Allow non-consecutive hours on Hourly Activity goal

I love the new hourly movement goal. I would like to suggest that instead of having the goal be X consecutive hours, it could be either the total number of hours within a day or within a period. For example, let me select either:

  • 250+ steps X hours per day (e.g., 12)
  • 250+ steps X hours within a specified time period (e.g., 9 of 12, and I pick the 12 hour time period)

I work in an office, which is why this goal is so important for me. It's way too easy to sit at my desk all day. So this is a great movitivator to get up and move periodically. But a single hour-long meeting in the afternoon makes it impossible to achieve this goal. And knowing that I don't have any chance of acheiving the goal diminishes the motivation to move during the other hours.

Thanks for your consideration!

Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label


If attending a meeting or driving long distance, you cannot always do 250 steps in an hour. It would be handy to be able to click "skip one hour" or "move one hour forward" when that happens, so that you could still have your 250+ steps rainbow turn green at the end of the day, provided there are more than 8 250+ step hours.

First Steps

It would be awesome to be able to have more customization in which hours you choose for the hourly step goal notification.  For example, it would be nice to choose a different set of hours for the weekend vs weekdays if you like to sleep in and stay up later on the weekend. It would also be nice to be able to choose non-consecutive hours.

Premium User
First Steps


Please allow a non-consecutive option for those of us who at times have to remain seated during certain periods.


I think allowing us to choose how many hours a day we want to get our 250+ steps without having to choose  a consecutive hours time period makes the most since and is the fairest solution for everyone.  A night shifter may get most of their time in on night shift during the week but on days on the weekend.   

  A person (not only office worker but  factory, restaurant, hospital and such supervisors, nuclear plant workers, firemen/women, etc.)  could have 1 or 2 hour meetings, that could make them unable to reach this goal.

 Some nights I can't sleep at night but if I sleep days I have to set the alarm to wake me every hour to hit my goal!!!  This is not healthy.  

  Let me just say I am going to do 250+ steps 12 times a day or whatever and do them at the times I am most active, be it day or night.  As it is now I miss a lot of the hours that are set consecutively!  I do get the steps in most of the time but don't get credit because they are not consecutive for the 12 hours I am FORCED to choose. Be fair to night shifters, seniors (who have varied sleep cycles)  swing shifters, and people with jobs who may have shifts that change week to week like fast food workers.

   Fitbit would be a lot more user friendly and support a healthier life style if you take into consideration that we are not all  9 to 5 people, and even those who are  may have instances where they cannot exercise at the time chosen.

  Exercise is not the only way that Fitbit can help, but by letting people get sleep when they can if they can't keep to a schedule  for whatever reason!!!  Waking up to an alarm to exercise  becsuse I have to be on your schedule is not improving my life!!!! Please just let us choose hours to do 250+ steps and drop the consecutive hours nonsense!!!  Giving ALL fitbit users an hourly notice to move makes so much more since then forcing us to pick a cosecutive hour schedule that is of no benefit to us under many circumstances.  Thank you.

Not applicable

I would like to see customization on the times for reminders to move.  My day is interrupted in the middle but I am most active in the morning and in the evening.  I would like to be able to choose Blocks of time (like 6 hours in the morning and 6 hours in the evening) so I am not wasting reminders on a time block when I am required to be still and pay attention.


I would also like to see a setting where we could put a goal of "10 hours between 7 am and 7 pm" or something like that. Sometimes I get stuck in a meeting in the middle of the day and it ruins the whole thing for me. 


This would be great as school often gets in the way of me doing my steps as there at certain points throughout the week where I am not allowed to leave class for two hours.


Yes, please add this! 


My situation is exactly the same as Alyss's.  I have a full-time job and meetings to attend, so I can't usually string all the hours together.  I just want to log 10 hours a day and have it count for something, not make it look like I missed a goal.

Recovery Runner

I'd also like the ability to add steps to my hourly goal.

First Steps

yes - please add customization to all devices.  I am looking to create a reminder once an hour for breathing exercises and ability to choose the time of the day for these reminders e.g. daytime hours

First Steps

I would like to be able to determine how many steps I want to take when I get up from my desk. I can't always do the 240. Sometimes I need to do less, sometimes more. Thanks

First Steps

I love the reminders to move, but can they be non-consecutive over a period of time?  For instance...10 out of 12 hours for a goal, so we get credit even if we're stuck in a meeting and miss an hour?

First Steps

I think it would be good to allow at least two different reminders to move to be set to allow for weekend hours vs. weekday hours. For example, My workday is 7:30-3:30 M-F, but I'm certainly not getting up that early on a Saturday! Or, even better, allow people to customize hours for each day since people don't always have the same schedule each day. 

Stepping Up

This is truly the toughest goal to make. I'm lucky if I make it once a month 🚶🏿

First Steps

Just like the water and step trackers change color as you get close to your goal, can you make the same color changes for the Activity per hour (250 steps/hour).  It is demotivating to see my 10 of 11 hours of activity still red -- I'd like to get a little "atta girl" for the hours I did accomplish!  Thanks!!  🙂

Recovery Runner



I sometimes wake at 7am and go to bed at 10pm   and other days I wake at 9am and go to bed at midnight.

It would be nice if you could designate a 15 hour period or 16 hour period  (or change periods daily without losing the "streak"  of active steps)

I have succeeded the 14 hour streak for the last 6 days, but because sometimes it was 9-11 and others 8-10, it does not show that my total for the week is 100%.  It either shows missed hours at 8 or at 11.

If my work schedule alters from 2-11 or 7-5  it is even worse than my results.  I think that the "results" should be static at the end of the day ..and the period could then be reset daily without ruining yesterday's or last week's results


I too think it should be customisable.


Several days a week, I work from 4 till 8am, then sleep for 4 hours, then I'm up for 10 hours before 4 hours sleep.

I walk my dog for hours of an evening but that doesn't get credited if I go of an evening. 


Why only 14 hours anyway, ideally people sleep for 8, active for 16, so why only count 14???!


And surely we should be able to choose different hours for different days of the week?! 

First Steps

Being able to set 2 reminders to move an hour... to chose the timing of each reminder, and the amount of steps, and the days of the week, all of this would be awesome!  To actually do 14000 steps a day, which is my goal, I need to do about 1000 an hour.  If I had two reminders per hour for 250-500 this would be much easier.  All in all I DO love this feature, but I'd just like it to be more customizable.  Peace!


I need this also, great suggestion.  In addition, I can't always get up every hour in the office.  I would also like to customize the times to remind me, like every two hours instead of every hour, which is more manageable.  This would make the device more usable without eating up my day.  I cannot possibly stop working and walk around for 15 min every hour at work, but I want reminders for me to get up and take a break. Thanks!

I love this comment!!  I've been thinking about this since the day I got mine!  My issue is like many others: 45min-1 hr hour drive to work- Same or more on the way home!  I have to plan it just right in order not to miss my 8-6pm setting!  And I feel horrible if I miss it!  I would love to see a customization selection. This would also be great for weekends since I'm not up until about 7am-8am and sometimes later if they let me! The other thing I would love to see is a reminder 30 min to go and then again at 10 min to go.  Sometimes when it buzzes I'm like OH CRAP !!!  At work it isn't always feasible to take a long enough walk so I find myself 'jogging' in the bathroom stall!  If I had a reminder at 30 minutes, a quick walk to the kitchen would help!  There should also be a way to see how many you got for that hour.  Sometimes I would be so motivated to see that I CRUSHED IT 10 minutes after the hour!

Stepping Up

Pretty stupid that this doesn't exist, if i get in a meeting mid day and can't walk. i loose that day even though the next x hours i meet all the hourly steps, same for a drive. Come on already.

Tempo Runner

This is similar to another suggestion, but fits my needs better. It sounds like setting a target number of hours to be achieved sometime during a time frame that has more hours. IE: 8 hours during 8 AM to 9 PM.

First Steps

I realized when you change the time to start tracking active hours it changes for the whole week. On weekends I don't wake up at 4 in the morning to start my count. You should be able to set certain hours for individual days. 

First Steps

I agree about the 250+ Steps.   I love to see my rainbow turn green at the end of the day.   I have mine set for 9:00 am til 9:00 pm.  Should get green rainbow for a  least 10 or 11 of 12 hours.  So discouraging to miss an hour early in the day and know you won't get your green lights.


First Steps

I too need the ability to set a second Move Reminder per hour, but for me it's at five minutes (in addition to ten).

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