04-21-2018 15:21
04-21-2018 15:21
My blaze used to have a choice of treadmill for exercise shortcuts. The versa does not have that as an option. Any ideas?
04-21-2018 15:29
04-21-2018 15:29
Hi @Jrnrnrt,
The Versa supports Treadmill mode also. It's probably just not loaded on the watch yet.
Go into the settings for the tracker in the app, and find Exercise Shortcuts. Once you're there, delete one of the modes you're not using, and then you can add Treadmill. Hope this helps.
04-21-2018 17:17
04-21-2018 17:17
Go to the Fitbit app on your phone - click on the square in the top right corner and then click on Versa. Scroll down to click on Exercise Shortcuts. If 7 are listed, you need to delete one before you can add one. Click on Edit and remove one. Then click on +Exercise Shortcut to see the list of all the possible ones you can add - Treadmill should be in that list. If 7 aren’t listed, you can just click on +Exercise Shortcut.
04-29-2018 03:59
04-29-2018 03:59
Thank you. Yes treadmill came up the second time I went into it.