Blaze display for Iphone app

I use my i-phone when walking to see progress toward goal. I am 65 and need to use reading glasses. It would be great if we could adjust text size just a bit. And disable display at night. It would also be spectacular if we could display time of day. The phone does have time above the app window but again for the 50 or so million people my age or older its of no use. I walk outside in winter a lot, my blaze is covered by cloves and such, so not so convenient to see time on it. Again I have the phone in my hand and would be great to see time, I am always on a time crunch to get done. Now if you really want to go over the top add a window to the app that can pull in the weather channel's radar and temperature. Outside I am looking for rain or storms.


Moderator Edition: Format

Status changed to: Not currently planned
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Moderator Alum

Hi @ecjsn5754, thanks for sharing this suggestion. We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and we appreciate all of the input we receive from our customers. We do not currently have plans to release this feature. You can learn more about how Fitbit decides what suggestions get released in our FAQs. For now, we will leave this suggestion open for votes (and closed to comments) so that we can continue to track community demand over time.


Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will let you know if anything changes. Woman Happy

First Steps

Just like everyone else, my Blaze lights up throughout the night with quick view turned off. Probably a pillow pushing one of the buttons or something. It's annoying and clearly I'm not the only person irritated by this. You've received complaints about this for years and have done nothing but tell us to turn off the device, which disables the sleep monitor.


My suggestion is to include in a future firmware update, the ability to completely disable the display on command by pushing all 3 buttons at once for a few seconds to disable and then repeat the same step to enable. When disabled, the only time the display should light up, would be when the silent alarm goes off. I can't imagine anyone accidentally turning on the display while sleeping if all 3 buttons have to be pressed at the same time for a few seconds. Problem solved. Happy (and repeat) customers. 

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Impossible_Girl, thanks for taking the time to share why you would like to see this option with Fitbit. This feature suggestion already exists, so I’ve moved your post here. While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.


I hope to see you around.

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