06-06-2021 16:41
06-06-2021 16:41
(Versa 2)I'm using a Chrome OS 90.0.4430.218 Ver., but I can't seem to get the music to load, mine looks like a phone screen. Does anyone know how or why this is happening? It's like the screen got split in half and all of it got squished together.
06-07-2021 06:43
06-07-2021 06:43
Hi @melissaflowy - I’m not sure if there is a solution to your issue. Chrome is not one of the supported systems. Read here for more information. Can you possibly set your Versa 2 up to a mobile phone?
06-14-2021 07:10
06-14-2021 07:10
I might be able to a bit later. Thanks for the help.
06-14-2021 10:47
06-14-2021 10:47
@melissaflowy The Fitbit Connect software that you need to transfer music is not compatible with Chrome OS. It is only available for Mac and Windows. Unfortunately, @SunsetRunner 's other suggestion won't help. You can't transfer music from a mobile device.
Laurie | Maryland
Sense 2, Luxe, Aria 2 | iOS | Mac OS
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.