Ankle mode

Please make one u wear on ankle then u would get all the steps. When u are in a store with carts such as grocery, target etc it won't record all the walking one is doing with a cart. I have to try and push with one hand!! They can have pretty but functionally ankle devices some can be practically for a guy and pretty like an ankle bracelet for a women!!! Please develop this!! Soon!!


Moderator edit: Subject for clarity


So if I'm understanding the comments, putting it my pocket will also track, including bike riding. I'm confused Dave by your comment that "I have to be careful Not to have it in my pocket when riding".. is that a typo ? b/c I would think you'd want it in your pocket to track your riding...

Thanks Everyone for input.. I'm going to try it in my pocket when I'm on the elyptical machine without using the arm movements and see what happens. Will let you know.

First Steps

Maybe a newer version of the device could include a GPS type measuring device so it can show true distance movement. 

In the current Flex device, if you wear the Flex all the time, it gives you steps during non-step activities - like raking leaves, washing dishes, sedentary arm exercises.   The best example was seen on a recent episode of "Big Bang Theory" where one of the characters attached it to a robot piston wheel that did the walking!



When im riding my bike, indoors or out, I log the rides through MapMyRide. If I have it counting steps, and calorie burn, plus MapMyRide calculating calorie burn, i'm getting double calorie burn credit. Therefore, I take it out of my pocket at the time i'm riding.

Having said all of that, you can certainly leave it in your pocket, if you only use fitbit for tracking bike pedal strokes.

I walk and bike everyday. 5 miles walking. 10-15 miles biking.

I hope this clarifies.


Happy Connecting. Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S® 5

Yes clarifies. Thnx

Corinne CourySent via mobile device 


Glad to help. I've had my Flex going on 2 years. That was the problem I discovered, no steps counted holding onyo the cart. And, ever tried steering a cart on handed? Lol

Good luck. Any other questions, I'd be glad to help.


Happy Connecting. Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S® 5

First Steps

I would buy this!

Distance Runner

I would say yes hurry and make an anklet unit. I think people trying to wear the wrist units may well be where most are getting broken 

Recovery Runner
When wearing shoes or boots with elastic laces, I clip the fitbit one to a lace, & pull the adjacent lace over the free end to keep the One in place. One pair of boots has decorative belts on the sides opposite the zippers: I clip the One to one of those liittle straps. These methods give me higher step counts, for the same type & duration of exercise, than clipping to waistband, & far higher than clipped to bra strap or placed in breast pocket, which yield the lowest step counts. An ankle strap would work with any footwear, and on bare feet.
First Steps

To: Fitbit Staff


I'm a software engineer (professionally and as a hobby) so I'm constantly typing on my laptop. My problem is that the metal clasp on my Fitbit Charge HR has been scratching my macbook a little bit while wearing it. I try to put it higher up on my forearm but would much rather have a fitbit ankle option. I would use this as an additional device and, given the size of the Charge HR, feel it's slim enough that you could tuck it into a sock for those concerned with the "prison anklet" look. 😉  Would _love_ to pay another $150 for an additional anklet device! Please help me help you!!!!

First Steps
Since spinning is difficult to track it would be wonderful to have the ability to put it in spinning (stationary bike) mode and place it around the ankle. If course the wrist band would be able to accommodate. Spinning classes are an amazing calorie burn and 113 cal is not accurate in 45 min.
First Steps

Ankle Fitbit would be nice......  I work for a company in which we are not allowed to wear watches and or rings etc, unless they have a breakaway band (meaning the band MUST breakaway from your body if it gets attached to a object to prevent injury) a ankle 1 would be awesome cause it would be protected by my work boots therefore it would never have a chance of getting attached to objects (my boot would be first to be attached before the fitbit)

Recovery Runner
Hi, duskstriker, Good idea. With the Fitbit one, I do notice better registration of steps when I either clip it to the laces if I'm wearing shoes with elastic laces, or to the decorative strap of a boot. With the laces, besides being slid onto the lace, I also stretch the lace onto the open end of the device, to keep it clipped securely. A tiny rubber band serves the same purpose on the boot strap. When wearing the fitbit one on a foot or ankle, if there were an anklet holder for it, (or for the Charge, as you suggest), more steps might be recorded. That's what happens when I've tested wearing the Fitbit One on the foot vs on the waistband, in pants- or shirt pocket, or (lowest recording of all), on the bra strap.......using the same workout equipment for the same time period & intensity. Sent from my iPad mini
First Steps
All of my friends and I are really hoping that Fitbit makes an ankle band!!! Most the people I know clip their Fitbit onto their shoe laces. It appears it counts steps more accurately when worn on there vs. the wrist!!!!

One of the major problems that I see with step counting on my charge is the counting of steps and the resulting distance/miles travelled. If I am just walking at a normal pace it is reasonably accurate but when I exercise and walk fast ( I usually do a mile in from 12.5 to 14 minutes ) it doesn't come close to being accurate in my step count as my arms don't move back anf forth as many times as my feet. You can adjust the step distance which could more accurately get the distance but doubt that Fitbit can overcome the problem between arm swing and steps for fast walking or running.

I am going to try the fitbit in my pocket to see what difference that makes. A concern though is using running shorts is that it might bounce out and be lost.

Much better would be placing on the ankle. Maybe Fitbit or some enterprising company could come up with a velcro ankle holder   for our fitbits similar to the phone arm bands but smaller and light weight. They should probably actually include an ankle holder in with the initial purchase package

First Steps
I have experienced a similar issue. When I am pushing a shopping cart in the grocery store my arms are not moving. Therefore my Fitbit does not count my steps. Suggestion was made to use the pocket but I honestly don't always have a pocket. Of my own design I used my Fitbit on my ankle using a ribbon I could tie it on with. That did work for me but sometimes it does come apart. I wrote to Fitbit with a response about doing the calculations manually. Quite honestly I couldn't follow their lengthy directions. I don't have a Velcro Fitbit but that certainly would do the job.

Sent from my iPhone
Totally agree, anklet, heck even make it cute!
First Steps
Please develop an ankle Fitbit!,
First Steps

Please Please PLEASE make an attractive fit bit to wear around ankle. I use and elliptical and like to read so I am not moving my arms.  An ankle fit bit will solve the problem!! 

Thank you in advance!!!!

Recovery Runner
My "work-arounds"  thus far have been to use any of the following options to hold the  Fitbit One, depending upon what footwear I have on: 1) Slip FB clip between layers of elastic shoelaces;2) Slide clip onto decorative bootstrap, securing open end with a small rubber band;3) If not shod in either of above, I put the  FB1 in its Sleep Band, & wear it around a bare ankle, covered with a sock if necessary for warmth, as is the case this season here in Laos Angeles. 
Sent from Outlook Mobile
Not applicable

I would love a fitbit anklet! I hope you lovely people at Fitbit create one and if you do, I will totally buy it! I work in a position that has me typing most of the day, and my fitbit wrist band seems to interfer with my typing or moves around too much if it is loose with all my typing going on. If it were on my ankel, it would be one of those, out of sight out of mind types of things, but I would still feel the vibrations from meeting my goals and/or my alarms going off. Smiley HappySmiley Very HappySmiley LOLHeart 

Take care all.


I find my fitbit is more accurate fit steps on my ankle as my hands are often occupied and don't register steps. I know you're supposed to wear it on your wrist but realistically, thus doesn't help mom's like me. Is love one meant to be worn safely in my ankle and with cute options
First Steps
I moved the wristband to my ankle and used a rubber band to make it stay. My steps are more accurate but you should make an anklet band!
First Steps
I bought an ankle Fitbit holder from Etsy it slides thru a sleeve and snaps on. Love it so accurate!! I had the other one kind of like a ponytail holder but it got loose over time and even fell off ankle twice till I replaced the band but this one will last forever, will never fall off!!

Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

I have noticed that when I wear my bit on my arm, I sometimes miss and or receive credit for steps.  I miss credit when my arms are not moving, even if Im walking.  For example pusing a grocery chart, or carrying a stack of papers, boxes, or clothes.  Likewise while in the shower, I receiver credit for arm movements, not steps.  


As a result I have taken to wearing my bit on my ankle.  I get credit for all steps.  I love it.  However, the charge is a little large.  It looks like a small ankle bracelet.  I wonder if there are plans to design a sleek ankle model.  I would love to participate in the tests.  THis is my second tracker.  I had a flex, and upgraded to a charge. Screen Shot 2016-02-19 at 10.30.58 AM.png

Would love to see an ankle band made.
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