Adding caffeine tracking

I would love to be able to track caffeine intake through the day. I don't really track my food intake so much, but I would enjoy being able to see how the tea/coffee/etc I drink through the day impacts onto my sleep!


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You might be able to use the "custom tracker" feature to do this now. Extract from help:



Set Up A Custom Tracker

Custom trackers are available to log anything for which we have not already provided a tracker. Examples might include how many grams of sugar you eat in a day or whether or not you smoked.

To create a custom tracker:

  1. From your dashboard, click Log at the top of the screen.
  2. Click the Add custom tracker link in the upper right corner of the Log page.
  3. Enter a name for the item you'd like to track, the unit used to measure it (such as "milligrams" for caffeine), and choose a tracking type (either "number" for tracking quantity or "yes/no" for tracking whether something occurred).
  4. Click Add Log. Your custom tracker will now be visible on the Log page beneath the standard row of default tracking options.

Custom Tracker notes:

  • When selected, your custom tracker will display a graph to compare the last 30 days of data.
  • Click Edit or Remove next to the custom tracker name to change or delete your custom tracker.
  • Unlimited use of one custom tracker is available to all Fitbit users. Fitbit Premium members have access to unlimited custom trackers."
Premium User
First Steps

 I look forward to getting my vessyl and entering in its info for all my liquids. The custom tracker sounds useful. I hope there is a simple way to log the accumulated daily liquid levels next year.

Premium User
First Steps

Please add this! Just like is done for calories, fat, fiber, etc. That way I don't have to make a custom tracker. Caffeine's in so many foods and I don't have that extra time. If I did, I wouldn't need all the caffeine! 🙂

First Steps
I'm currently trying to conceive and if successful would really like to cut my caffeine (some of the cut is obvious I know), but it would be nice to have this as an option in either the Fitbit or the synced my fitness pal. Am I missing this or any chance it will be added soon?

Agreed, please just add the Caffeine content to the food database. So the total can be seen on the Food "Daily Totals" section.

Hi what about a part of the app/dashboard that let's you track daily caffeine intakes e.g.cups of coffee had.
Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hey there @ZoeLouMoo I think that a coffee log would be great, it would be so useful for coffee drinkers and  to determine how caffeine affect our activity. 


If you have any other great idea, don't hesitate in visiting our Feature Request board. 


See you around! 


hi could we have a coffee goal. i know i drink too much of it but to have a separate part not in the log the food part would be good.  thank you 

Not applicable

I'm a big fan of Coffe and I do really like this feature request. Thanks for sharing your thoughts in the Feature Request Board. I encourage you to keep participating in the Forums.

Recovery Runner

This post is over a year old! How hard can adding caffeine tracking be?!? It also integrates into your sleep cycle. You can correlate sleep and caffeine intake.




Add my request for Caffeine tracking and an entire new system for requesting and voting on features that FITBIT would actually aknowledge and integrate. Change the way requests are made and show the voting. Yes I took the time to make an image. Thanks.




The ability to track caffeine intake (mg) and when to stop for a sleep goal. 

First Steps

Yes similar to up coffee. Tracks intake they calculates half life in the body so you can regulate your caffeine and when to stop before bed time 

First Steps

Coffee consumption should be incorporated into the app and that consumption should be noted on the heart rate chart (as should meals)

First Steps

I couldn't start up a custom tracker and I would really like a caffeine tracker implementation that also distinguishes between different types of tea and coffee. Thanks.



Recovery Runner
I agree, the caffeine track is an easy add. There are more than likely additional features higher up on the to do list. No worries.
Not applicable

Caffeine is the N.1 world drug, so is very important for everyone the ability to track it along the day.


Plus, caffeine is very good to raise the basal metabolic rate but an excess can lead to problems, so is FUNDAMENTAL the ability for the athlete to track it.


Congratulations Fitbit. You have managed to to disregard over 3 years of requests for a simple add on. You have removed the custom trackers add on ?????  You wont allow for a user end voting system that can be seen by all to keep you honest an accountable for simple add ons. Address this request!!!!!! It is now coming up on conspiracy theory time. We all know what too much caffeine will do to us. Do you have a board member or are ALL board members invested in caffeine based products and they don't want the exposure of it's consumption??? Give us something..... I wrote this while drinking a second cup of coffee that I can not track on my fitbit. Wonder if the apple, samsung products let you track caffeine hmmmmmmm. 

Not applicable

For caffeine I use directly apple HealthKit.


I think the google app has this feature too.


Only Fitbit app is lacking this : D

First Steps

Please add this to the FitBit app!


In terms of implementation, simply create another section that works the exact same as the one for water. Click to add another cup of coffee, tea, energy drink, etc.


Reasons why we NEED this:

1. Sleep insights. Am I sleeping better when I stop drinking caffeine before 6pm? Am I sleeping worse when I don't get my fix?

2. General tracking - I like being able to look back a month later and see what changes I've made.

3. MyFitnessPal doesn't track caffeine, so I need to write this info down somewhere.

Status changed to: Third-Party App
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @ZoeLouMoo and commenters, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We’re excited to let you know that this Feature Suggestion has been developed by a third party developer, and can be downloaded from the Fitbit App Gallery available on Fitbit Smartwatches. You’ll find it by selecting your connected Smartwatch in the Fitbit app, then choosing the ‘Apps’ tile and toggling to ‘All Apps’ at the top of the screen. You can then explore third party apps by category and choose your favorite of the relevant options available. Happy exploring!

You can also explore our Fitbit Premium programs, in particular, habits for restful sleep, which allows for monitoring of caffeine levels and provides recommendations.



First Steps

I really don't think I should have to buy a Fitbit "smartwatch" to get something as simple as caffeine tracking. Compared to the other standard features, I cannot imagine it's that hard to assign a caffeine value to the existing caffeinated beverages in the food database, and then feed that information back to users as a daily tally. Seems like a lot of bang for a pretty small buck. 

First Steps

 ^ Also meant to say before I clicked "post" that a huge value of the Fitbit is having all fitness information in a single place to cross-reference information. Including caffeine tracking would make it possible to cross-reference sleep patters with caffeine intake and, voila! Caffeine and alcohol are two major factors in sleep disruption. Being able to see the correlation on the Fitbit dashboard / sleep analysis would be invaluable. 

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