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Charge 2 switching notifications off/on randomly

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My charge 2 is going hay wire... turning notifications on and off all on it own. 



Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity

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KD. You are so correct. Rich has clearly not experienced this problem and is being a bit black and white. He says and I quote
“A simple random on/off of notifications is not what you are describing but is what the title says is happening.” He appears to be overly pedantic about terminology.

Personally, I posted on here when mine too was independently going on and off. Draining the battery in minutes. Flashing whether on a table or arm. It was indeed random in my eyes as it was outside my control. It rendered the Fitbit useless. Many people posting here know exactly what they mean by the word “random”. Rich is correct that some users turn it off by error. However “random” implies lack of control and for those of us who have experienced this problem, it is not helpful to either deny it, nor advise that they are on the wrong thread. This thread is full of people with the same issue.

I found a temporary fix but in the end bought a 3 Expensive fix but resolved.
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Hi folks, I too just got this same problem as most of you on my Fitbit. After reading most of these threads, I tried to change some stuff on my watch using the dashboard from Fitbit app. All in all I turned off the quick view tab on dashboard and so far it has seem to work. Maybe the sensor for quick view is malfunctioning and causing haywire? Don’t know but try turning off quick view on dashboard and see if this works. Good luck!

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Well it looks like it’s not working after all. It’s still going haywire. It looks like I need a new watch. I don’t think I’m going to buy another Fitbit knowing how many people have invested in these watches and failing in this manner. Can’t trust that it’s just not going to happen again. I have no problem buying products again that I might break on accident, but to buy a faulty product is another thing. Good luck in fit tracking lives!

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This is one of those problems that I just never got around to investigating till now. I had so many other issues with my Charge 2 that this just fell to the end of the list. Now at least I know I'm not crazy. My notifications are hardly ever on, and when I do turn them back on, I don't think they stay on for more than a day. No notifications has been the norm for so long that I barely think about it being a feature.


I was always more worried about accurate floors than this, but it's a shame that so many things are wrong that I have to pick and choose. The silent alarm is another "feature" that has never worked right.


In any case, it's time to start looking for a new tracker and I think I'll start looking elsewhere. My dogs Garmin collar has worked flawlessly for 5 years and she drags it through the mud, swims with it, and generally tortures it. Maybe they can make a tracking watch that actually works. It's a shame to have to change data sets, but it's probably worth the minor inconvenience in the long run. I'm just glad I didn't buy the fitbit scale like I was planning on.

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Totally agree....over 4 years I have purchased 5 FB products and all of them have failed. So far over $600 into devices that don't begin to perform as described, or fail early in their life. FB tech support always willing to up sell you on products but never admits or fixes the original defects. They border on criminal false advertising imo!

Sent from my iPad
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mines now doing this, going crazy!


Was this resolved at all? 

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About the same here. I have The Blaze now. So far so good. I will see if
the warranty ends
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My Charge 2 started doing this on Monday morning. Somehow through a combination of resets and charging I got it to stop. Well, it’s Wednesday night now and it’s doing it again, and nothing is making it stop. I use my Fitbit for sleep tracking, and I’m not going to be able to sleep with it buzzing every second. Very disappointed. 

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Mine started doing this on Tuesday. It had 3 lines through the screen last weekend so I tried to reset it three times when I got home on Monday and charged it overnight. The lines were gone on Tuesday morning, but the notifications buzzing on and off randomly began suddenly late that afternoon. (I guess I should have left the lines alone. That was a minor annoyance, but having the thing vibrate every second until it dies is much worse.) I reset it again, and the lines came back, but all the other notification and vibration problems continued too. 😞 


I bought a new Charge4HR on Thursday, but I’ve continued to fiddle with the Charge2. (If I was able to fix it I would’ve given it to my daughter.) I thought it might’ve been a firmware issue (because the Charge4 said it needed a firmware update last night) so I updated the app and reconnected the Charge2 device to my iPhone this morning. No good. It’s still doing the same thing (plus it’s now scrolling through all of its screens). 

I found this thread hoping to see if there were any other tips from people who had been successful in fixing their’s. Seems not. Looks like it’s time for the e-waste scrapheap. 😞 

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Hi so I have swit hed from fit it to samsumg due to these issues. In fact I made the switch two years ago. Just about like clock work, every year I get a raft of these notifications with the same problem. 


The answer from fitbit is it is out of warranty. Usually by about a month and buy a new one here is ten percent off.


No fix exists for it.

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With the Charge 2, simply holding in the button to long will change the status of notifications. Thus is usually why notifications get switched from off to on or on to off.

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My word two years later same answer. Go back to page eight and reread what we both posted then and have a think.

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Not relevant to this problem. Rich, you have clearly not experienced what users are talking about in this instance. We genuinely would not wish it upon you. There is NO fix to this problem and it is not user error. We had this same discussion 2 years ago when you tried to convince me that it was simply holding in a button causing my problems. It was not then and is not now for new people raising the query.

Fitbut acknowledged the issue and I was offered a discount for a charge 3 and took the offer and then unfortunately that New Charge 3 developed a display fault. Fitbit replaced it under warranty. Since then, I have had a trouble free time and have gone back to recommending the devices. I think there was a brief period of manufacturing problems, but personally I am happy that I remained loyal to the brand.
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With most saying that they have the same issue as most, inferring that there are multiple untelated problems 

Has the dirt been cleaned out of the button.


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So last time for me. The very first post us about it happening in a "haywire" fashion. My God how very pedantic do you have to be to no understand that the device sitting on a table is doing this on it's own. Page 1 post one. This is three years later and getting the same bland reply making it a non device issue and a user error.


How do I turn off notifications to my email from this community.

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Thanks. That’s not the issue I’m having. It’s doing it completely on its own (as seems to be the case with the majority of other posters in this thread). 

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For the record, my Charge 2 didn’t really owe me anything. I took decent care of it, and used it daily for 3 1/2 years. I stayed loyal to FitBit too and I’m enjoying my Charge 4 so far. Thanks for your feedback. Much appreciated! 

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I’m sort of wondering how to turn off the email notifications too (and I’ve only had them turned on for like an hour). Clearly you have the patience of a saint. Take care! 🙂 

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The only hijack is Rich. Most of us know exactly what we were talking about. I was there at the beginning. Notifications turning on and off at RANDOM continuously and draining the battery with no ability to use the watch for anything other than viewing a most annoying flashing screen. Rich seems to think that the watch is still usable and simply not notifying the user about an email or text! He is lucky. He has no idea what people are suffering.
Like you, I want to be removed from receiving irrelevant comments implying that I don’t know what my watch is doing.
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I was advised that the company knew about the malfunction. Their fix was to
only give 20 %off a new one because it was outside of the warranty period.
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