05-25-2019 03:01
05-25-2019 03:01
Hi guys,
Had a hike on Wednesday, my Fitbit versa let me know I hit 10,000 Steps with fireworks as always, but when synced to my phone the details are very inaccurate... showing only 999 steps in total for the day?? But has logged the floors climbed (146) and the steps per hour in detail... how do I fix this??
05-25-2019 17:48
05-25-2019 17:48
@lougallagher53 Can you please go and check how many steps you have on Fitbit.com (in a browser). I think this might be a fluke with syncing. Keep an eye on your stats, but if this happens again, please check the site again as well as the number shown on your watch (swipe up on the main screen of Versa to access Today app).
05-26-2019 00:20
05-26-2019 00:20
Fitbit website also saying 999 steps for the day but also showing my climb in detailed steps between 6-8pm - very frustrating 👎🏼
I have screenshots but can’t seem to upload them, that would be a useful feature on here!
05-26-2019 17:41
05-26-2019 17:41
@lougallagher53 Check this post to learn how to add pictures. Fitbit.com represents the state of your data on fitbit servers. So if it's 999 steps there, it means it did not sync fully yet. Try rebooting your phone and tracker (press and hold the left and bottom right buttons until fitbit logo appears. For Versa Lite - press the back button for 10 seconds) and sync several times.
05-27-2019 01:24
05-27-2019 01:24
Have rebooted phone and Fitbit versa several times and still sadly saying 999 steps 👎🏼
05-27-2019 11:35
05-27-2019 11:35
@lougallagher53 Is the data missing only for Wednesday or for all days? It is possible that there was an error with the sync or on Fitbit side. Is the today's data ok? Also, just out of curiosity, when was the last successful sync - you can check this by going to your Dashboard on Fitbit.com and click on the Settings icon in the top right corner.