09-01-2021 16:09
09-01-2021 16:09
O meu versa não está mais funcionando, ele descarregou e quando coloquei para carregar ele não funcionou mais. Já fiz todas as limpezas recomendadas e tentei resetar mas nada funcionou. Existe alguma assistência no Brasil? Agradeço
09-01-2021 17:40
09-01-2021 17:40
Hi @Carolinacrz , nice to see you here. At this time the Community doesn't Support in Portuguese
We'll be happy to assist you in English, French, German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish in the Community while we work to provide support in additional languages.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
JuanFitbit | Community Moderator, Fitbit. Hat dir mein Beitrag geholfen dann markier ihn als Lösung und gib mir Kudos !! Habt ihr Tipps um fitter zu werden? Lifestyle Discussion forum.