04-01-2019 14:35
04-01-2019 14:35
Hello, I can’t scan any foods with the barcode scanner on the Fitbit app so it’s hard to keep on check with my calories meaning it’s inacurste. I have already checked my location and it’s on UK
04-02-2019 00:29
04-02-2019 00:29
It will only work with the US food database I'm afraid. See the following help file for more information: https://help.fitbit.com/articles/en_US/Help_article/1276/
04-02-2019 00:47
04-02-2019 00:47
04-02-2019 00:51
04-02-2019 00:51
I'm not aware of fitbit giving any indication on when, or if, it will work for the UK.
If this is an important feature for you, have a look at MyFitnessPal. I believe this supports bar code scanning and has a good UK food database. It can sync automatically with fitbit.
04-02-2019 02:49
04-02-2019 02:49
Another vote for Myfitnesspal. I'm in the UK and have been using it for many years, it's not perfect but it works pretty well and the Fitbit integration is included in the free account. There is also "Lose it!", but unfortunately they require you to subscribe to premium to link your fitbit account.