Add new lifetime steps, floors and distance badges

I hit Pole to Pole and Satellite more than 2 and 3 years ago. I just purchased my umteenth tracker - the Charge 4. I want some motivation to stay on this platform vs moving to Garmin - how about some new distance and stair badges to brag about.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Base Runner
I really value the Badges as a motivator. I have achieved the lifetime climb and lifetime mileage badges. Please add more levels.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @reb124, thanks for explaining why you would like to have the option to see new badges for lifetime mileage. I've moved it into a similar request. I think that a lot of users would like to have this option on their Fitbit devices.You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs.


You might be also interested in voting for this other suggestion: Extended Lifetime (floors climbed) badges needed.


Thank you again for your participation in the Feature Suggestions Forums.


Considering this post is over 2 years old and still nothing has happened it doesn't look like it's ever going to. 

Base Runner
Very disappointing. This should be an easy add for FitBit. I don’t understand the lack of responsiveness

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Stepping Up

zero Content Jogger and reb 124:  

Something actually did happen: Fitbit introduced "Minion" character badges a few months ago. Yup - not kidding. When it first appeared on Fitbit app it seemed so unreal that I thought I'd been hacked. The step counts for these badges are low and meaningless.  

Fitbit obviously only cares about merchandizing vs spending a few minutes adding a couple of new "real" badges for loyal users.

Most of my Fitbit friends have gone inactive. Once you get all the badges, might as well switch to an Apple watch. I've had it with Fitbit's lame do-nothing approach to users who beg for badges that are free to deliver.

Base Runner
I agree. I earned two of those new badges and they are meaningless.

I will probably switch to an Apple Watch next time around.

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Recovery Runner

During the pandemic, I walked more than ever and spent some time analyzing how long it would take me to reach the Pole to Pole badge.  I didn't think to check the forums to see what comes next, I wanted it to be a surprise.  I remember thinking how it was going to take me sooo loooong to earn the Pole to Pole and then I did it!  And now what?  A big fat nothing.  Feels like the party packed up and left just as I arrived.  Nothing much else new to say after reading all the comments.  Knowing I was working towards a goal (even an arbitrary one) kept me going.  Yes, I could create a spreadsheet and set new goals for myself, but I'm disappointed in Fitbit for dropping us long haulers.....

Stepping Up

I gave up on posting here again on this same topic. FitBit has heard this many times and doesn't care. Two weeks ago I switched to Apple watch bec nothing left to strive for with FitBit.

Recovery Runner

I get it. I still use my old FitBit Flex and have another in the box waiting for this to die. I wish they cared more about their users but they don't. That said, I'm betting they are putting all their efforts on the premium stuff so they can make money. Badges and challenges earn them nothing. It's a shame but I'll stay with FitBit as I like the flex. I don't need all that fancy stuff. 


Andy in Peoria


I switched to Apple Watch 2 years ago and love the flexibility it gives me.  However, I still use a FitBit Zip as a step-counter only because watch-based devices usually "count" based on wrist or arm movement.  The AppleWatch does not count steps in the grocery store as my hand is on the cart.  The FitBit Zip does since is clipped to a pants pocket.  One thing to note, Google acquired FitBt some time ago so I expect to see Google introduce an Apple Watch type device using FItBit's knowledge.  Another note, Google acquired all of FitBit users' health data so be careful what you post and include in your data. I'm at 20,091 miles and 40,470,159 steps since joining FitBit.  

Recovery Runner

My FitBit flex, at times, doesn't count when I am pushing a shopping cart. but it's very old and I don't expect much. I don't want an apple watch or the fancy smart watches. i like Flex in that it has no screen, nothing. you forget about it 

Base Runner
I now have an Apple Watch as well. Getting ready to drop my FitBit.
First Steps

I would like to see another “ stairs” badge or two. I’m already at 2 x Satellite and could use the motivation.

First Steps

Agree wholeheartedly! It would be great to have more lifetime step badges beyond Pole to Pole. Give your most long-standing Fitbit users something to keep motivated! 


do you know how many pole to pole badges have been awarded?

Recovery Runner
I expect to get the Pole to Pole badge this year. But have basically given
up on FitBit doing anything useful here. I started a yearly challenge on
Facebook and issue cumulative badges for the 12 month period, so restart
with Marathon, so that you continue to "earn" badges through the full year,
even if I am just awarding them to myself (and the people walking with me.

Avi F
Base Runner
I now use my Apple Watch. New challenges and awards!

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Recovery Runner

Definitely time for a new distance badge. So so excited to have just earned Pole to Pole. I need a new badge to aim for. Please design one soon. Thanks.


I posted my comment about Fitbit needing to add another badge a few years ago.  Lots of comments even a few from the supposed moderators.


Nothing.  This company is a rudderless ship.


After seven years of being a dedicated fitbit user I switched to apple watch on sunday.


It is amazing Fitbit still exists.  I am picturing a small office with one server plugged in.  Zero employees.  One day that server will go down and Fitbit will be no more.


Have not really figured out apple watch yet, but I will.


Sorry Fitbit it was okay while it lasted.


Note:  There is no badge after pole to pole coming ever!


It is very hard for me to understand that such a small issue like adding a few more badges that would benefit the most loyal users of Fitbit is so difficult. Fitbit should realize that this is an increasing demand the more people will hit the last badge. So Fitbit, please see the writing on the wall...

why not around the world?
First Steps
Congrats on new badge! 👊🏻

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First Steps
Lol. Likely so on the fit office….
I’m still using one - as well as an apple and garmin fenix 7 - total addiction. Running Boston in 4 weeks - likely with my fit bit and fenix. Only reason I use fit bit is to join other family/friends in some little competitions.

Sent from my iPhone
Good luck with that! I earned pole to pole May 2017! They told me they have
no plan to add more distance badges. I can’t figure out why. It should be
easy enough. Hope you can get them to reconsider!
I just earned the Pole to Pole badge. I have no plans on stopping using my FitBit, so I would love to have more Lifetime Distance badges to aim for. How about an Equator Badge? A Pole to Pole to Pole Badge? There has to be other lifetime distances FitBit can come up with beyond those too!

Moderator edit: Clarified subject
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