Ability to switch from built GPS to connected GPS on Charge 4

Charge 4 comes with an inbuilt GPS and I see my Charge 4 battery drains out quickly. Sometimes, I carry my phone during my workout and I would like to connect to my phone GPS in order to save battery.

Please add the option of selecting inbuilt GPS and connected GPS.


Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity


@SrRojo I do need to use the App. Anytime I have tried to connect to the GPS from the Fitbit it doesn't connect. It just keeps saying "connecting" with the arrow moving. I have tried this numerous times and the only way that the GPS works is if I go into the app and start my exercise from there (Run or Walk). Otherwise it doesn't map my route.


@SrRojo It seems that @Croywil also has the same issue that even if he tells his Fitbit he is going for a walk, he has to tell the App too. So I am not the only person facing this issue.


I started with a charge 2 then went to the 3, that didnt have  the option of rearranging the icons like the 2 did,this  was never fixxed, and now i have the 4  and skeptical this gps issue will be fixxed.  Disappointed with fitbit. Maybe its time to shop around....


@SrRojo Actually it is related to this issue. If i was able to use the connected GPS from my mobile, I wouldn't have the problem of the internal GPS not connecting. As I previously stated, I have always been able to connect to my mobile's GPS from the Fitbit. That has always been an option and I never had to go through the App. I'm assuming most people who have upgraded from Charges 2 and 3 have always used their mobile GPS so I don't understand why this option has been completely removed.

First Steps

This is crazy there isnt an option for this. It is supposed to be a dedicated fitness tracker but cant track more than 4 hours of exercise? 

Why would you reduce functionality from the charge 3 and not allow phone GPS as well? 


I currently have the charge 2 which I am generally very happy with although gps sometimes drops mid run/walk. When I read about the dedicated gps on the charge 4 I thought it might be time for an upgrade. Whilst researching the charge 4 I read about the battery life issue in the reviews I thought surely there would the option to switch back to connected gps to save battery. Some googling to check and confirm before I made the purchase led me here, and I am very glad I checked. I was disappointed to learn connected gps is not available and unfortunately as others have said if this is not implemented then this will be a deal breaker for me. The technology is already available so I can't understand why this functionality has not been implemented from day 1. I also feel that there is a lack of transparency around the lack of this feature as it is not mentioned in any of the reviews I have read.

Please consider adding this functionality or as evident by this thread many people will be forced to look elsewhere. 

Stepping Up

A point well made, thank you Jackanory! Wish I had bought a 3 instead as comments indicate these changes don't appear or take a long time.


Totally agree that CHARGE 4 need toggle for built in GPS / piggiback GPS from the phone. Trackers GPS in not powerful enough and lacks accuracy - cutting corners often and messing up total distance and pace. Please add possibility to choose what GPS to use

Recovery Runner
Thanks. I just returned my Charge 4 and bought a new wristband for the Charge 2. Fitbit does quite get what their customers want.


Sent from my iPad
First Steps

5 hours is no where near what real-world gets you with GPS on.  I looked at my battery level before a run, 34%.  According to Fitbit's math, that should get me 1.7 hours of GPS time.  45 minutes later, my Fitbit is dead.


I would like to add an additional idea as to how to fix this to mix:

Have a setting that will default to phone GPS if battery reaches, say, 15%.


With my Charge 2, that would easily get me a day of activity, plenty of time to complete whatever workout I was doing and find a charger.

First Steps

Please add this Fitbit, why would you remove this when previous watches had it??? On board GPS is great but it drains battery life like crazy! This is such an easy software update to make, you can just copy and paste code from the charge 3, so easy that you guys could make it tomorrow if you really wanted to. Unfortunately, I don't think you do, as this post was made a month ago and you guys still haven't even made a proper response as to whether it is planned or not. I love my new fitbit but this is still very disappointing. Please add this, when I bought the charge 4 I didn't expect that you guys had the imbecility to remove the ability to use the phone's GPS, especially when the onboard GPS drains the battery so hard.


Hmmmm ... as there is no ability to switch form built in GPS to connected GPS on Charge 4 I will return my two devices and have a look on the charge 3 ... or some other trackers, which can sync to runtastic as well. 


This is extremely disappointing. So you’re telling me that for full day hikes, I basically can’t use the GPS, and for longer runs or walks, I have to make sure my device is fully charged?? This is ridiculous. 
Here I thought my Fitbit was broken. They don’t advertise their limited functionality very well. Every time I start a run or walk, I wait and wait for it to say “connected” then just give up and hit start. It ends up tracking the location, but my battery is drained by the end. 
I had the AltaHR before this, but really wanted something that could track stairs climbed. Debating returning my Charge 4 and buying a Charge 3 since no update is in sight. I only have a few days left to do this 😞 

Tempo Runner

@LizzyFitbit can we expect this soon or is this a nice to have?


for me it's not ok to have to charge it after 2x 1-2 hours walk. Because then it is empty 


Having accidentally damaged my Charge 2 a few days ago whilst wearing in the shower, I have been looking for its replacement. Obvious choice would be the new Charge 4. I am glad have checked for feedback in the community before making a purchase that I would almost certainly regret.


I listen to music when I run and almost always carry my iPhone. Therefore I have already a GPS with me most of the time. My initial tought was about the accuracy of the Charge 4 built in GPS and reassuringly this is likely to be equivalent to the phone GPS. So, the rare times I would run without the phone I could rely on accurate GPS data from the Charge 4, and this is good.


What is not good at all is finding out that one cannot select the option of not using the Charge 4 GPS and make instead connection between Charge 4 and phone GPS.  It seems that regular joggers now have to charge their Charge 4 every 1-2 days because built in GPS obviously drains battery charge.


The major reason why I opted for the Fitbit Charge versus other products (e.g. Apple watch) for the past few years is because of the amazing battery life of at least 5 days duration even using the Charge continously. I would be extremely disappointed if I had to loose this feature that for me should remain a major selling point. 


If I have to choose between a Charge 4 with built in GPS that needs re-charging every few hours and a Charge 3 I have no hesitation to favour the latter.


Dear Fitbit Moderator - could you please try and change my mind?


Fitbit has confirmed that connected GPS is coming to the charge 4 in the next update!




Good news but it would be great if they could be more specific and indicate when the next update is due. How frequently do they make updates?

First Steps

Absolutely desperate for this upgrade. I’ve probably had my Charge 4 a little too long to return it now, however very close to boxing it and going back on my 4 year old Blaze device, purely down to the battery drain. 


Is there any progress in using your phone's GPS with the C4?

I saw the suggestion: GPS: internal, telephone or off.

Hope there will be an update soon.

Recovery Runner

Any further update on this? It won't be hard to implement at all being that connected GPS exists on other models, and all that needs adding is the option to toggle between the two settings.

Recovery Runner

According to the following quote from the Fitbit moderator on this post, "this option will be available in the next update." As such, I wanted to know if the status of this feature suggestion should be updated to "Under Consideration" or something else besides "Reviewed By Moderator" so that it is clear that this is functionality is being worked on.


Thank You.

Recovery Runner

My honest opinion is that this won't be implemented anytime soon. Atleast not while the Charge 3 is still on sale as that would remove all incentive to buy it. I hope Fitbit prove me wrong. As it stands, very disappointing. 


The cynic in me is surprised I never thought of that. Although I am still hopeful it will be introduced as the charge 3 costs a third less in the UK than the charge 4 so that is still plenty of incentive in itself and I would imagine the Fitbit management are keen to shift as many units of their new product as they can and also minimise returned units.


Hola, acabo de cambiar mi fitbit charge 2 por la charge 4, no se conecto nunca a los satélites y trate de usarlo con el GPS del teléfono y ahora me doy cuenta de que no se puede. Era mucho más fácil de usar mi charge 2 con mejor duración de batería (insólito). Esto se solucionaría si uno puede decidir que GPS usar, integrado o del teléfono. Por favor no me hagan tener que cambiar de fitbit, los he tenido desde el HR en adelante y esto ha sido muy decepcionante.


Saludos JM Arancibia

First Steps

Definitely need this feature, in-built GPS is a bonus if i want to go without my phone but i'm highly disappointed i can't use my phones GPS like the older models as 99% of the time i have my phone on me.  Wondering if i should return it and get a 3 or a Garmin.

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