08-01-2018 00:49
08-01-2018 00:49
Hi every time I swim my versa does not record the correct lengths , I think I have worked out it only seems to record front crawl and not wheni do breast stroke why is this?
08-01-2018 01:20
08-01-2018 01:20
The Versa should recognise the 4 main strokes (mine does) I think it is not likely to be the stroke it isnt recognising, but rather the turns. The way the Versa counts your laps is by counting your turns, so it it cant feel you have turned it wont know you have done a lap. I find the best ways to let it know you are starting a new lap are to either pause briefly at the end of the lane before you start again, or give a really good push off from the wall as you leave. The worst thing you can do it a seamless turn that the tracker cant recognise. Let us know if that helps you.
Helen | Western Australia
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08-23-2018 23:48
08-23-2018 23:48