14-2018 12:01
09-14-2018 12:01