08-11-2018 03:54
08-11-2018 03:54
Hi I live in uk and have just bought the Versa ... i have iPhone 6 . So far cannot register Fitbit pay ...
gps just says connecting and doesn’t
i cannot respond to text messages , or recall them. The very reason I bought the watch was for gps text and pay . Can anyone help with fixing this . Bit cheesed off !
08-11-2018 07:17
08-11-2018 07:17
You can only respond to messages (Quick Reply) with an Android phone.
Connected GPS should work with your phone. Do you have the latest app update?
Fitbit pay is only available on the Versa Special Edition, not the regular version. That version does not have NFC capabilities.
08-11-2018 07:34
08-11-2018 07:34
Hi Debuk,
The issue with Fitness pay is the yes its only available "in the USA" with the special edition, but in Europe its available with all watches.
Turn the watch upside down and look on the back for the tiny words around the sensor and if it say there "Fitbit Pay" then it has the payment option.
But to be honest it sounds like you have no wifi or bluetooth connection and need to try to fix this. follow the instructions for setting up both bluettoh and WiFi and then try to connect a card if you have Fitbit pay type watch.
08-19-2018 05:48
08-19-2018 05:48
I do have WiFi and blue tooth which is great. Still just says connecting which I’m managing to accept . Do have Fitbit pay on rest of watch but card not accepted as the banks are a bit obscure other than Santander which I’m don’t belong to
08-21-2018 15:27
08-21-2018 15:27
If it says connecting it means I that it's not connected and its trying to. You are in the great "versa not syncing" problem and fit bit pay will not work unless versa and phone are syncing, ie connected
08-22-2018 22:43
08-22-2018 22:43