04-19-2021 08:26
04-19-2021 08:26
So to start, my versa is about 2 years old and was a hand me down from my mom. I figured it would have some minor problems like most devices would but it ended up working just fine and I had no problems. However, a week or two ago my versa stopped holding a charge (lasts about a day and half now at the most), and it stopped reading my heart rate.
I've cleaned off the sensor, I've done the three button restart, and the factory reset followed by a very long system update and it still doesn't read my heart rate. Is it just the age of the watch or is it faulty now? I don't mind the battery problem so much but the heart rate problem makes the watch pretty useless for me since I use a lot for working out. For sure out of warranty and it sounds like the refurb ones that Fitbit will send to replace brand news are typically faulty anyway. Do I bother with saving up for a new fitbit or do I shop for a different brand?
If anyone has had this same problem and have found a good solution that's worked I will definitely give it a shot! Thanks for reading!
04-20-2021 10:02
04-20-2021 10:02
Hi @bturner1
Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear you are having an issue with your Versa. To be honest it might just be the age (wear and tear) of your tracker. I found my first Versa to be a bit more fragile then the newer version, but that could just be me. I would suggest investing in a new tracker and I think you'll be happy with a single button and other advanced features.