Add new lifetime steps, floors and distance badges

I hit Pole to Pole and Satellite more than 2 and 3 years ago. I just purchased my umteenth tracker - the Charge 4. I want some motivation to stay on this platform vs moving to Garmin - how about some new distance and stair badges to brag about.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject


Come on Fitbit! We need the next Lifetime Distance Badge after Pole to Pole! That doesn't sound unreasonable to me! How about "Two laps around Planet Mercury" for 19,044 miles!  


Moderator edit: added label

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

@Frandworkin Thank you for taking some of your time to share your idea.


Congratulations for reaching your Pole to Pole! badge. It would be cool reading what other Community members think about this suggestion.

Ultramarathon Racer

I agree.  I am no where near this badge, but it's time to reward Fitbit's loyal users with a lifetime distance badge upgrade (or two).


You don't need to wait for more comments.  You have the data on the servers.  You know who your high mileage users are.

Base Runner

This has been suggested (more distance badges) sooo many times by sooo many people!  15,000, 20,000, etc.  It doesn't have to be fancy.


This suggestion is scattered around this forum, and the bottom line is many, many people want this. In my opinion, we do not need new type of badges (like 1 Million stp badge etc badge that was suggested, this is just a variation of the lifetime distance batches),. Just add a few more lifetime distance (around the world would be a good an easy start) as well as some additional lifetime follor badges.


I would love additional lifetime badges.  It's not always easy to find friends to compete with and stay motivated together.  Having large goals that I'm chipping away at helps me keep stepping on a regular basis.  However, the pole-to-pole badge is fast approaching and I do not know how I'm going to reframe things once I've reached it.

First Steps

As a recent Pole to Pole badge recipient, I also ask what's next? It has to be easy enough to find something.


What about the radius of Neptune, at 15,300 miles? Neptune was second only to Zeus in power in Greek mythology and was the god of seas and earthquakes and was tireless. You could have something like "Neptune's Trident". 🙂

First Steps

I got my Pole to Pole badge eighteen months ago and have walked hundreds of miles since then. I am 71 years old and need the encouragement. Please add new badges!


Definitely add more badges. I am nowhere near the highest life distance badge, but I am sure, at my current rate, I could get to it in about 3-4 years. I still have a lot of walking ahead of me, so would love to see more badges in this category. 

Not applicable



Smiley Happy


I’ve walked 16,450 miles since May 2013. I’d live more badges after pole-to-pole. Nothing fancy; just a badge for 15,000; 20,000, 25,000; etc. 


Add more badges after Pole to Pole


I am going to hit the Pole to Pole lifetime distance mark sometime this fall, which will correspond with seven years of daily Fitbit use.   After that, no other lifetime distance badges EVER?  Seems a tad unreasonable.  Yes, fitness is its own reward, and the badges, although superficially silly, are truly a motivator for many of us.  


You definitely need more lifetime distance badges after Pole to Pole.   I mean, seriously, if you created a badge for the horribly unlikely achievement of 100,000 steps a day (which is close to the equivalent of running the Boston Marathon. TWICE), then surely the great minds at Fitbit can come up with some more lifetime distance badges.  Otherwise, strangely enough, you may find your users defecting to other Fitness device manufactures, just so they can "start over" and start chasing that manufacturer's set of milestones.  And I don't think you want that to happen. 



Well said! I received the pole to pole a few years ago and it’s mind
boggling that there aren’t any other distance badges. It just doesn’t seem
like such a difficult thing to do.
First Steps
Don't know how we lobby for it with the Fitbit Powers That Be, 😃 but I would consider changing fitness communities and starting from scratch.Perhaps the ecomonic argument is the only one that will compel them!If a new distance badge were added now, many of us would instantly qualify.My Fitbit account, based on a 70 cm step and my step number, puts me over 22,000 km lifetime!Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
First Steps

I got my Pole to Pole badge over 3 years ago and have walked thousands of miles since then. I am 68 years old and need the encouragement. Please add new badges!


Sadly, I have come to the conclusion that this saga is going to end in one of the following ways:

1) Fitbit will never add any more lifetime badges because they simply do not care what their customers think. 

2) Fitbit will add more lifetime badges, but they will do it at a random future date, long after all of us have given up - simply so that they can claim it was "their idea" and so that it won't look like they were caving in to pressure from their customers. 

3) Fitbit will add more lifetime badges, but only make them accessible for users of their highest-end devices - or as part of a rollout of a yet-to-be-introduced future device - in a brazen attempt to get all of us to pay for an upgrade in order to have our request for more badges to be granted. 

First Steps

beyond the Polo to Pole badge, there is only one goal left to achieve. The incentive for covering distance with the badges is rare and far between.

Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @rivuala, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback about adding more distance badges with us, this feature suggestion already exists so I’ve moved your post here to keep this board organized.


Fitbit could not try any harder to not satisfy their customers.  About all they can do other than not add badges for their most loyal customers is break in their homes and set their genitals on fire.  My god add some badges for christ sake.


Is it really that difficult or expensive to add a few lifetime badges?

Garmin issues new badges like sprinkles...

First Steps
I think they know they have us right where they want us. 🙂After all, how likely are we to migrate over to Garmin or Apple or Google and not transfer three or four years worth of steps?

Agree!  I'm over 30 million steps and 15,000 miles now, in just under 6 years.  How about "Equator" to start... that gets out to about 25,000 miles.  After that, start getting creative!   🙂 jcm995


Equator would be great.. and if they are lazy.. just do Equator x 2, Equator x 3 from that point on - so a badge for each equator completed, if they can't be bothered to come up with more names. 

First Steps
Do I sense a little momentum here?? 😊
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