Able to rearrange order of individual stats rather than groups

The new design update is quite awful, in my opinion. The home screen can only be customized order by the entire group rather than individual items. This is so limiting. Please revert to allowing each item to be ordered independently.

Moderator Edit: Clarified subject


Absolutely. The user should decide what measures are most important. This new app is a step back, not an improvement. 


Absolutely!  The old app was great in the flexibility of customization.  It really made Fitbit stand out as an excellent app.  This new app has significantly downgraded the user experience.

Base Runner

Could not agree more.  In fact, I think the "new" displays are a mess.  The charm in the old displays was just fine for what the FITBIT was about.  They were easy to follow, concise and neatly layered.  The never-ending need to scroll in the new "system" is just confusing and time consuming.  Bottom line, the "NEW" approach basically "sucks"!  Simplify and consolidate for goodness sake ... !!!!  (Bring back the basics!)


I agree completely. It would help if I could fold away metrics that I only use occasionally. But the elements that I look at every day are in three different groups, so there's no way to put them together.

In each group, I want to turn off some items, and hide others with a button to open them. I also want to reorder items within a group. For example, under health, I want to put weight first, (I enter that every day). I want Health Metrics and Heart folded out of view. I've turned off the rest. And I want all the groups to take up less screen space!
Recovery Runner

I could not believe this when I updated. I want to see data from different blocks, in whatever order I want. I had to remove health metrics so I could see HR at the 'top' of the list, but because of this I can't view it.

I'm sure everyone who uses fitbit has their own customised dash with all their desired sats in the order they want and losing this flexibility is unfathomably short sighted

First Steps

I agree that the new app is a mess and I do not like the UI, but you can create customized view of don't have to choose a focus with the preset metrics. Just scroll all the way to the right and you can select the specific metrics you want from all the different groups. 


But you cannot order them as you could in the past. The options are limited. You can control the metrics within each group but you can only arrange them by group rather than metric. There is no reason why Fitbit should determine where a metric pops up on the screen. If I want heart rate close to the top and Health Metrics near the bottom that should be my choice, not theirs. As the app is set up, there is not even a mechanism for reordering the  metrics within each group.

It also does not address the absolute mess they made of each of the metric groups. Trying to look back over your step count history (especially if you
want to see day by day as I was accustomed to doing) requires continuous back and forth between screens. It is cumbersome, tiresome, and completely unnecessary.


There is not one good thing about this new app.  I cannot add an exercise, I cannot manually add to an existing exercise.  I have no idea where previous data is.  If I am going for a walk, I can no longer track the route I took on the map previously provided. There is much, much more about this app that is awfl but I'm too frustrated to write it down.

Base Runner

am with you. new app is awful and unusable. cant personalise it at all.....Fitbit, get it off pls.....

First Steps

Agree! Don't like the new design and functionality at all. I won't upgrade my device with this app as is. 

First Steps

Everything about this app is horrible! The fact that it just appeared wiith no option and no notice is inexcusable! No ability to rearrange dashboard, loss of day counts for hitting goals and battery percentage are just a few of the setbacks in functionality.  I’ve been a loyal Fitbit user for close to a decade but if this doesn’t get changed back to the old format I’ll be going to a different device….. probably Garmin or Apple Watch

Base Runner

I also agree with this. 

On the heart tile I don't want current heart rate as the main stat, I want resting heart rate.

And I want stats from other groups on the top tile, not all the other random heart stuff. To be honest that top tile is just getting in the way now as it doesn't have what I want.

On exercise I don't want average, I want max. 

First Steps

Totally agree. Not user friendly at all. I’m a graphic designer and work in tech. Fire your crew. 

First Steps

I agree! But removing the battery percentage from the Today page is the number 1 grip from me! But I wanted to rearrange the location of the calories, miles and active zone minutes icons but couldn’t—frustrating with several of the changes!

Base Runner

I agree. This new layout is a disaster and completely useless. Not only is there less information available at the top of the screen (hey, @Fitbit, that is NEVER what the user wants or needs), but all of the individual stats that I am interested in seeing are scattered throughout their assorted groups, meaning that I have to scroll forever and a day to see what I want and there is no way for me to put the individual metrics I want to see at the top. If I have to scroll AT ALL, then it is not a DASHBOARD. I need to be able to see at a glance on ONE SCREEN all of the information that I'm tracking. I should be able to take a screenshot and capture everything that interests me . There's plenty of room for it, but somehow, every time the layout of the app gets updated, less and less information is available at a glance.  And no, I don't need it to be "cute," or "pretty," or "cool."  (P.S. epic fail on all three there,  BTW.) I need it to be clear, comprehensive, and easy to read at a glance. If I am in the middle of an exercise session and want to check the status of a metric that I don't have available on my tracker while an exercise session is in progress (like floors, for example), then I don't want to have to be fiddling on my phone and scrolling to find it. That's not safe. That's how you trip and break your neck.

This is by far the worst update I have seen in the more than 6 years that I have been a Fitbit user, and to be clear, I have hated every update I have been forced to adopt.  But this?! I am so done.


Even if they make a change to allow us to rearrange, I’m not not a fan of the colors, the lack of battery life icon, or the arrangement. Please bring back our old beloved interface. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. I never saw anyone complain about the old interface. 


I agree with most of these comments.  The battery indicator was right there not having to click a couple of times to find it.  The past screen was more condensed to read. Perhaps make an optional choice if Fitbit wants to dumb down" their graphic display.  These graphics are so large they barely fit on screen.  

It took me a long time to get used to the last change. This is even worse.. Stop adapting to simple. 

Stepping Up
I want to be able to designate the order in which each ‘activity’ widget displays like I used to so that I don’t need to scroll down to see the widgets I refer to most frequently. Why, oh why did you butcher your user interface for the sake of your geeks’ whims? You’ve lost touch with what your users do with the application.
Base Runner

Agreed. It's a pain to use the the battery is hidden inside when you actually open up the page for your tracker/watch. And only full/med/low is much less informative than a numeric percentage.

Base Runner

Hopeful they'll bring this back but it's somehow doubtful.  They need their heads knocked together in the design department.  The layout looks like something a child designed.

First Steps

I am very disappointed the battery percentage has been removed from the Fitbit App.  I use this feature all the time.  Please bring it back.  I also do not like the new layout but I can live with that.


Agreed! There is too much clutter to sort through to find the info I desire. It is annoying. 


Tempo Runner

Agreed. Why take away the sorting feature?  It is now grouped by how "they" want items grouped.  It's like the antithesis of customer service. It is truly mind boggling how Google is destroying Fitbit slowly but surely with each new update.  The only thing they are interested in doing with Fitbit is sell you the "Premium" membership. 

I can just see them sitting in a meeting and a dominant boss says this is what we are going to do, so do it, and when one person says, well shouldn't we discuss it as it seems not customer focused. A break is called and they are ushered out of the room and building and the boss says, any other feedback ..... or are we just going to do it as Google wants it done ... 

Tempo Runner

Agreed, on the customers' ability to organize individual items.  Why would they group them?  What was the logic of taking away a customer's ability to group they way each of us wanted?  Taking away the functionality to how "Fitbit or Google" thinks you should be looking at it is mind boggling.  

Also, what is up with the childlike drawn interface?  

I think Fitbit and Google need to do so.e user interface meetings in person, NOT in CA.  

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