Allow to adjust font size on Luxe display

Although the clock screen is big and clear, the important stats (why we purchased the Fitbit to begin with) is microscopic.
Allow an option to increase font size or even rotate stats, like steps, horizontally so it can be easily read while moving.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

First Steps

Yes! Totally agree with all the comments here about the new update and font size! Makes it so hard to read now because of scrolling.

Please Fitbit find a way we can pick a font size for stats and notifications! Smaller font size works way better for the smaller Luxe watch face! Thank you!

First Steps

Absolutely agreed. I got in touch with support this morning and they told me that the font size is intended. It looks horrible and like a mistake. Whatsapp messages only shows 3 lines and they are huge. Fonts are elongated and pixealated. Extremely unrefined UI. I stopped wearing it today. If it's not changed, I'm gonna sell it and buy an Apple watch this time. Bought the luxe only because it is super dainty and pretty, even without Spotify controls. Now it's completely useless to me.

First Steps

I agree that font size needs to be customizable. Notifications are almost unreadable now because they're limited to one word per line. I loved my luxe up until this point, but text notifications were a major reason why I bought it. I want to be able to get the gist of a message from a single glance, instead of needing to scroll through large font

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @GraceTheMoon11, thanks for sharing this suggestion about adjusting the font size on your Luxe to your preference with usThis idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestions board, so I’ve moved your post here. This will help us to make sure the suggestions don't get confused, or split a popular vote. Please click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

First Steps

This thread was initially complaining that the font size was too small. Now that the size was increased, a bunch of people (myself included) don't like that it's so large that not much can fit on the screen. It seems the easy solution is to just add an option to choose between the initial smaller or new larger font sizes.

First Steps
So we are halfway there. The font size has been increased, which is helpful when trying to read data while active. Now to fix the scrolling and data not fitting entirely on the screen. Turn the text to run parallel to the long length of the Fitbit face. That way one doesn’t have to turn their arm into their body to read the text. It would also allow for complete read outs of data without scrolling.

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

The font size should be made adjustable - not increased unilaterally! After the recent update it looks like the font on the Luxe has been increased with no option to change it back and honestly it looks awful and really jarring with every word having to scroll across the screen! Please make this change optional. 

I think the problem Fitbit has, in this case, is that they skimped out and used a very small display (it’s actually smaller than it looks. If you put it up to a light you’ll see it takes up only half the surface space) and painted themselves into a corner.
By cheaping out on the display size, they sacrificed the features most needed in a tracking device; reading stats.

It’s a shame. Honestly, I regret purchasing this model.

Good thing I still have my Fitbit One. At least I can read that screen easily. They didn’t screw that one up.
First Steps
I agree wholeheartedly!

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First Steps
Allow the option to toggle between the old font size and the new, bigger font size.
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @anonymouskuduthanks for sharing this suggestion about being able to adjust the font size on your Luxe with us. Because this idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestions board, I’ve moved your post here. This will help us to make sure the suggestions don't get confused, or split a popular vote. Please click on the thumbs-up to show your support.

First Steps

I just got Fitbit Luxe and it’s impossible to read stats while working out. I’m returning this. It’s unusable.  Seriously, did fitbit do any user testing?  I was so excited to see larger screen. This is a huge disappointment 

First Steps
I agree. I wish I had returned mine, instead of waiting to see if there would be a better fix. There was an improvement in font size but not enough of an improvement in readability, adjustability and usefulness. Looking pretty isn’t enough.

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Recovery Runner

It would be so helpful to allow font size to be adjusted.   I had the Alta and the display was easier to read.   I need glasses to read anything other than time on the Luxe.  

There are a lot of different threads about the same problem.  




Is it possible to open a defect on this?   Basically the font size for steps, heart rate, battery, etc is too small on the luxe.  There are not any clock faces to increase the font size.  

How quickly can this be resolved or is it better to return the device?


First Steps
This has been an ongoing problem. Actually the font size was increased. You should have seen it before!! Now to get it adjustable! It would be nice to have the text direction changed as well!

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Recovery Runner

Is there still no movement on this? The interface is completely unusable. Barely anything is visible on the screen when using this larger font. There's not even a single thing in the main menu that can be shown without scrolling horizontally. That's a pretty clear sign of defective design. I'm curious if this larger font was even internally tested by Fitbit before being released to all their users? And now we've been stuck with it for months with no recourse?


Please give us an option for the smaller font size. Or at least a way for us to downgrade the firmware.

I’ve given up hoping.
I believe it’s because the actual display screen is much smaller than Fitbit would want you to believe. If you hold it at just the right angle you’ll see light reflect off the actual display hidden behind the black camouflage.
It’s a very tiny screen.
Poor design.
I regret purchasing it.

(In fact, I made the mistake of buying the Versa too, thinking “bigger screen and more features.” Maybe so, but for an iPhone user, it’s pretty awful as far as integration goes. Ie; you cannot get call notifications onscreen without the callers voice routing to the crappy speakers on the watch. In other words; if you get an alert on the watch that you have a call; you can’t pick up the the call on your phone and have a private conversation. WTH??!!
And, half the time I have to fight with the watch just to get it to wake. The turn to wake feature doesn’t always work and the menu system is maddening.)
Bottom line; I think the old design dept must have retired and the new design dept has become lazy.
No more Fitbits for me.
First Steps

How do we get a response from FitBit to acknowledge the unreadable font size?  Just bought luxe cuz I love the sleek look of it.  But it's useless to me except to tell me the time because the font is large enough for that.  I want to know if and when this will be fixed so I can decide whether to keep it or not.  Hello Fitbit?....can you talk to us please!

I gave up.
They can’t increase the font size because the actual display, hidden under the dark camouflage, is too small. Hold it to the light and you’ll see just how small the display element really is.

They make it sound like, “if this gets enough attention/votes, we’ll consider making a upgrade.”

Not going to happen.

On top of that, the clasp that holds the strap on is not very secure.
One wrong move and the band pops right out.

So, chances are, you’ll probably lose the device before you ever get them to answer here.

Like others, I’ve moved on … to another device.
First Steps
This is an ongoing problem. I wish I had sent mine back. The design is faulty and I don’t believe they are able to accommodate customers.

Sent from my iPhone
It is hard to see the stats - heart rate, steps, date etc... on many of the watch faces. If you can't make and adjustment with the current watch faces, please create one with the features.
Status changed to: Needs More Info
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @RaeofLight. Thank you for sharing your Feature Suggestion with the Fitbit Community. We aren't sure on what Fitbit device you'd like to see this idea implemented and we'd like to understand this idea better. Please reply with the model of your device and more specifics on how this idea would work. We appreciate your feedback and look forward to your response.

My suggestion is relative to the LUXE model.
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @RaeofLight, thanks for taking the time to clarify that you'd like to the ability to adjust the font size of your Luxe display with us. Because a similar idea was already requested in the Feature Suggestion board, I’ve moved your post here. Please support this idea by adding your vote, this helps our developers to keep tracking its popularity and demand over time.

Recovery Runner
Luxe is illegible when moving. Barely legible sitting still with glasses on. My 6 year old was even having trouble. Why cant you provide an option that looks similar to Alta stats?
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