Allow import of GPX/CSV/TCX files to Fitbit account

As many people continue to convert over to the FitBit community, they bring with them months and years of previous workouts stored in various other platforms. For example, I was an avid user of SportsTracker, however their lack of flexibility with AppleHealth importing had me switch to FitBit. I have several workouts from all over the world that I would want to keep.
It would be great if these workouts could be imported to FitBit, counting toward their overall journey.
Most platforms export to a GPX or similar file. It woudl not be too difficult to impliment an import page on the website for past workout data to be imported (bonus points awarded if we could import multiple files at once!)

Moderator edit: title and labels

Premium User
Base Runner

This would be very useful. 


My GPS keeps going screwy and shows me darting about all over the place. It would be nice to download the TCX file, tidy up the mapping and re-upload to replace the messed up GPS data with where I actually ran. 

First Steps

I would love love love to see this happen! I have been using jawbone for 3+ years and the only reason I have not yet converted to fitbit is because I don't want to forgo all the data I have collected.  


Implementing this feature will bring a lot of jawbone hold outs over to the fitbit community! 


Still would like to see an easy import of csv directly from jawbone. the alternative via fitnessyncer is way to complicated. 

First Steps

Sample thing but it's big to us , I hope to listen to us and see this option soon in Fitbit dashboard. 

Not applicable

Yes please make a way for us to import data from a 3rd party. Manually logging over a years worth of data can be time consuming and frustrating! Please!

First Steps

Smiley Frustrated I can't believe this isn't an option already, I am tempted to put this new Blaze I just bought on eBay. I didn't do enough research before buying it. I have several hundred dollars invested in a high end Garmin GPS and excessories for tracking and planning my cycling routes, even more on a Smart trainer to pair with Zwift. Bought the Fitbit so I could integrate the the resting heart rate, steps and sleep patterns with my workout data. I already have Strava and Garmin Linked and data from the Garmin uploads to Strava, my Zwift rides also upload to Strava. I saw that I could link my Strava account to Fitbit, and that Strava would upload without GPS data to Fitbit. Thought great lets buy one, then do my first ride on Zwift, only to discover the Strava data only uploads if recorded in the Strava app. So my Zwift rides and Garmin Recorded rides won't sync, all I can do is mannually log the time/distance/calories burned. So disapointed if I knew this prior to the purchase I wouldn't have bought it.

First Steps

I can't believe this isn't a feature already.  My Microsoft band is dying so I will be buying a fitbit soon.  Gutted though if I can't bring across my (2 years of) data.  

Not applicable

People who like to track stuff, like to TRACK stuff. If you want to attract these people to switch to Fitbit, offering them an import so they still have their data and can keep goals going and streaks streaking makes good sense. We don't want to "start over" with Fitbit. We want to upgrade and continue. Please don't force us to start over by choosing Fitbit.

First Steps

I was considering switching from Withings to Fitbit. However the lack of import 4 years of my data from Withings (csv) to Fitbit is holding me back. For your developers (with an existing API!) this is only a few hours work. Shame...


First Steps

I concur that this would be a great feature. It seems a bit of a shame that you can export your steps to other platforms but not import data to Fitbit. 

First Steps

My Microsoft Band 2 died the other day - a great device that I liked and used daily since Oct 2015.


Lots of rich data there which I have exported into Excel and I want to import to my 1 day old Blaze account - I can't until you provide me with a .csv import - please make a new customer happy by implementing this simple feature.



Stepping Up

Yeah I'm in the Band 2 bandwagon as well.  Mine more or less died finally and I just jumped on with Fitbit last weekend.  I was pretty disappointed to find there is no way to import my Band data.  I really like the my Charge 2 but not having this feature is making me rethink my purchase.  I tried FitnessSyncer that has been mentioned.  It's works but the data you get on the Fitbit side is not great.  You lose all the important parts like GPS data, heart rate over time during your run, splits.  All you really get is start/stop time, distance, avg HR and steps.  I think Calories is calculated once it's imported.  But no GPS data was a deal breaker.  So I removed my sample dataset and will just use MS Heath for reference.


I also tried MapMy* and Endomondo, but those will only send new activities to Fitbit, not history.  Or at least I couldn't get them to send anything old.

Not applicable

Allow import of GPX/CSV files to FitBit


Vote!!  Fitbit seems to only look at "votes" to determine new features.  No common sense.  No looking at what the other trackers are offering.  If all they see are the votes and they don't have anyone from Fitbit reading these community forums, then we have to VOTE to be heard.  Please vote so we can get this changed.  It's a deal breaker for so many.... Maybe they will hear us if we get numbers behind the vote!


I have 2 years worth of jawbone step and sleep data, and withings (scale) weight data that would be nice to import .


Would also be nice to sync with Apple Health.


Before Fitbit I tracked my progress in Excel so this would be a great feature to have.

First Steps

I vote for this option too! Strange thats its not in place yet. 

First Steps

I used a Fitbit clip-on tracker for a few years.  Then both it and my watch were dying at the same time so I went with a Withings Activite Pop.  I've used that for almost three years, but now I'm going back to Fitbit with the Blaze.  It would make a lot of sense for me to be able to import almost three years of Withings data into Fitbit without having to enter it all manually.


I place my vote.

First Steps

it is nice to import a run if you forget your fitbit.  For instance i use endomondo to race myself and i have a gpx file i could import into fitbit.


I am just moving from Jawbone to Fitbit and have 4 years data in .CSV format that I would like to import into Fitbit, so

@axemangraphics wrote:

As many people continue to convert over to the FitBit community, they bring with them months and years of previous workouts stored in various other platforms. For example, I was an avid user of SportsTracker, however their lack of flexibility with AppleHealth importing had me switch to FitBit. I have several workouts from all over the world that I would want to keep.
It would be great if these workouts could be imported to FitBit, counting toward their overall journey.
Most platforms export to a GPX or similar file. It woudl not be too difficult to impliment an import page on the website for past workout data to be imported (bonus points awarded if we could import multiple files at once!)

Moderator edit: title and labels

i too vote for this option


First Steps

Yes please!!!


I have been an avid Fitbit supporter for the past several years.  However, recently I bought a Garmin for running and would love to have the ability to integrate my Garmin statistics into Fitbit.  I don't necessarily want to wear both devices on a run and it would be great if Fitbit would allow an input feature.  Currently all I see is the ability to export.  Any suggestions or further developments? 

First Steps

The fact that Fitbit has been around long enough to implement this and still hasn't makes me wonder who they have working on their software dev team. Its not that hard. Just make it happen already.

Recovery Runner

 It's a business decision

First Steps

This feature is fundamental to continue to attrack users to Fitbit apps and products.
It's good that you allow the data to be exported so that users can use it in other apps but not allowing users to import data from other apps means I will stick to the other apps and never transition to use yours. Even beyond that, it will affect my purchasing decission when buying my next tracker.  Do I want to use a product that allows me to migrate my history  and have all my data in one place, or one that will only allow me to track the present?
And so this features is necesary for your own self-interest. It boggles me that you are waiting for users to request it to get it done.

First Steps
Nicely said! I couldn't agree more! Already looking at others that support
this plus water proofing!
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